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Showing posts with label blogging skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging skills. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How to Generate Awesome Content for Your Blog

A blogger working from a computer on a white table top with a creamy mug of coffee and a smartphone on the table.
Great content always makes great blogging. On the part of bloggers, great content means coming up consistently with topics that are engaging and constructive. Such topics that can keep your readers devoted to your blog and grow your audience. It means always finding hot stuff for your blog that will interest if not amaze your readers. The Internet is the collected knowledge of all humankind and with it comes the best ideas that humans have ever had. The real challenge to bloggers however is to be able to tap into this potential and to find something to write about that will make some impact within this body of knowledge. Once your audience likes the content you write, you are bound to make some impact.

Even though the Internet is well equipped to give bloggers a load of information and solutions, there are times they suffer from the old writer’s block and unable to write good content. If you are a blogger, any time you find yourself in such a situation, try these here tested strategies to help you write good content.

Think, Observe and Take Notes

In whatsoever you do and wherever you go, always think content. Be observant enough as not to miss out on anything or any information that may be of help to you when creating content. For this reason, always be prepared to take copious notes and to record any information that you may need later when writing content. It helps to carry around a portable notepad and a pen/pencil to jot down any information you may find useful later as you move around your daily activities. Such notepad comes handy to record the details of any idea in case your memory fails you as it often happens. Ideas that come around this way usually flesh themselves out pretty quickly when crafting your content.

Repurpose and Repackage Old Content

Once in a while, you can single out an old content for repacking as a new content. You repurpose and repackage such content as new and it continues to pull traffic. Repurposing and repackaging is not the same thing as copying and pasting such content. That is a no no.  You can actually give a new lease of life to an old content by taking the salient points out of the old post and combining them with new ideas and good images to make a brand new content. Repurposing old content and repackaging it remains a very good strategy to generate content.

Read and Note Comments in Niche Blogs

If you are diligent enough, you can get good content from comments on your own blog and comments on other popular blogs within your blog niche. The most popular sites usually have comment storms of hundreds of comments all saying what they liked or disliked about any blog post. You can note all the comments asking for more information or clarifying information on the original post. These are treasure troves for more content. A good content is one that gives readers what to want to read. Knowing what your audience is looking for helps you to craft content to meet their needs. Comments from your blog niche readers give you a unique insight into what the readers in this particular niche care about and are talking about. From these comments, you can get new ideas and inspiration to write more effective content. Through your content, if you manage to give your readers something they probably haven’t heard about yet and are yearning to know, you’ll have them hooked on your content.

Base your Post off Other Successful Posts

Style your posts around previous posts that are doing well and pulling good traffic. These are posts that bloggers like to call evergreen blog posts. You can also target the best performing posts of the top five or more blogs you follow. Determine what makes them unique and why they’re doing well. If you are able to correctly figure that out, it becomes simple to craft a post that mimics the style and the structure of the successful post. That’s one relatively easy way to give yourself ideas for new content in a short space of time. Even if the content may not perform as well as the original, it still has a lot of potential to do well.

Experiment with Ideas

By experimenting with new ideas in your content, you can always manage to come up with new thinking and new direction in the ever evolving world of blogging. A good blogger always utilizes all information at his disposal to craft content that appeals to his audience. The more he experiments with ideas, the more he arouses this appeal. No matter how skilled you are as a blogger, you cannot maximize your skills if you are unable to experiment with ideas.

Use Content Ideas Generators

Good thinking and good observation may not be enough to give you all the blogging ideas you need. You can thus supplement your thinking with good content idea generators. Online, a content idea generator like Hubspot’s Topic Generator is a small app that allows you to input words or phrases and then randomly generate topics that may or may not be of use to you to create blog content. If you input say about two or three nouns, the app automatically generates topics that you can streamline to fit whatever blog niche you’re writing on. This app is far from being a sophisticated tool, but it saves bloggers the time they would otherwise have expended physically juggling some nouns around on a pad to make some sense.

Be Active on Social Media

Presently, nearly everyone is social media 24/7 around the world doing one thing or another. Smart bloggers are taking good advantage of the enormous audience of social media. If you are a blogger, social media links you with your audience in the most direct manner that has ever existed since the dawn of the Internet. This simply means that social media allows you to observe first-hand the things your audience is discussing with their social groups real time. This vital insight has a lot of potential for generating leads for great content creation by bloggers. By creatively using this information, you can easily craft content around the most important topics that your users have chosen to discuss on social media.

Use User Generated Content  

You can have awesome content for your blog from user-generated content. Do this by diligently following the comments from your blog audience. Observe how your blog community relates with and discusses with itself. Through this observation, you can determine what they care about then use their questions and concerns to craft great blog posts for their benefit. If you spend quality time monitoring the trend of discussions of your audience, you can easily come up with some blog topics to address their concerns. You can even play the devil’s advocate by directly posing questions to your audience to elicit responses. Based on their responses, you can then craft some riveting content to meet their needs.

