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Trends that Currently Define E-Commerce Retail Marketing

E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

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Monday, June 04, 2018

Don’t be Afraid to Fail

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~ Thomas A. Edison

Are you afraid to fail? Have you failed before? Do you like failing? Cheer up! That you’ve failed at doing something in the past is a clear indication that you tried to get something done. It is only do-nothing people that never fail. The reason they remain mediocre all their lives. Nothing enviable there believe me! Yes, you are striving to get something done. Yes, you are getting things wrong and making mistakes all along. So what? Do not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another positive step forward. The mistakes you make and discard must not be repeated. As the mistakes get discarded and reduce in number, it takes you closer to getting it right. If you allow these mistakes to stop you, you can never succeed in getting anything worthwhile successfully done. Just keep going, taking actions, making mistakes and making progress. That is the right way to go.

Let your business life be motion and movement all the way, mistakes or no mistakes. Reason is, it appears success is irretrievably connected with action. That is exactly why successful people are always on the move. Even if they make mistakes as we all do, they keep moving and never quitting. They always manage to stay on course and eventually succeed. Therefore, no one should be afraid to fail. Even you fail, don’t dissipate energy trying to cover it up. The way to go is to learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. Meaning? It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing. If you are not growing, you can’t hope to succeed at anything worthwhile in your entire life.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”