Well, the holiday season is here. People are going to buy
like never before and sellers are going to sell like never before. For small
businesses, it is smart to “catch the bug” of the holiday season and to make
the most out of it. Above all else, you must see the holiday as a time
of great opportunity.
Many people expect to come face to face with marketing messages this time of the
year. You must seize the opportunity to showcase and re-position your brand.
These here 5 tips will help you out.
#1. Respect Differences in Beliefs. The world has become a very complex and sensitive place to live in. You must factor in that in your holiday sales campaigns. Don’t assume that everyone celebrates Xmas because in reality not everybody does and at least not with the same intensity and enthusiasm. For your campaigns to be effective, you must show respect for the beliefs, traditions and customs of others.
#2. Mark What Works
and What Doesn’t. As a marketer, all you want always are good results from
your efforts. Bearing in mind that your holiday marketing campaigns won’t
always resonate, it pays to try a new angle each time until you find something
which sticks. It is what sticks you should maximize your storyline on this
season for optimal results.
#3. Take Your Brand
Where the People Are. This is just natural. You must put your brand before
your customers wherever they may be in the world. As with all marketing
campaigns, you must make sure you’re using the right outlet for your message.
It is the right outlet which gets the message to the right people you are
targeting. For you to be effective therefore, it pays to know where your
customers are “living,” in a digital sense. That is where you must put your
brand before them.
#4. Don’t Make Unrealistic Assumptions. Christmas
carols may be sweet music to the ears of many people but you can’t
assume that all your customers delight upon hearing Christmas
greetings. That is why it pays to be sensitive to the beliefs of others.
For many, Xmas is no celebrations season so, you can’t force your celebration
down their throats. By understanding what your business is, what you want to
present and how your audience feels, that is the only effective way to make
your campaign resonate well with your customers in this season.
#5. Watch Your Promotion Expenses. It is true that word-of-mouth marketing really escalates around holiday seasons. This is because holidays naturally bring many people together seasonally. When people are together on such special occasions, what do they do? Well, they simply talk and talk about any and everything under the sun. Inevitably, such talks come around to trends, products and bargain deals. These word-of-mouth banters are usually cheaper and more reliable to promote products than expensive ad campaigns which are very common during holiday seasons. Spending too much money on campaign ads during holiday seasons is usually not a very smart marketing strategy.