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Showing posts with label Advertise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertise. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2017

How to Advertise to Reach a Specific Target Group

Affiliates around a globe and on top of a computer,
There is a wise saying in Africa, “if you want to catch monkeys, go to monkey trails.” In similar vein, if you want to advertise to a specific target group, go to where the group can be found. Take the following steps.

1. Identify the group you want to reach.
2. Design an ad which appeals to your identified group.
3. Locate where the group can be found.
4. Beam your ads to that area.
5. Monitor your results.

That is all you need do if you want to reach a specific target group. That is what brings good results.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Best Countries to Advertise SFI Business

Blue Digital marketing sign on a laptop screen.
Simple!! I will recommend any day that you advertise more in countries where SFI has already gained traction and is very popular. You can concentrate your ads in the top 100 countries as shown on this link:


On my part, I always concentrate my efforts in the following 10 countries which are the top 10 on that list.

1. India
2. United States
3. Philippines
4. Pakistan
5. Nigeria
6. South Africa
7. Serbia
8. Bangladesh
9. Indonesia
10. Canada

You will notice that what many of these countries also have in common is that they are English-speaking. This is with the singular exception of Serbia, but even at that, very many Serbs speak English very well. Because I speak English myself, getting affiliates from these countries and sponsoring them in SFI is always very easy for me to do. That is not to mention too that all my ads are in English. That is why it works very well for me.

I do hope this information will be of help to your advertising.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Advertise SFI on Facebook and Other Social Media

Social Media handles on a mouse pad.

There are basically two ways to advertise successfully on facebook and other social media sites. These are FREE adverts which every member is allowed to use and PAID averts which only paying advertisers are allowed to use. It is you alone who can make the decision which of the two best suits your intentions. That decision has to be influenced by the following limitations and the amount of money you are prepared to spend on your ads. 


FREE ads can reach very limited audience which is limited by numbers.
The ads can reach:
- Maximum 5000 friends on facebook.
- Maximum the number of “likes” you have on the facebook page you manage.
- Maximum the number of followers you have on Twitter.
- Maximum the number of followers and circle friends you have on Google+, LinkedIn and others.
- Maximum the number of members you have in each group you belong to on facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and others.

Apart from limiting the number of persons you can reach, many of these social media sites are very finicky about what they allow on free ads. Many of these obstacles are removed when using paid ads for very obvious reasons.

As for PAID adverts on these social media sites, the ads are well targeted at the right audience using demographics like age, sex, educational background, geographical location etc, etc, and they can reach hundreds of millions of users. That is why paid ads on social media are more effective and more result-oriented than free ads.

To advertise successfully on facebook and other social media sites therefore, it is your lot to choose whether to use free ads or paid ads or both. After you have made your choice, just log on and read the rules then you are ready to go.

Hope this information helps? Good luck !!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How to Get Full Support from Your SFI Business Upline

Calculator, eye glasses, black pen on top of a white notepad on a newspaper.

From my experience with SFI business, I believe you do not need to do anything extraordinary to gain maximum support from your upline. What you need do is the little routine things SFI recommends you do to grow your business. Do not forget that your upline is an affiliate too just like you. He/She is also someone else’s downline. If you know exactly what you as an affiliate expects from your downline, do those exact same things and you will gain the support of your upline. Every upline I know wants his/her downline to succeed in SFI. This is because if the downline is succeeding, the upline succeeds as well. Specifically, I believe if do the following diligently, you will automatically gain the support of your upline.


1. Be serious and diligent with your SFI business.
2. Pay real attention to duplication.
3. Advertise and promote your SFI business very robustly.
4. Stay in touch with your upline by initiating communications.
5. Remember to assist your upline mark his/her anniversaries.
6. Find ways to also motivate your upline as much as you can.
7. Join the co-operative of your upline if there is any.
8. Help promote the products from your upline if he/she is also an ECA.
9. Relate with your upline as you will relate with any business partner.
10. Do not be ashamed to ask your upline for help if and when you need it.

I have no doubt in my mind that if you do the foregoing with all seriousness and sincerity, you will not only endear yourself to your upline, you will gain maximum support from him/her.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to Succeed Without Money in SFI Business

Ring on right hand, bangle and wrist watch on left hand of a female holding a couple of dollars bills.

Yes! You can succeed in SFI business without investing any money. That is however on the long run. But you do succeed faster if you try to invest some money. To succeed in SFI without investing any money, here is what you do.

01. Find as many free ad sites as you can and advertise your Gateways like mad.
02. Log into your SFI account daily and earn as many VPs as you can from the to-do list.
03. Promote TripleClicks products very widely in free ad sites.
04. Take to blogging and promote your Gateways on the blog site.
05. Concentrate on duplication through free promotion of your Gateways.
06. Read up any and every lesson you can find in SFI.
07. Take SFI daily tips to heart and be guided by them.
08. Follow the forum posts keenly and learn from them.
09. Read up and rate Ask SC posts very regularly.
10. Promote widely ECA Gateways in free ad sites.
11. Promote your business offline as well through sports clubs, social clubs, civic centers, local library, local gym, sports stadiums, bus/train stations and many other places with heavy human interaction.