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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Best Strategy to Win E365 Championship

Home business work station with a notepad, pen and eye glasses.
Let me say straightaway that the best strategy to win the E365 championship is to get a real handle on your business and to remain “super active” every day, every single day no matter what. Just sign in every day and diligently attend to your daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Read up and act on the various tips and leads and together with the tasks you do, you will remain in contention in the championship if you have not dropped out already. The trick is to be in contention till the end by remaining above the green line all through. If you are in contention till the end, it is then you are likely to win.
Bear in mind always that everyone in the championship wants to win and many always want to win very badly. That tells you that you too must redouble your efforts if you want to win.

Consider these tips which I believe can help you to win the championship.

1. Take “massive” action daily in your business by putting in as much time and resources as you can spare.

2. Do your daily tasks and earn as many VPs as you can earn daily by maximizing and leveraging on every available VP action you have.

3. Be very active in TripleClicks purchases and or sales.

4. Leverage on participating in PriceBenders auctions aiming to win PSAs and CSAs while earning maximum Member Reward Points.

5. Join and remain active in WAVE 3.

6. Finally and most importantly, you MUST remain extremely competitive through and through.

Best of luck!!!

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