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to Make Your Personal Blog Profitable

Blog sign on a grey computer screen.
Making your personal blog profitable depends largely on your knowledge, skills and proficiency. But first you must be ready to build a loyal following for your blog before you can successfully turn the audience into revenue. Admittedly, doing so takes quite a while and a lot of patience though. But with the right planning, marketing funnels and content development, even an average blogger can do so. Below are some tips how.


Go for Affiliates Revenue

Having your own blog running is not enough to make money out of it. You must actively promote and share it for it to be able to make money. By the time you successfully build a good following for your blog particularly on social media, you can develop an affiliate marketing strategy for it. This is one great way to earn recurring income from the blog. All you need is to embed relevant affiliate links of the products you are promoting in your blog content to enhance your reader’s experience. With these links in place all over your content, you earn a commission every time a sale is made through these affiliate links. That helps you to generate commissions in perpetuity from all sales made through these affiliate links. If your blog does this for you even on the short or long term, it becomes a success story you can build upon to make the blog more profitable.

Offer Sponsored Content

Most bloggers know that one of the best ways to generate revenue on a blog is to offer sponsored content. Bloggers must however ensure their advertising aligns snugly their audience to get the best results. Profitable sponsored content can be packaged in form of videos, podcasts, blog posts, roundup stories, reviews and interviews. Payment for sponsored content is usually swift. As soon as you create the content and it is published, payment is made. Earning from sponsored content is usually faster than affiliate marketing arrangements because affiliate commissions are paid at agreed intervals. On sponsored content, earned revenue isn’t directly dependent on clicks or views, unlike other types of blog monetization strategies. The earned revenue depends on how large the blog readership is and in what location the brand’s message is placed on the blog. 

Package your Skills into Marketable Services

As the traffic, audience and contacts on your blog grow, you can think about many ways to use those assets to earn income. You can for instance reach out to more targeted audiences and package your knowledge as service programs for those who are willing to buy. You can through these programs create a sales funnel to ensure consistent stream of revenue from your blog. It is possible and profitable to set this funnel up in such a way as to guide readers from social media, publicity, and Pinterest advertising (top of the funnel) to your blog posts/landing pages to your email list and funneling them to your sales pages (bottom of the funnel). This process may take a while and some testing to improve conversions. But, it is always worth it on the long run when the pieces fall in place and align properly. The revenues start flowing in directly from these efforts and your blog starts turning a profit.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

3 Key Tips to Make Your Blog Earn Quick Money

A wad of dollar notes protruding from the pocket of a blue jeans.
As a business owner, you are no doubt aware that a blog can help your business. The reason you must own a blog if you don’t already have one. Also, a blog in one great way to earn quick money online if you have the skills and follow the rules! You can write a blog just as many businesses do primarily to grow your audience, cultivate valuable relationships with readers, and consequently increase your earnings as a result. There is research evidence that businesses that blog in support of their businesses tend to get many more indexed pages by Search Engines and consequently get more inbound traffic to their websites mostly because of the blog. If your blog sits idle on the internet without sufficient readers, it cannot make money for you. Taking into account a few key tips from expert bloggers is one great way to help your blog to make quick money. However, you may need a lot of patience and time to make money online if your blogging skills are not good enough. 


Here are a few key tips to help you along the way if you are desirous to make quick money from your blog.

Make Affiliate Marketing a Priority

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and simplest businesses anyone can get involved in to make money online. There are thousands of product merchants out there online looking for affiliates to help them market their products. These merchants pay commissions to affiliates when they make sales attributable to the marketing efforts of such affiliates. All the affiliate needs to do is to promote a product to their blog readership audience using special affiliate links supplied by the product merchants. The affiliate gets paid a commission every time such links are clicked through and a purchase is made. The relationship is a win-win situation for all parties involved and affiliates get paid without delays. Affiliate marketing is thus one credible way to make quick money online.

Market Only to the Right Audience

It makes real business sense to take your business to where it will get patronage. If you build a formidable audience for your blog, it shows the audience identifies with the business niche of your blog. So, by promoting only products related to the business niche of your blog, you are literally putting the product before the right audience. Chances of patronage increase significantly as a consequence. Experienced marketers generally agree that the best and easiest way to offer value is by marketing to the right audience. Your best target market is therefore the group of people your brand specifically caters to from your business niche. It thus makes good business sense to zero in your promotions on the narrowed-down target audience as determined by your business niche. By doing so, you get more business traction, more leads and sales and consequently more revenue.

Build and Use a Credible E-mail List

Building a huge and formidable e-mail list is a very important marketing asset. It takes a bit of time to do though but it is really worth doing at the end of the day. The significance is to have reliable contact e-mails to enable you to easily keep track of your blog-reading audience which you routinely engage and move through your sales funnel. The real reason e-mail list is such a strong marketing asset is because it makes it easy for business promoters to convert subscribers to customers, allows personalized and targeted messages and generally helps to build and maintain very strong business relationships.  E-mail list characteristically helps to easily send promo/marketing messages to very large numbers of recipients with just the touch of a computer key. Building leads and sales and consequently more revenue is greatly and quickly enhanced by the promotional efforts via e-mail lists.


