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Friday, July 08, 2022

How to Supercharge Your Conversion Rates

eCommerce business owner working on a computer and a smartphone with a cup of beverage of the table.
You know what? Most marketers are always not too happy about conversion rates. Many always want to have something done to increase conversion rates. This is because it is very important to the growth of any eCommerce store. Even a little increase in conversion rate can make a world of difference in the fortunes of any online business. This is why many eCommerce store owners always worry about what to tinker with to increase conversion rate no matter how little that increase is. It is usually a matter of tweak a little here and there, add here, remove there or try this or that to see what gets the required results. What you can tinker with is quite unlimited really.

Well, expert marketers like to caution that it is not right to attempt to make all necessary changes at once. It is best to make one or two tweaks then wait for the results to come in. You can then move on to the next tweak in an experimental order then see what that yields as well. Following are tested and proven ways that can help supercharge conversion rate for your eCommerce business if you handle them right.

Always Write Very Clear CTAs

Call-to-actions, CTAs are the “business magnets” on a website. Online, no doubt you have come across catchy phrases like “Vote here”, “Opt for coupon”, “Buy now”, “Subscribe to newsletter”, “Download eBook”, and so on. These are clear CTAs urging website visitors to take desired action. If you want to directly improve conversion rate on your website, your CTAs must be short, precise, clear and crisp enough to tell visitors exactly what to expect when they take the invited action. For best CTA results, the links must follow through. If you use a “buy” CTA, be sure it leads users to your checkout page and not to another service/product page. Similarly, a “download” CTA should give users direct access to the promised material without any barriers.
Diligently Build Trust

Only a business built on trust stands a good chance to grow and to endure. A vital element of any high-converting page is trust. Irrespective of how great your marketing message is, if the readers don’t trust you, your page won’t convert. As a marketer, you must therefore take deliberate steps to work on and preserve the trust element of your marketing messages. You can gain a lot of trust from social proof and excellent copywriting. Make sure all your mission-critical pages clearly show this. This is exactly why expert marketers always advise business owners not to joke with their business missions, business photos and brand logos. These and audience product reviews and testimonials are hugely important to the trust element of your business. They help conversions a great deal.

Avoid Shoppers’ Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis is a marketing parlance that refers to the inability shoppers to make a decision for reason of either having too many decisions to make or having too much data to analyze and they end up not making any decision at all. A mild state of confusion really and many shoppers do become practically unable to take a decision. This state of affairs can be brought on when shoppers are faced with too many competing products at a time. Knowing quite well that internet users are notoriously snappy (only a matter of seconds per page) in their searches, it serves best to help them take a vital decision even within the short span. Usually, when online shoppers can’t find what they are looking for quickly, they quickly move on and in most cases to a competitor. So what to do? It is always advisable to follow a marketing rule of thumb: “one page, one central message”. If you have several products on sale, it is best to create a page for each of the products. That’s about the best way to avoid shoppers’ analysis paralysis and it helps conversions.

Regularly Tweak Your Copy

Online marketing is always a very dynamic and very fluid business because of the nature of the internet itself. This is why you must regularly tweak your copy for it to remain relevant. At times, this tweaking may just involve some changes while in extreme cases, it may be a complete rewrite of the entire message. If as a business owner, you may not be good at this, you can hire the services of professionals to help you out. This is because copywriting is a fairly technical marketing element closer to science than to art and it needs very clear formulas for it to be effective. What you want is to increase conversion rate for your business, so if you have professionals that can help you out, then that’s really great. All they need do is to make your pages high-converting and your conversion rate improves.

Make Your Data Forms Brief

I once read somewhere that internet users have the attention span of a gnat. Now that’s really fleeting if you’ve had the opportunity of watching that wonderful tiny insect go about its daily business. Many internet users don’t have the luxury of time to fill out forms with too much of their personal info. It is thus advisable to use the data forms on your homepage to collect only very vital info about your visitors. Leave out any info you do not immediately need to establish contact with your visitors. Skip info you can get later when the relationship begins to build up. It is advisable to add only essential data that you absolutely need in order to effectively communicate with them or deliver your marketing messages. Demanding for too much personal details can put users on their guard making them reluctant to share their data. That reluctance at times derives from lack of time and in some cases many of them trying hard to protect their sensitive personal data. If the data you collect is brief, you get more cooperation from users and that helps conversions.

Summing Up

For any eCommerce business, conversion rate usually increases when there is a clear alignment between message clarity and user intent. If this alignment is not there, there is a tendency for users to ignore the messages altogether and that affects conversion rate. What matters most therefore for the business owner/marketer is to be sure their marketing messages convey their products benefits clearly and succinctly enough and without distractions. If these messages benefit exactly what the buyer persona wants or needs, conversion is enhanced.

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