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5 Ways to Secure your E-Commerce Business

The e-commerce industry is currently experiencing rapid growth, because more and more people now prefer to shop online.  Shopping online may...

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Showing posts with label Online shopping. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Frequent Challenges for E-Commerce Stores and How to Overcome Them

A shopper using a credit card and a computer.
As e-commerce businesses continue to grow, they inevitably face new and evolving challenges. These challenges emanate from e-commerce trends, check out processes, product delivery times, abandonment of shopping carts and so on. Managing these challenges requires strategic solutions if you want your store to compete favorably in a seemingly saturated e-commerce market.

Here are some of these challenges and their solutions:

Not Being Up-to-Date on Market Trends

Inevitably, the e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving occasioned by constant changes in new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market trends. Many e-commerce businesses usually struggle to stay up-to-date with these changes. Failing to do so can result in missed opportunities or falling behind competitors. Therefore, being aware of the latest e-commerce trends is really crucial for businesses to remain competitive and meet customer expectations.

To stay informed about e-commerce trends, businesses should engage in continuous learning and industry research. This can be achieved through various means, such as subscribing to industry newsletters, attending webinars and conferences, and following thought leaders on social media. Additionally, using analytics tools can help businesses monitor market trends and customer behavior in real time. This vital data enables businesses to adapt quickly to changes.

If you run an e-commerce business, you can leverage reputable e-commerce platforms like Shopify that regularly update their features to align with the latest trends. These platforms frequently roll out new tools and integrations designed to help merchants stay competitive. So, if you use the right platform that really evolves with the e-commerce industry, it will help you to ensure that your business is sufficiently equipped with the latest capabilities to meet rapidly changing market demands and trends.

Frequent Shoppers’ Indecision

Shoppers’ indecision occurs frequently because of overwhelming number of products that are usually available online. This is why many shoppers at times face “choice paralysis.” This phenomenon occurs when consumers are presented with too many options, making it difficult for them to decide which product to purchase. When shoppers are undecided, it can lead to abandoned shopping carts or customers leaving the website without making a purchase. To remedy this problem, you can turn to Artificial intelligence (AI). Smart AI tools have become crucial tools in helping customers make purchasing decisions. Here is how. You can use AI-driven product recommendations to analyze a shopper’s behavior, preferences, and past purchases to suggest products they are likely to buy. AI product recommendations work by collecting data from various touch-points, such as browsing history, items added to the cart, and previous purchases. The tools use machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and suggest products that align with the customer’s preferences. You can then personalize these recommendations to each user. Doing this greatly increases the chances of conversion.

Shopping Cart Abandonment

With an average abandonment rate of around 70%, shopping cart abandonment is increasingly becoming a significant issue in e-commerce business. Shoppers frequently abandon shopping carts for a variety of reasons that include unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, and uncertainty about a purchase.

If you want to reduce cart abandonment, you must first try to identify the reasons why shoppers are not completing their purchases. Next is to focus on addressing the underlying causes of cart abandonment. If for instance price sensitivity is the cause, you can offer a limited-time discount code to encourage shoppers to complete their purchases. You can in addition simplify the checkout process by minimizing the number of steps in the process. Additionally, offering multiple payment options can reduce friction and improve conversion rates. When it comes to shipping products, transparency about shipping costs and delivery times offered upfront can help manage customer expectations and reduce cart abandonment.

Not Quite Visible in a Crowded Market

E-commerce business is hugely competitive. This makes it quite difficult for businesses to stand out and attract customers. If you want your business to be noticed and to thrive in such competitive environment, you must vigorously promote it online. These days, you can easily leverage the popularity of social media platforms to do so. You can take advantage of the in-house marketing tools on these platforms to promote your business. For example, hugely popular social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok offer powerful tools for businesses to connect with potential customers through targeted advertising. On these platforms, you can leverage demographic data, interests, and browsing behavior to create highly personalized ads that resonate with your audience. You can significantly boost visibility for your products by partnering with social media influencers. Partnering with influencers who align with your brand’s values and target audience can help your business to reach a broader and more engaged audience.

