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Showing posts with label Gateway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gateway. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

How to Use SFI E-Cards

Digital marketing projected from the computer screen of a lone computer.
SFI E-Cards are fun, little digital "greeting cards" designed for sending to friends, family, and co-workers to tell them about SFI and TripleClicks. They are purposely "casual" in nature. Aggressive marketing is not something you want to do with friends and family, and we want you to be comfortable using our E-Cards.

TIP: Commit to "drip marketing." This means do NOT expect recipients of your cards to immediately join SFI. Rather, just "play it cool" and keep "dripping" on them once every 3-8 weeks or so. You don't want to mail to them so often that you become an annoyance, or your recipients will just start deleting your messages without even opening them. Instead, pique their interest slowly but surely by mailing them only occasionally--over a long period of time. Patience is the key. Remember that success in business requires long-term planning and thinking. Trying to get things to happen too fast will be counter-productive for you, so just relax and "drip, drip, drip." Of course, our contacts lists make it very easy to execute perfect drip marketing campaigns. Just create your list and then mail to that list every so many weeks. You can build as many lists as you like and they're very easy to create, maintain, and use.

How to use E-Cards for prospective affiliates:

1. Go to the Marketing Center at: https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/MarketingCenter

2. From the TYPE filter, choose "E-Card."

3. Click the Preview link for the card you want to use.

4. Click the "Send this E-card" link.

5. Choose your template from the available designs by clicking on the one you want to use. The template is the area of the e-mail that will appear around the card you chose in step #3. Note that when you select your template, the other designs will display as gray.

6. Choose the Gateway you want to have linked to from your E-Card. Note that our recommended Gateway is chosen for you by default, but you can choose any of the other gateways listed (if any). Any gateway you choose will contain your SFI ID number so that you are automatically credited with the sign-up (and you will receive a separate notification of this by e-mail). You can also choose "NONE" if you prefer not to have a gateway link for your recipients to use.
Important: There's usually no reason to provide a gateway URL in the message that you'll be composing later. You've already provided the link to use by selecting it here. Don't confuse your recipients by referring them to extra or different links!

7. Create or choose your contacts list and the persons to whom you wish to send this card.

8. Upon clicking the PREVIEW button, you will see a copy of what your recipient(s) will see. To help ensure your recipient(s) open your E-Card, your name will automatically appear in the subject line. To help even more, YOUR PHOTO will appear in the upper right side of the template (which should be visible in the preview panes of most e-mail browsers). 

IMPORTANT! For best results, make sure you've got a nice, clear, close-up photo in place for your account. If you need to change it or upload a different photo, you can do so.

9. Compose your message to accompany your selected E-Card. Enter your message in the box on the left side of the page. As you type, your message will appear over on the right side under your E-Card so that you can see exactly what the finished card will look like. 

TIP: Browse our sample messages (https://www.sfimg.com/PopUp/sampleMessages) and copy, paste, and edit to suit your own tastes. ALSO, you may want to compose your message offline using your word processor so that you can proof and spell check before sending.

10. After you've composed your message and you're satisfied with everything, click the SEND MESSAGE button.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Best Marketing Methods Suitable for New PSAs

Workers in internet business work station with a computer and sundry tools.
As a good Sponsor or Team Leader, you should always recommend to your new PSAs all the marketing methods you have been using and you know are effective in SFI business. Let them know that the marketing methods you are recommending are the ones you can vouch for from your own experience. That gives some measure of credibility which can easily sway your new PSAs to take your advice. 


Arising from the above and in my own experience, I at all times recommend to my new PSAs to endeavor to use SFI marketing tools as provided free for all affiliates in the following link:


On this link, SFI is magnanimous enough to have made available about 94 marketing methods free for all affiliates to use as they deem fit. Some of these methods come by way of:

- Promoting the affiliate’s Gateway.
- Promoting TripleClicks URL.
- Promoting the URL of individual products.
- Text ads campaigns.
- Banner ads campaigns.
- Promoting products for sale in Social Media.
- Email blasts campaigns.
- SFI, TC Gift Cards.
- SFI TC X-Cards.
- And many others. 


Your new affiliates should be well advised to use these methods as they have proven over time to be very effective in SFI business. When the PSAs become experienced in the business, they can then be at liberty to modify some of these methods for their own exclusive use. They can also combine some of these methods for use to give maximum effects to their marketing efforts.

I hope this information helps? Best of luck in your marketing efforts!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Best Way to Set-up an Advertising Co-op for Your Affiliates

Advertising work station with a computer, notepad, mobile phone and potted plant.
 There can be no other best way to set up an advertising co-op for your affiliates outside what SFI prescribes in the following link:


The very best method as prescribed in the link is as follows:

• Select your co-op source: Your Gateway. (This is a number; the Key Code that you will use to designate leads destined for this Co-op. You will want to record this number for your records.)

• Enter a short description of your co-op in the Description field provided.

• In the Assignment Type section, choose either Shares or Signups. It is very important that you choose the correct Assignment Type.

• Click the Create New Co-op button to return to your main SFI Co-op page, where you'll see your new co-op listed. Click the corresponding Key Code in the list to access the edit page for your co-op. From there, you can add co-op participants, view co-op URLs to use in your advertising efforts, and more.

• Once you add your participants/affiliates, your co-op is ready to go. Simply begin advertising using one of your co-op's URLs. The system will automatically rotate and assign results generated, per the method you've chosen.