Monday, April 20, 2020

7 Proven Ways to Make Money from your Blog

Bold blogging sign projected over a white computer keyboard.
Most bloggers blog these days just to make money. You can too if you are able write a blog that most people want to read. The more popular your blog is with readers, the more money you can make from it. You do require some blogging skills though which you must master before starting out. Even with blogging skills, you need a bit of time, determination, hard work, testing and retesting before you can expect to make some impact in the highly competitive business of blogging.

Here now are 7 proven ways to make money from your blog as recommended by the pros.

#1.Affiliate Programs

If your blog is up and running, with some appreciable followership, you can sign up for some affiliate programs. After signing up and getting registered, you can then decide on some products/services related to your blog niche which you can help promote. These are products/services you will be earning commissions on as a blog publisher affiliate. These commissions will be paid by the product merchants depending on how much sales your blog is able to generate for them. There are many affiliate programs you can sign up with online but the most popular are Clickbank, SFI, Amazon Associates and Linkshare. These are the programs that already have good reputations and are working with thousands of affiliates. They pay good commissions too.



If you know something technical, informative and educative, you can package it in webinars and sell off your blog site. If your webinars are sufficiently helpful to your blog readers, they bring traffic to your blog site as well as helping you to make money from selling webinar slots. You must however ensure that the topics of your webinars relate to your blog niche. They must deal with issues much deeper than what your blog does not routinely deal with while offering how-to and where-to advice on getting things done.

#3.Google Adsense Monetization

By the time your blog starts to generate sufficient traffic, you can monetize it with Google Adsense. When you register with Google for Adsense Account, on approval, they start displaying ads on your site. You earn income from these Google ads when your blog readers visit/click on the ads. The more traffic your blog gets, the more income it generates for you from Google ads.

#4.Product Sales

If you have products related to your blog for sale, you can create a storefront in your blog page to sell such products to your blog readers. Even without a physical product to sell, you can create for sale e-products like e-books and sell to your blog readers at very attractive prices.

#5.News Content and Videos

If you are creative enough to add news content and videos on your blog, you don’t only get more and better traffic, you earn more money as a result. Online marketing experts advise that visual contents like videos, graphics and photos somehow help to attract more traffic to your blog than written content. Therefore, by embedding relevant news content and videos on your blog, you stand a very good chance to earn more money as well as very valuable return visitors’ traffic from it.

#6.Private Products Ads

If your blog becomes very popular with good inbound traffic, you can earn income from it by selling private ads related to the blog. It is left to you to decide how much you charge for displaying products banners on the ads space you’ve created on your blog. The more clicks and sales attributable to such banner ads, the more money your blog earns.

#7.Job Board

You can decide to add a Job Board to your blog if your blog provides freelance writing or blogging advice.  By doing so, the Job Board will not only add to your blogging income, it will also be giving your blog readers some good reasons to be returning to your blog. Returning blog readers are very valuable traffic as most expert marketers will tell you. With a Job Board on your blog site, you can then decide to charge advertisers some agreed fees to enable them to place their jobs advertisement on your Job Board for an agreed number of days’ duration. Job seekers then constitute their own unique return traffic back to your blog site since they know they will be able to view and apply for any jobs on your Job Board free of charge. 


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

5 Smart Ways to Position Your Business for the Future

Mause pad with social media handles enanating from it.

If you run a business, positioning it for visibility creates exposure and patronage. As you grow the business, it’s not only important to consider the present but the future as well. That is largely why you need credible ways to ensure the business is able to grow and scale over time. These here tips can help you in that quest.

Adopt Ways to Find and retain Customers

Finding customers is one skill, retaining them is another. If you want your business to have any kind of sustainable success, you need to be able to keep your existing customers, as well as gain new ones. That to a large extent helps to guarantee future growth for the business.

Switch Your Blog to Https

Content marketing is still very effective at putting your business out there to attract customers’ attention. That is why you need your own blog. If you already have a blog, for increased security and other features for it, you’ve got to switch it to Https. If you do, the prospect of losing social proof on your old blog posts can potentially hold you back but there are easy ways you can make the switch without losing that social proof.  Just talk to experts in that field.

Make Your Business Scalable

According to marketing experts, if you want your business to succeed well into the future, you need to build a business that’s scalable. All you need do is to put systems in place which you can easily adjust as your business grows. That makes things relatively easier for the future growth of your business.

Make Your Mobile Site Load Faster

These days, nearly everyone goes around with smart mobile devices which they use to transact various businesses. Making your website mobile adaptable is now very essential. However, for it to be effective, it must load easily, faster and be accessible almost everywhere. But you also need it to be as functional as a regular website, meaning you need it to load quickly.

Use a Content Audit to Grow Your Business

This is a must if you want to position your business for the future. According to content marketing experts, for businesses that use content marketing, not just any content will be able to help your business grow. For that reason, you need a content audit from time to time. That is what can help you weed out unhelpful content from the rest thereby making your blog relevant and helpful to your readers always.