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Showing posts with label Norman Vincent Peale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norman Vincent Peale. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Why You Must Resolve to Always Press On

Birds nest holding silver and gold coins on top of a dollar bill.
 “The only people who have no obstacles are those in the cemetery.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Whatever you do, you can never make much progress if you do not have a habit of always pressing on no matter the odds. Yes, there will be obstacles. Yes, there will be discouragement here and there. So what? These are to be expected. There is no human endeavor on this planet without commensurate obstacles. Just think about that. Once you are alive, your daily battles with life and living have to do with solving problems and combating obstacles. Just reflect a bit. At any point in time, you are either in a problem, heading out of a problem or heading straight into a problem. There is neither an escape nor a hiding place from life’s problems unless you are dead. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop obstacles altogether. What works is your ability to conquer and surmount all obstacles that come your way with a firm resolve to get to your destination. That is the mindset of achievers and successful people.

Always press on! Just keep pressing on no matter the obstacles. If giving up is not an option for you, it is possible to always find the will to press on. Come to think of it, why should giving up even be an option? If it is, it shows right from the outset, you were not determined enough to get the thing done. Even if you did not avert your mind to it then, that is exactly why you made giving up one of the options available to you. If and when giving up is not one of the options, you will discover to your greatest amazement that you will get through all the problems at hand and resolve them fully to achieve your goals. That is how things work out when you are determined enough to get things done. Just press on! That’s the way to go.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why What You Think Leads the Way

“People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

There is nothing anyone can achieve in this world without their thinking making it possible. That is where achievement begins for everyone. Just name it, anything you feel like doing must first be well thought out. If not, chances of starting at all are very slim talk less of making any meaningful headway in form of progress. The thinking process helps to put the entire business or enterprise in proper perspective even before commencement. The thinking process gives the picture and the roadmap of what is to be done. Following what you’ve already thought about is a great way to measure progress and to be sure you are on course. Knowing you are on course at any point in time encourages more progress and eventual completion and success. Note that without what you already thought about, it is difficult if not impossible to follow this natural order.

If your thinking says it can be done, it will. If however it says it can’t be done, it is almost impossible to get it done. That is the real power of thoughts in the process of general achievements. First, you must believe you can and you will. Your thinking process makes that possible. If however you think you can’t, certainly you can’t. Putting efforts when your thinking says you can’t is one sure way to dissipate energy and time while achieving nothing. Some waste! That is clearly no way to go. To get anything done, you must first be sure you think it through before attempting to act it through.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”