There are many marketing tools and strategies that can help your business reach more people and gain brand recognition on social media. Some of these tools and strategies are better suited for Twitter because it is one of the most popular and easily accessible social media platforms out there. For digital marketing purposes, Twitter has unique advantages such as, it is free to use, content can be shared easily on the platform, it is suitable to widely expand business reach, you can engage customers one-on-one on Twitter and discuss business with them and above all, you can quickly build brand recognition on Twitter. Following tips are quite handy to help you build brand recognition and boost your business on Twitter.
1. Basic Twitter Business Tips
If you want to build your business with Twitter, there are some basic things you must do to set up your Twitter account properly. Make sure you customize your Twitter page with all the basic essentials for easy recognition such as, the right logo, branded image for the header, direct URL link to your business website, proper, up-to-date and informative bio, your profile-pic and any other basic info for unique business recognition. Next step is to work consistently to increase your follower count and drive people to your website.
2. Effectively Use Keywords Targeting
Effective keywords targeting on Twitter Ads allows you to reach users interested in your content through words and phrases. You can take deliberate steps to optimize growth on Twitter and broaden your reach by connecting with your target audience using selected targeted keywords that should be no less than 25 in number. These keywords if properly selected can help you to reach exactly who you want on Twitter. Once you understand your target audience well enough, you’ll know the right keywords to use.
3. Generously Use Images and Videos
The average human being is visual in nature. That is why images and videos can be very effective marketing tools on Twitter. Make sure the content you create on Twitter always includes images and videos to attract quick attention. Since people are generally visual, good visuals accompanying your digital content on Twitter can be directly responsible for the success of your marketing campaigns. Videos are particularly very impressive on Twitter because they are directly responsible for increasing engagement significantly. Even ordinary simple posts on Twitter tend to attract better attention when accompanied by images/videos.
4. Directly Interact with Followers
Engagement is key in Twitter marketing and direct interaction with your Twitter followers enhances engagement. It is essential to have your followers, click, react, and interact with your content at all times. If Twitter users know they are engaging with a human being, they feel encouraged to engage more meaningfully. Direct interaction with them encourages that. Therefore, it is hugely important to directly interact with your followers on Twitter, liking, responding, and showing them you care. Doing so makes them feel seen and appreciated. That helps you to build your following more quickly and increases brand loyalty as a consequence.
5. Widely Share Media Mentions
You must pay attention to media and other businesses that share articles, URLs, and anything else related to your business because there is a lot of interrelationship on social media particularly Twitter. So anytime you see your business mentioned or referred to on Twitter, do not neglect to widely share the mention since it serves a number of purposes. Sharing your mentions on Twitter helps to confer legitimacy on your business, shows business recognition and helps you with more valuable content on your Twitter page. It also helps you to really appreciate all those who mentioned you or referred to you. It can help improve brand loyalty for your business because the media mention can really be persuasive in the minds of your followers who in turn will focus more on your business and likely share your content more intensely.
6. Regularly Echo Your Content
Characteristically, Twitter as a popular social media platform is unique and fast moving. Content can be easily missed on the platform as a result. Regularly echoing your valuable content at different times of the day can help fix that. By doing so, it is possible for you to reach many more people if you send out your content again at regular intervals but not too frequently though. Echoing your content helps you to reach more people who may have missed out on your earlier post because of time constraints.
7. Diligently Research Competitors
It is smart marketing to keep a keen eye on your competition particularly on a uniquely fast moving social media platform like Twitter. You cannot afford to ignore your competitors in a marketing environment like that. If you have an eye on your competition, you’ll know what works for them and what doesn’t. You’ll find out why they do what they do on the platform then shape your own interaction from these lessons to get better results in your marketing. You can use their marketing efforts and tricks as a guide to craft and post content that fits your business and where it is at. It can help you discover new marketing trends and new ways of marketing on Twitter that get good results. Knowing what your competitors are up to in their marketing campaigns can help you to price your own offers more competitively. You can intelligently respond to rival campaigns with your own initiatives as needed if you know what your competitors are doing on Twitter.
8. Regularly Check Direct Messages
A huge volume of open communication usually goes on Twitter with tweets but direct messages provide avenues for private conversations. Many followers may want to take you on directly in what they consider as private concerns. Do not ignore these messages because they are incredibly useful and provide the much needed privacy. Check your direct Twitter messages regularly to address any questions or concerns your followers or any other users might have. Doing so can be great for your customer service as a business owner.
9. Have a Content Sharing Schedule
Twitter as a popular social media platform is used around the world and across different time zones. Since sharing content at the right time significantly adds to its effectiveness, you must be time conscious when making your posts depending on whom and where you are targeting. You must however be consistent though no matter who or where you are targeting. If your followers know you are consistent, they’ll know what to expect and at what times. That way, they’ll habitually check on your page more often for possibly new posts and content. If you do diligent research with your Twitter Analytics, you’ll discover perfect times to make your posts to get maximum audience attention. This includes the right time of the day, the right day of the week, weekends, mornings, afternoons, and or evenings. Having a content sharing schedule helps to maximize your digital marketing efforts to significantly boost your business.
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