Google Analytics
This is readily one of the most popular free web tools at the moment. When integrated on your site, it enables you to easily comprehend the organic as well as other traffic flows to the site. It allows you to compare the past performance in a better way. With the data it generates, you can easily notice any changes in your site traffic. Such information enables you take decisions to ameliorate the causative problem or to eliminate it all together. Great tool no doubt!
Google Search Console
This is an instrument that gives you the ability to visualize how your site may appear in a search and how to impact with other appearance components. With the information it provides, you can at any time decide to rejig or juggle your site appearances until you get what works best before you adopt. The tool also lets you get the information on your top search queries, landing pages, countries and how it performs across devices and web browsers. In addition, it advises you on various mistakes that happen from website crawls by Search Engine bots and recommends HTML improvements. Another great tool no doubt.
Bing Webmaster Tools
Because of the very large share by Google, about 65% of search results, many marketers tend to neglect the Bing search engine which houses over 20% of the Internet’s search traffic. For that reason, experts also recommend the use of Bing Webmaster Tools as a decent method to keep a tab on how your webpage is dealing with Bing. This tool also offers benefits beyond Bing by providing insights into crawling, indexation, on-page keyword optimization, and other components that can affect your performance even in Google. This is one more great free tool to have and use for your marketing efforts if you are eager to run with the pros.
This is a fabulous post because I am was just thinking to learn on page SEO for my business and research plays a huge role so these SEO tools will help me with that. I would also like to hire a good seo consulting team for the off page campaigns because they take a lot of time. If you know about a good team! Please let me know.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great resource and very thorough! Great articleA fantastic resource, thanks a million for pulling this together!
ReplyDeleteConsider adding INK for All: Granted I’ve only been trying it for, give or take, a couple weeks but so far, it has been a game-changer!