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Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Why Your Attitude and not Your Aptitude is Key

Writing with yellow pencil on a white notepad.

Yeah, no matter what you do in this life, it is your attitude which helps you to succeed the most. If you want to make money, it is your attitude which determines how much money you can make. It is not how much you know that counts, it is what you do with what you know that makes the difference. That is attitudinal.
When you see two people with similar endowments and same level of intelligence not getting similar results, it is attitude that makes the difference.

Attitude and Aptitude can however complement each other when properly balanced. So:

Attitude + Aptitude = Altitude

That is, what you do plus what you know determines how far you can go in any human endeavor. A great relationship if you ask me. It applies fully to how far you can succeed in life. Be it in, making money, succeeding in business, politics and sports or in any field of human endeavor.

Get busy right now because……..!!!!!!

“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”
“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Positive Effects of Abundant Faith

“Faith can move mountains.” Holy Bible

Here is where you automatically get when you have faith in abundance.

A Positive Mental Attitude: This is an outgrowth of self-worth that will remove all barriers particularly fear from your thought process. A Positive Mental Attitude is a must for human progress. A ceaseless struggle and refusal to quit or accept defeat are all products of Positive Mental Attitude which when applied to any human enterprise leads to abundant and overwhelming benefits.

The Power of Prayer: When everything else has failed, the next thing is to pray. We humans may know a lot but God knows best. Whatever business or enterprise you want to embark on, you must remember to allow God to take control when you as a person must have reached your utmost limit. Involving God helps to inspire confidence, fires-up your imagination and enables you to do what may appear to be above the ordinary.

The Power of Self-suggestion: This is the same thing as “psyching” ones self up before you undertake any venture. At times, it involves even physical audible command to ones self. Boxers and other sports people use it a lot before competitions. Remember Muhammad Ali, “I am the greatest”, “I will whip all comers”, “I am the finest boxer in the world.” All these were statements Ali made in his heyday as a boxer to psyche himself up and to intimidate his opponents.

Self-suggestion helps to place you in a winning mood thereby making you appear unstoppable. It works you up raring to go out there to do as your mind is already keyed up to do. This was the major weapon that Muhammad Ali used in most of the memorable fights he won particularly over those boxers who appeared physically stronger than him. Remember, if you think you can, you can. It works and people make tremendous progress in life with this simple philosophy. It is hinged on belief. That is, faith in self and in God. This is what makes it work. Fear normally creeps in when faith goes out the window.

Having faith that you can achieve an objective gives you the courage to go after that objective. “With faith, all things are possible.” “God never disappoints those who genuinely believe.” That is the power of faith. Dennis Kimbro in his brilliantly written book “Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice” came to the following conclusion about faith. “The people who really succeed are those who dare to risk, who challenge the status quo and push themselves beyond their normal limits. No person ever fully discovers and develops all the potential within himself until he expresses his faith.”   

Friday, December 02, 2016

Bad Choices That Can Leave You Poor

Folded wad of $100 dollars bills.

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

Lack of a Definite Purpose, Goal or Chief Aim in life: No one can ever hope to succeed in any endeavor by drifting through life without any aim or purpose. That is, without the pursuit of a Definite Goal. You must assume the mentality of the Archer if you need to succeed in life. The Archer trains for years just to be able to hit the bull’s eye within an hour of competition. It is this singular purpose that propels him to train hard so as to succeed at competition proper. It is the same in life. “Drifting people are like rudderless ships and all the voyages of their lives are bound in shallows and miseries.” Anyone, who has nothing to aim at in life, is clearly courting poverty.

Lack of Ambition to move past Mediocrity: This is closely related to the first. People who lack a Definite Purpose hardly have any ambition to pursue. Ambition fuels the train of desire, increases drive and the will to achieve. Anyone who lacks this drive can hardly achieve anything worthwhile and may not be able to make money and live a good life.

Negative Mental Attitude: If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you certainly can’t. The mind makes the man or woman. A Positive Mental Attitude energizes and increases drive for achievement. It increases productivity, improves quality of work and reduces stress. A Negative Mental Attitude which induces ill-health, envy, jealousy, bitterness, purposeless-ness and stressful life breeds poverty. A Negative Mental Attitude is avoidable by deliberate choice.