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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Showing posts with label sales funnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sales funnel. Show all posts

Friday, July 01, 2022

Techniques to Set Up a High-Converting Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel

A stack of gold coins with high rise city buildings on background to depict business growth.
Even if you don’t have your own products to sell, through affiliate marketing, you can sell other people's products and earn commissions. That makes affiliate marketing an excellent way to make quick money online. Making money in affiliate marketing takes a process though. You need to make sales first before you can expect to earn any form of commissions. But, unfortunately, making sales doesn't happen instantly. Before potential buyers make a purchase, they must go through a sales funnel. This is where a customer's journey begins with a wide scope of interest narrowed down until they find the perfect products that meet their needs. For this reason, if you create an effective affiliate marketing sales funnel, it helps to grow your brand and increase ROI for your business.

If you want to get the best out of your affiliate marketing efforts, find below some of the most effective ways to set up a high-converting affiliate marketing sales funnel for your online business.

Do Diligent Research

Diligent research is an absolute necessity if you want to succeed in affiliate marketing. It is advisable to do it before building a sales funnel for affiliate marketing. If you are diligent in this research, it will help you to better understand your preferred target market and even the products being offered for affiliate marketing purposes. It is difficult to market or even convince anyone to buy products you do not understand yourself. When doing your research, you should consider the product’s relevance to user needs. This you can easily find out through online reviews and customer feedback. This is in addition to making sure the affiliate program you decide to work with is credible and reputable. Programs like Strong Future International, SFI for instance.

Create and Market with Quality Content

As most experienced affiliate marketers very well know, it is always much easier to market with high quality and highly informative content. The content must be appealing to users as well. Once you regularly create such content on your website, it helps to drive your target audience down the sales funnel and boost conversions. It simply means regularly creating an engaging and informative material that consumers want to connect with and share. That is the type of content that is critical for an effective affiliate marketing sales funnel. Great content that helps users to solve their problems by offering solutions is what nourishes the sales funnel. This is the reason you must always craft easy-to-read, well-structured, and informative content on your website. Such content easily helps to capture the curiosity of your audience. The moment you are able to capture your prospects' curiosity, you can then work on shaping their experience to turn their interest into conversions. It is hugely essential therefore to always think of creating content that will help your prospects travel through the sales funnel without any obstructions.

Create Landing Pages that Convert

Online marketers do business out of their websites. The landing pages of these websites are about the most important aspects of the websites particularly in matters of conversions and sales. That is where you make sales. They serve as the bottom end of the sales funnel. So, when potential customers reach this bottom of the sales funnel, the primary task of the marketer becomes how to convert their interest into a purchase. To be able do that regularly, you need to deliberately create landing pages that are very effective at closing deals. A landing page is considered great if it is very useful to convert sales. Experienced marketers always have a workable formula for a high-converting landing page. They use strategies, techniques and even some tricks to create an effective landing page. Some of these tricks and techniques include, regularly creating a great value proposition on the landing page, including easy-to-grasp social proof on it, using catchy designs and quality images on the website and making sure you always write a convincing copy to market your products. This is what helps landing pages to convert well.

Optimize Your Website

Optimizing a website is always for the main purpose of traffic. With the right keywords related to your business niche, you can optimize your website to make it visible to search engines. Building an affiliate marketing sales funnel is one great way to make your potential customers aware of your business. Optimizing your website to get a better search engine ranking on the SERPs of search engines is one credible way to make the site visible enough for it to attract organic traffic. If you do diligent keywords research, you’ll discover what your audience is frequently searching for and with what keywords. Using such keywords to optimize your website helps to enhance its visibility. You can in addition optimize the website for mobile devices since over 60% of internet users now come via mobile devices. Optimizing your website's on-page elements, including creating meta tags/descriptions and an internal linking strategy help to enhance its ranking and consequently good organic traffic to it. These techniques are helpful to your sales funnel.

Wrapping Up

Affiliate marketing sales funnel is a vital element to the success or failure of your business. If you follow the foregoing tips, you can set up a high-converting affiliate marketing sales funnel to help boost your sales and ultimately your business. Once set up, you can test it regularly to monitor impressions, conversions, and clicks to ensure it is doing great. You can then use the results to improve the marketing content on your landing page until you get satisfactory results. It is then you can expect to savor the real benefits of high-converting sales funnel in your affiliate marketing business.

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to Make Your Personal Blog Profitable

Blog sign on a grey computer screen.
Making your personal blog profitable depends largely on your knowledge, skills and proficiency. But first you must be ready to build a loyal following for your blog before you can successfully turn the audience into revenue. Admittedly, doing so takes quite a while and a lot of patience though. But with the right planning, marketing funnels and content development, even an average blogger can do so. Below are some tips how.


Go for Affiliates Revenue

Having your own blog running is not enough to make money out of it. You must actively promote and share it for it to be able to make money. By the time you successfully build a good following for your blog particularly on social media, you can develop an affiliate marketing strategy for it. This is one great way to earn recurring income from the blog. All you need is to embed relevant affiliate links of the products you are promoting in your blog content to enhance your reader’s experience. With these links in place all over your content, you earn a commission every time a sale is made through these affiliate links. That helps you to generate commissions in perpetuity from all sales made through these affiliate links. If your blog does this for you even on the short or long term, it becomes a success story you can build upon to make the blog more profitable.

