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Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

How Fear Paralyzes

“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

As human beings, we are all susceptible to fear, but the way each person handles their own fears is of utmost importance. In our business world, the fear of failing is always real and present in any deal you get involved it. That’s OK. What however is not OK is allowing your fear to paralyze you and prevent you from taking positive actions in the best interest of your business. Such fears stunt growth and progress and at times, ultimate failure which you feared all along. It is OK to lose some and to win some. The moment you allow the fear of losing overcome the excitement of winning, you will lose no doubt. Winning and losing are always two outcomes to expect in any business deal. When out of fear you are fixated on losing, your chances of winning become very slim if not lost outright.

Take my advice. Always find ways to suppress the fear of losing. Don't dissipate valuable energy trying to cover up losses. Remember that you can lose some and win some and life goes on. If you lose, the best thing to do is to learn from your loss then move on to the next challenge. Looking back, if you learned something from your past losses, you haven’t really lost. That is why it's OK to lose sometimes provided you learn something as a result. There is always some sadness in losing and some commensurate excitement when you win. Finding ways not to allow your fear of losing to overwhelm your excitement of winning is what guarantees positive advancement in any venture you chose for yourself.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”


Monday, June 04, 2018

Don’t be Afraid to Fail

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~ Thomas A. Edison

Are you afraid to fail? Have you failed before? Do you like failing? Cheer up! That you’ve failed at doing something in the past is a clear indication that you tried to get something done. It is only do-nothing people that never fail. The reason they remain mediocre all their lives. Nothing enviable there believe me! Yes, you are striving to get something done. Yes, you are getting things wrong and making mistakes all along. So what? Do not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another positive step forward. The mistakes you make and discard must not be repeated. As the mistakes get discarded and reduce in number, it takes you closer to getting it right. If you allow these mistakes to stop you, you can never succeed in getting anything worthwhile successfully done. Just keep going, taking actions, making mistakes and making progress. That is the right way to go.

Let your business life be motion and movement all the way, mistakes or no mistakes. Reason is, it appears success is irretrievably connected with action. That is exactly why successful people are always on the move. Even if they make mistakes as we all do, they keep moving and never quitting. They always manage to stay on course and eventually succeed. Therefore, no one should be afraid to fail. Even you fail, don’t dissipate energy trying to cover it up. The way to go is to learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. Meaning? It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing. If you are not growing, you can’t hope to succeed at anything worthwhile in your entire life.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”


Friday, December 09, 2016

You Must Allow Fear to Motivate You

“The fear of failure is often worse than failure itself.” -- Shiv Khera

Historians have copiously documented that the United States of America went into World War II because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. This is the truth but not the whole truth. The whole truth is that the U.S. had a rabid fear of the Germans dominating the world and denying them their much cherished freedom and liberty. Remember that the U.S. was founded, built and currently thrives on the ideals of freedom and liberty. Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Germany were a threat to these ideals. Hitler himself did not cease to tout the superiority of his Aryan race and his ambition to conquer the whole world. This unbridled ambition would have brought him into inevitable conflict with the U.S. whether the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor or not. This is the whole truth. The fear of being conquered and denied their much cherished freedom and liberty was the foremost motivator for the U.S. to get involved in World War II.

Do Not Allow Fear Paralyze You

“The fear of failure is often worse than failure itself.” -- Shiv Khera

This is not an isolated case in history when fear has motivated people to perform great feats. There are several others. Take the case of the ancient Benin Empire. Although there are Benin folk-tales that give credit to the legendary giant “Aidenomon” as the man who single-handedly dug the Benin moat, logical reasoning discredits these tales. Till date, the tales are still being told to children as we were told when we too were little children. We learnt that this giant “was so big that no house was large enough to contain him” hence he lived in Oba market in today’s King’s Square, Benin City. We learnt that the giant “used one hand to uproot palm trees and used whole palm trees as brooms and chewing sticks.” The folktales said, that when he slept, “the breath from his nostrils was so powerful that it uprooted trees in its wake.” And that “he used one hoe held in one hand, standing on one spot and with one stroke, dug the entire moat.” As we grew older, it started dawning on us that these tales were exactly what they were folk tales. They could not possibly have presented the whole truth if you take into account the size and enormity of the Benin moat.

However, a close study of Benin history will reveal to you that the moat was dug through massive communal effort. The moat is simply a marvel if you take into account that it was dug manually without the benefit of giant earth-moving equipment as you find these days. The moat provided complete security for the ancient Binis. It shielded them from attacks by slave-raiders and other warriors. The Benin moat is another clear evidence of the near super-human effort that fear can motivate people to put up when they choose to. The Great Wall of China is also another typical example of how far people can go to insure themselves from fear. Tourists marvel today while on this wall how the ancient Chinese managed to build it through direct application of human labor and efforts. The ancient Chinese simply allowed the fear of conquest and domination to motivate them to achieve the great feat. The wall provided them security and freedom from conquest. They therefore spared no efforts at building it. Human achievement has no limits when it comes to survival because “self-preservation is a cardinal rule of nature.”