Not Getting Enough Reviews from Customers

As most digital marketers very well know, customer reviews are a powerful tool for building trust and credibility in the e-commerce space. But, getting customers to leave reviews can be quite challenging. This is because most often satisfied customers do not feel compelled to leave a review unless prompted but dissatisfied customers are more likely to voice their complaints online. This is why many businesses are usually left with disproportionate number of negative reviews that could harm their reputation. To remedy this situation, it is advisable to encourage more customers to leave reviews. You can do this by implementing review incentive strategies. Offering small rewards, such as discount codes or loyalty points, can actually motivate shoppers to share their experiences. You can in addition make the review process as simple as possible to encourage shoppers to respond. You can even send automated follow-up emails with a direct link to leave a review. Doing this can increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. This helps to balance the overall review profile and enhances your business reputation.

Negative Reviews

Make no mistake about it, negative reviews can significantly impact an e-commerce business’s reputation and bottom line. Online, shoppers typically leave negative reviews when their expectations are not met by an e-commerce business. These expectations may relate to product quality, poor customer service, or billing and shipping issues. No matter how well-intention, negative reviews can deter potential customers and damage the credibility of an e-commerce business. Negative reviews are here to stay though and there’s not much digital marketers can do about them except to explore all ways to mitigate their impact on a business. If you want to mitigate the impact of negative reviews on your business, you must try to focus on proactive customer service. This involves making it easy for customers to contact support and resolve issues before they escalate to negative reviews. Offering multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone support, ensures that customers can reach out in a way that is convenient for them. Smart marketers can however also use negative reviews as an opportunity to improve their business. If marketers make efforts to respond to reviews promptly and professionally, it is easy for them to demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction. If need be, marketers can even address negative reviews publicly. Doing so can even turn a negative situation into a positive one since other shoppers/customers can easily notice a business’s dedication to resolving problems promptly as the problems crop up.

Slow Deliveries

These days, most shoppers expect fast and reliable delivery of the products they purchase online. Slow shipping times can be grossly detrimental to these expectations. Anytime customers experience delays in receiving their orders, it can lead to dissatisfaction, negative reviews, and a decrease in repeat business. Significantly, order fulfillment is the real backbone of timely deliveries. It involves the entire process from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer. Sadly, many e-commerce businesses really struggle with fulfillment due to inefficient processes, lack of infrastructure, or reliance on third-party logistics providers that may not prioritize speed. What to do as a remedy! You can turn to reputable online fulfillment specialists that offer a network of fulfillment centers strategically located to reduce shipping times and costs. If you integrate these services in your e-commerce business, it is possible for you to automate and streamline your order fulfillment process that ensures quicker deliveries. A good fulfillment service uses advanced algorithms to predict which fulfillment center should handle an order, based on proximity to the customer and inventory levels. This helps to further reduce delivery times.

Summing Up

From the foregoing, it is clear that e-commerce businesses do face a range of frequent challenges. These challenges range from managing delivery times to staying visible in a crowded market. If you take positive steps to address these frequent challenges head-on, it is possible for you to enhance your e-commerce business operations, improve customer satisfaction, and achieve long-term success even in an increasingly competitive e-commerce business landscape.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Why You Must Position Your Website Well

Books, notepad, golden mug and a computer on top of a work desk.
If you run an online business, you must have a website. Most modern day businesses operate largely from websites for very obvious reasons. These businesses use their websites to showcase their brands and their offerings with a view to generating many more customers than they might ordinarily generate using physical stores. In view of present day realities, with more and more consumers shopping online instead of in-store, it is a very smart thing to do to position your website well enough to help build your business for higher profits.

First you must invest in the aesthetics and functionality of your website. If your website is poorly designed and looks scruffy, it is not likely to attract a lot of customers. Many customers may not trust it well enough to decide on spending their money trading on it. Generally, a well-designed website somehow very confidently communicates to customers how serious your business is. It helps your business to build trust and better business as a result. Many vital customer decisions are usually made based on the appearance and layout of your website instead of some other considerations.

