Here now are 7 proven ways to make money from your blog as recommended by the pros.
#1.Affiliate Programs
If your blog is up and running, with some appreciable followership, you can sign up for some affiliate programs. After signing up and getting registered, you can then decide on some products/services related to your blog niche which you can help promote. These are products/services you will be earning commissions on as a blog publisher affiliate. These commissions will be paid by the product merchants depending on how much sales your blog is able to generate for them. There are many affiliate programs you can sign up with online but the most popular are Clickbank, SFI, Amazon Associates and Linkshare. These are the programs that already have good reputations and are working with thousands of affiliates. They pay good commissions too.
If you know something technical, informative and educative, you can package it in webinars and sell off your blog site. If your webinars are sufficiently helpful to your blog readers, they bring traffic to your blog site as well as helping you to make money from selling webinar slots. You must however ensure that the topics of your webinars relate to your blog niche. They must deal with issues much deeper than what your blog does not routinely deal with while offering how-to and where-to advice on getting things done.
#3.Google Adsense Monetization
By the time your blog starts to generate sufficient traffic, you can monetize it with Google Adsense. When you register with Google for Adsense Account, on approval, they start displaying ads on your site. You earn income from these Google ads when your blog readers visit/click on the ads. The more traffic your blog gets, the more income it generates for you from Google ads.
#4.Product Sales
If you have products related to your blog for sale, you can create a storefront in your blog page to sell such products to your blog readers. Even without a physical product to sell, you can create for sale e-products like e-books and sell to your blog readers at very attractive prices.
#5.News Content and Videos
If you are creative enough to add news content and videos on your blog, you don’t only get more and better traffic, you earn more money as a result. Online marketing experts advise that visual contents like videos, graphics and photos somehow help to attract more traffic to your blog than written content. Therefore, by embedding relevant news content and videos on your blog, you stand a very good chance to earn more money as well as very valuable return visitors’ traffic from it.
#6.Private Products Ads
If your blog becomes very popular with good inbound traffic, you can earn income from it by selling private ads related to the blog. It is left to you to decide how much you charge for displaying products banners on the ads space you’ve created on your blog. The more clicks and sales attributable to such banner ads, the more money your blog earns.
#7.Job Board
You can decide to add a Job Board to your blog if your blog provides freelance writing or blogging advice. By doing so, the Job Board will not only add to your blogging income, it will also be giving your blog readers some good reasons to be returning to your blog. Returning blog readers are very valuable traffic as most expert marketers will tell you. With a Job Board on your blog site, you can then decide to charge advertisers some agreed fees to enable them to place their jobs advertisement on your Job Board for an agreed number of days’ duration. Job seekers then constitute their own unique return traffic back to your blog site since they know they will be able to view and apply for any jobs on your Job Board free of charge.
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