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Showing posts with label Visualize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visualize. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Hurray!!! New Visual Genealogy Debuts at SFI

SFI marketing group banner.

We're excited to debut a brand new tool for team building, the Visual Genealogy. The Visual Genealogy (https://www.sfimg.com/Genealogy/Visual) performs many of the same functions as the regular Genealogy, but it's much simpler: it uses the account photos of your team members! And, most importantly, it's designed to align precisely with the objectives of The Diamond Plan (https://www.sfimg.com/the_plan). That is, the Visual Genealogy is designed to help you visualize, manage, and build a 5-wide organization, just as The Diamond Plan recommends (and also what Opti-Build and Builder Bundles were created to support).

If you're new in SFI, the new Visual Genealogy can help you identify your five future Diamond Team Leaders. Or, if you're a more experienced SFI Team Leader,and you already have one or more Designated Diamonds on your first generation (identified by the diamond icon in front of their name), they will automatically populate the up-to-five first-generation slots on your Visual Genealogy (with your other top PSAs--selected by rank/activity--automatically filling in any slots not occupied by Designated Diamonds).

Special Note: A non-Designated Diamond occupying one of the five slots does NOT mean they'll become a Designated Diamond. Similarly, it does not mean they're persons you must embrace as your future stars. Rather, we're simply using an algorithm here to identify for you your most active persons (as we do on your Movers tab) to help you see who could be a top-five person. Ultimately, this will be up to you and them if they become one of your actual Designated Diamonds. In fact, one or more of your future five Designated Diamonds could be persons who haven't even joined your team yet.

The initial screen of your Visual Genealogy will display YOU at the top of your team and up to five PSAs (your top five Personally Sponsored Affiliates). From here, you can "step down" generation by generation by clicking on any person's name. When you click on a name, the screen will automatically redraw and now display that person's front line.

TIP: To see a person's Affiliate Snapshot, click on their photo.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why Every Human Achievement First Begins as a Dream

Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”-- Napoleon Hill

Every achievement of man began as a dream. The ranks of the rich are full of dreamers. What is it you desire most in life? Visualize yourself first as having what you desire and take steps to acquire it. Remember, if you want to be a millionaire, you must think and dream like a millionaire. All over the world, those who have made the most difference are those who started as dreamers. They dreamed and acted on their dreams and the world has never been the same again. Ironically, millions of Nigerians are in the poverty bracket because they have not managed to swim against the tide of life in the race to wealth. A dogged persistence to hold fast to your dreams is what separates those who make it rich and those who do not. Quitting when the first obstacle is encountered is the hallmark of the poor. Whereas the rich even if they encounter inevitable obstacles always manage to hold fast to their dreams and strive on till they overcome.

During the struggle for the independence of India, Mahatma Gandhi, the man whom the British press loved to call “half-naked fakir”, took on the British Empire through a campaign of non-violent civil-disobedience called “Ahimsa.” He dreamed of a free India devoid of colonial rule and held on fast to his dreams. Without a regular army, without any lethal weapons of war, he took on a well armed and organized opponent. Talk of the power of dreams! He mobilized the entire Indian population behind him and dared the British Empire. The British did everything to break his will but failed in all departments. They later did what became the most honorable thing to do by granting independence to India in 1947.

 I have a dream.”  This was the famous speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr. made on August 28, 1963 to an audience of more than 200,000 at Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. This is the speech that aroused American conscience and indeed the entire world. Dr. King followed closely Gandhi’s teachings and he too was able to confront the segregation laws of his country USA with well-organized Civil Rights marches. He was arrested and jailed several times with threats of death permanently trailing him. Before his unfortunate assassination in 1968, many American Public Institutions have been largely desegregated. That America is largely a free society today is attributable to the efforts of Dr. King and his fellow Civil Rights marchers who dreamed big dreams, held fast to their dreams and took steps to actualize them. When a dream is mixed with confidence, determination, persistence and faith, it will materialize. This is one of the secrets of money making.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

How to Recognize and Seize Opportunity

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -- Thomas Edison

Be prepared for and be ready to take any and every opportunity that comes your way. At times what may appear to you as big obstacles are actually opportunities in disguise. Mr. Lair Ribero in his book “Success is not Accident” tells the story of two Shoe-Salesmen who were sent overseas to search for new markets. Their first stop was a country where everyone was barefoot. The first Salesman sent back a telegram to the home office saying “leaving tomorrow, no one wears shoes.” The second Salesman’s telegram was different. He said, “Great potential market, no competition.” Visualize the success stories of these two Salesmen and you will get to appreciate how we differ from one another by the way we perceive every situation. When any situation is properly perceived, it becomes an opportunity. This is the reason why some people can make it in a particular business while some others fail abysmally in same business. They choose what they see and see what they choose. Where some see obstacles, others see opportunities. Where some see despair, others see hope. Where some see darkness, others see light. Where some see a cup half-empty, others see same cup half-full. When some see why it can’t be done, others see how it can be done. When some see the end, others see the beginning. When some perceive sadness, others perceive happiness. Where some expect poverty, others expect wealth. Somehow, life tends to give to us exactly what we expect from it in proportionate measures and nothing more. According to the late British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.”

Opportunities abound everywhere for those who take the pains to look. The story of two young men I ran into sometime in July 2002 can best illustrate this point. I ran into the two young men in a restaurant in Benin City and we got talking. I found out that the two of them, who turned out to be good friends, were about the same age and had similar academic qualifications. They had both just lost their banking jobs for no fault of theirs. We talked at length and we exchanged telephone numbers. Being Professionals like me, I was interested in their progress and I advised them from my own experience. As at November 2005 when I made detailed inquiries about their welfare, their progress in life became very interesting to me. One of them decided to work for himself while the other kept looking for a job. At the time I made contact, the one who decided to work for himself had bought an additional car, had married and was raising a family. The other one had sold his car and other valuable property. He was still single and searching for a job. His situation was quite pathetic. I was told that he was barely surviving on hand-outs from his friends. I also learned that he was “dreaming” of relocating abroad. I fervently hoped that it was not another pipe-dream. You may wish to recall that this story is about two close friends. They both had a near-similar background and were at a time faced with the same problem. One saw an opportunity, seized it and prospered while the other failed to and was paying the price. I sincerely hoped that the “failing-one” will make up his mind to do what is right. The moral of this story is that one took his destiny in his own hands; recognized and seized the opportunities that came his way. The other did not and he was paying the price of his failure to do so. Similar stories are everywhere in our society but with some variations. Remember, “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” The story of these two friends is a pointer to what can happen to us when we fail to recognize and seize opportunities.