If you are a marketer, there is no doubt you are aware that the present marketing trend tilts towards remote working, remote shopping and high-speed deliveries. Working out of a well-designed and responsive website favors this trend. With more and more millions of shoppers looking towards e-commerce sites for their shopping needs, positioning your own website well enough to tap into this huge customer base is good for your business. Therefore, it helps to position your website well enough for it to be able to capture a huge chunk of the growing market share of these consumers who now prefer to shop online.

The digital market world is characteristically ever-changing. For this reason, it pays to always be a step ahead of the curve. If you can anticipate changes in the digital world and change your website to accommodate these changes; that is smart. Doing so somehow helps to position your business as modern, cutting-edge and competitive. It can help to put you one step ahead most of your competitors in the highly competitive digital market space. You must habitually look to the future with a view to identifying new trends on time. That will enable you to quickly make the right changes to your web offerings to reflect your modernization drive with a permanent eye on your competition.

Lastly, never overlook the power of inbound traffic to your website because traffic is another element that can greatly affect the sales your website is capable of attracting. Anything you do on your website to help it attract more and more inbound traffic is good for sales. If for instance your website is able to attract say 100 web users/day and perhaps only about 10% of them actually do business with you, it simply follows then that if you explore ways to attract more traffic, you inevitably increase your sales as well. Simply logical no doubt! If you have the knowhow, you can use SEO techniques in addition to other promotional efforts to attract traffic to your website. Doing so helps to ensure the right consumers are landing on your web pages in good numbers. These are the sort of consumers who have already shown some interest in doing business with you by actively using your keywords to search for products online. The SEO techniques you’ve deployed help to send such consumers directly to your website.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4 Small Business Trends Steadily on the Rise

White on Green Small Business Owner road sign.
If you are very current with trends, you must have noticed that small businesses are going through a whole lot of changes in recent times. Apart from ethical and regulatory requirements, the advancements in communication fields, IT, marketing and other fields are playing major roles in engendering changes in the way and manner people run small businesses these days. The small business trends discussed here currently appear to be rising steadily because more people have started to pay more attention to them. Just take a look around you. You will discover that many small business owners are now:


Focusing more on customer service: Many small business owners have realized that if you support your customers well, your chance of customer retention increases tremendously. Of course, they know that repeat customers are extremely valuable to their businesses. With advancement in technology, many now use chat apps to literally lead customers by the hand to do business with them. Many are now able to provide 24/7 support services by way of availability, prompt response and prompt solutions. Right now, if you do not have chatbots for customer interactions, the time to deploy some in your own business is now.

Getting their businesses online: That simply means, less storefronts and more websites! The good news is that small businesses lately have become quite divergent and very daring too. With current popularity and real advancements in mobile technology, most small businesses are now flourishing significantly on the internet. The internet somehow allows these businesses to make some reductions in physical storefronts thereby saving on maintenance costs and some other space related problems. So, get smart now by getting yourself a business website if you don’t have one already. It goes with the trends.

Paying more attention to environmental issues: Small business owners are steadily endeavoring to go clean as well as green in the way they run their businesses! That is largely because environmental issues have become a very big concern of the modern world. Going with the flow, it is an excellent thing to see that small businesses have started paying special heed to environmental issues. With global concerns rising over issues like global warming, pollution, plastic, flora and fauna extinction, small businesses now do things to enable them conform to going clean and green to protect the environment in which they do business. So, you now see small businesses deliberately encourage cutting down on plastic and paper use and urging their customers to do same. Online shopping is one great eco-friendly way many of them do business these days.

Having more social media presence: These days, smart marketers consider social media presence a necessity and not a luxury. For that reason, having a presence on social media has become an absolute must for almost all business ventures who want to remain competitive. Hitherto, the online presence people were used to was mainly limited to having a complete website. Not anymore! With the advent of very popular social media platforms like, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, the game has changed completely. Social media craze has compelled many businesses to expand their online presence to the social media where the customers can be found and interacted with very easily. Right now, even the smallest businesses of the lot are trying their utmost to up their games on social media by socializing and promoting their goods/services to a very large mass of people. That no doubt is good for business. Get social, by putting your own business on social media platforms. That is the place to be right now if you sincerely want to take your business to the next level.