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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How to Get Full Support from Your SFI Business Upline

Calculator, eye glasses, black pen on top of a white notepad on a newspaper.

From my experience with SFI business, I believe you do not need to do anything extraordinary to gain maximum support from your upline. What you need do is the little routine things SFI recommends you do to grow your business. Do not forget that your upline is an affiliate too just like you. He/She is also someone else’s downline. If you know exactly what you as an affiliate expects from your downline, do those exact same things and you will gain the support of your upline. Every upline I know wants his/her downline to succeed in SFI. This is because if the downline is succeeding, the upline succeeds as well. Specifically, I believe if do the following diligently, you will automatically gain the support of your upline.


1. Be serious and diligent with your SFI business.
2. Pay real attention to duplication.
3. Advertise and promote your SFI business very robustly.
4. Stay in touch with your upline by initiating communications.
5. Remember to assist your upline mark his/her anniversaries.
6. Find ways to also motivate your upline as much as you can.
7. Join the co-operative of your upline if there is any.
8. Help promote the products from your upline if he/she is also an ECA.
9. Relate with your upline as you will relate with any business partner.
10. Do not be ashamed to ask your upline for help if and when you need it.

I have no doubt in my mind that if you do the foregoing with all seriousness and sincerity, you will not only endear yourself to your upline, you will gain maximum support from him/her.


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