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Saturday, December 03, 2022

Useful Tips to Draft High-Converting Emails

A mobile phone with email icon, a tablet, eye glasses and a mug of coffee.
Email marketing has been around for quite a while yet it is still very popular with online marketers. This is because email is not only easy to use, it is cost-effective as well. Email marketing may be old school but it is still a very effective digital marketing strategy. It remains one of the most effective ways to promote your online store, build mutually beneficial relationships with customers, nurture leads and generate sales. To get these results from your marketing, you must be sure your emails are well-crafted to make for easy reading and understanding. So, if you are currently planning your email marketing campaign, here are some top notch tips that can help you to get started.

Regularity: Email marketing works best and is most impactful when the mails are sent regularly. In crafting email messages therefore, this must be borne in mind and taken into consideration. If emails must be sent regularly, say about one or two mails per week, adequate care must be taken to avoid spamming. Generally, people respond much better to frequent emails than infrequent ones.

High Quality Content: Your email content must be of high quality, informative, educational and even entertaining to make it impactful to the readers. The message must be sufficiently relevant to directly address the needs of recipients. Poor quality emails usually end up in the trash bin even when the recipients manage to open them.

Brevity: The shorter email messages are, the higher the chances that they’ll be read. So, you must always endeavor to keep your emails short, concise, to the point and very brief. Long emails usually put people off reading them. Marketing experts recommend emails in the range of between 50 to 200 words.

Social Proof: The internet is full of many skeptics and doubters. This is why you need social proof in your emails when drafting them. Social proof helps convince readers that your offer is legitimate and worth their time. The right social proof you can use in your emails include sharing links or information from industry experts, positive testimonials from customers and or influencers who are using or have used your product.

Captivating Visuals: Generally, most people love visuals, more so if used in marketing messages like emails. If you use high quality and captivating visuals in your emails, they are more impactful. In drafting your emails, you must endeavor to include very high quality images/photos of your products.

Call-To-Action, CTA: People usually do not send emails for fun. They send them mostly for a business purpose. If you do not tell people what to do next after they read your emails, generally, they do nothing. Most people always want to know where to go or what to do next after reading your email content. That is where a clear and concise CTA becomes very relevant when drafting the content of your email. These days, most people access their emails from mobile devices. So, you need to provide a clear CTA at the end of each email. These CTA links can lead to a product page, a promo page or to a recent content produced on your website.

Last Line

Email marketing is a very effective digital marketing technique. No serious marketer can afford to do without emails if they want to do good business online. Crafting great emails and sending them correctly to the right recipients at the right time is a great way to get the best out of email marketing campaigns. 

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