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First step in optimizing your e-commerce store is to identify the important metrics and to collect data relevant to the metrics. Once you ha...

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Showing posts with label captivating. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why only Essential Information is Needed in Your Advertising Campaigns

Small business work station with pen and notedpad, glass of water, calculator and a white mug of coffee.
What determines what you put in your ad is where you are placing it and the message you want to convey. It is therefore not a clear-cut thing to simply say put a little information or plenty of information. If you are advertising online particularly on free sites, you are severely restricted to the number of words the site will admit from you. That clearly determines the amount of information you can provide. You may not really have much of a choice about how much information you can provide because of these restrictions. What really matters is be sure that your message is captivating enough and conveys all the information you want to put across no matter how short the message is.

Any and every ad is designed to grab as much attention as possible. If you use pictures or banners, you need fewer words to grab maximum attention because of the pictorial effects of pictures/banners. Even if you use test ads, the fewer the words the better for attention-grabbing purposes. Most people look at ads and from the images they are attracted to take a closer look. The attention span of many people is also very short. For such people, the smaller the ad information, the better.

All told, I believe it is better to provide less information in your ads for reasons adduced above. That is what is more result-oriented and most effective. 


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Which is the Best SFI Gateway to Use?

SFI Gateway,

From my own experience, all SFI Gateways if used as prescribed are very effective depending on where and how you are promoting your business. It is therefore very difficult to say categorically which is best. However, taking a very close look particularly as an affiliate for nearly two years now, the “first” Gateway on this link, http://www.sfi4.com/xxxxxxxx/first appears to have a lot going for it for the following reasons. 


1. It is highly Search Engine friendly and turns up easily in search results.
2. A click on it opens up a highly effective message right away.
3. Its address bar on your computer invites you to “start a second income with SFI.”
4. The main page tells you that SFI is a company which is “first” with Internet entrepreneurs.
5. It displays to the very second pictures and numbers updates about all new affiliates joining SFI all over the world.
6. Top left corner tells you that in SFI “we aim high, dream big.”
7. The color combination in the page is very attractive and captivating.
8. On same page, you see a brief historical update of SFI as a successful company.
9. The invitation to join FREE is simple, easy to use and irresistible.
10. The page layout is a masterpiece in web page building.
11. Above all, it is result-oriented and it actually yields good results.

These are some of the reasons why I tend to think that the “first” Gateway is best to use while promoting your SFI business.