Offer Sponsored Content

Most bloggers know that one of the best ways to generate revenue on a blog is to offer sponsored content. Bloggers must however ensure their advertising aligns snugly their audience to get the best results. Profitable sponsored content can be packaged in form of videos, podcasts, blog posts, roundup stories, reviews and interviews. Payment for sponsored content is usually swift. As soon as you create the content and it is published, payment is made. Earning from sponsored content is usually faster than affiliate marketing arrangements because affiliate commissions are paid at agreed intervals. On sponsored content, earned revenue isn’t directly dependent on clicks or views, unlike other types of blog monetization strategies. The earned revenue depends on how large the blog readership is and in what location the brand’s message is placed on the blog. 

Package your Skills into Marketable Services

As the traffic, audience and contacts on your blog grow, you can think about many ways to use those assets to earn income. You can for instance reach out to more targeted audiences and package your knowledge as service programs for those who are willing to buy. You can through these programs create a sales funnel to ensure consistent stream of revenue from your blog. It is possible and profitable to set this funnel up in such a way as to guide readers from social media, publicity, and Pinterest advertising (top of the funnel) to your blog posts/landing pages to your email list and funneling them to your sales pages (bottom of the funnel). This process may take a while and some testing to improve conversions. But, it is always worth it on the long run when the pieces fall in place and align properly. The revenues start flowing in directly from these efforts and your blog starts turning a profit.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

7 Tips to Grow Your eCommerce Store

Online payment from out of an eCommerce store with a credit card and a computer besides some packaged goods.
These days, as more and more people resort to shopping online, the world of eCommerce is growing in tandem. As more people get involved in establishing eCommerce stores, the competition grows too. Typical of any business characterized by free entry and free exit, everyone does everything to stay put there and to grow their eCommerce stores no matter the competition. If you run an eCommerce store and you want to enhance it particularly with growth in sales, don’t ignore these here tips.

1. Make Your Purchasing Process Simple

Yeah, no shopper ever wants to go through a complicated shopping process when they shop online. For this reason, you must put everything in place to make shopping out of your eCommerce store very simple. If you don’t, major stores like eBay and Amazon who have perfected quick check-out processes and even same-day shipping of products can quickly crowd you out of business. That is why it is hugely essential to make sure your customers go through a simple and seamless process when making any kind of purchase from your eCommerce store.

2. Make Your Customers Your Priority

Your eCommerce store cannot remain open and functional for much too long without customers. You can only keep it open and functional if you have customers that are actively purchasing from it. Your customers are therefore your most important assets in your bid to grow your eCommerce business. The reason, you must make them your number one priority. You can do this effectively by exploring any and every way to show them you care about them. Directly engage them and respond quickly and satisfactorily to their concerns and inquiries at all times. Always ask them for feedback through email surveys or in the review section of your store. Directly engage them on social media and pose such questions that will elicit responses from them on how best your business can better serve them. Specifically, you can find out how much your products suit their needs and how you can improve on their experience with your products and even on your eCommerce store.

3. Create an Online Sales Funnel

A great way to enhance your eCommerce store is to create and maintain a sales-funnel online. You can do this by paying special attention to the process a customer goes through from the time they first land on your website to the time they make a click to purchase a product. Making that process fluid and smooth can help to create an effective sales funnel for you. A fluid and effective sales funnel ensures that when your customers land on your website, they take the exact track you want them to take and they do what you expect them to do. Carefully examine and analyze your current sales funnel and find out if it effectively does what you expect it to do to enhance your store. Determine what has been working and what has not, then figure out what you can tinker with, remove or replace with something new and better. What matters is to get good results even if it means thinking strategically and stepping outside the box and trying new and better things to get the results you want.

4. Build Relationships with Influencers

If you can form impactful relationships with relevant Influencers in your niche, so much the better for your eCommerce store. By definition, Influencers are individuals who already have a large following on social media, or have high website traffic, or have a substantial email list. You can reach out to such influencers to help promote your affiliate links or to help post your sponsored content to their numerous followers. Of course that comes with some trade-offs in form of commissions but why not considering the huge traffic volume good influencers are capable of attracting to your eCommerce store. Through affiliate marketing, you can tap into Influencer’s networks to have your content or products reach their wide audience. Your eCommerce store benefits from increased traffic and enhanced sales figures.

5. Engage on Social Media

Yes indeed! Social media is where nearly everyone around the word is at right now doing their own things. There is no doubt your customers are having a conversation right now on social media. Your duty is to find out where they are talking and get yourself involved. Engage with them real time. One great way to continue building trust for your business is to engage your customers on social media. By doing so, you give them a real feeling of being heard and valued as if they are a part of something that is bigger than themselves. Better trust always means better business out of your eCommerce store.

6. Explore Remarketing Tactics

Vigorous marketing is hugely essential in any eCommerce business. You can deliberately deploy ads retargeting tactics and you’ll keep getting good results over a prolonged period of time. If you have proper pixels set up throughout your website, you can effectively monitor a buyer’s journey. With proper remarketing tactics, ads from your eCommerce store can be shown on various websites and social media platforms to remind shoppers who were earlier in your website exactly where they were in their buying process. Once your remarketing ads are set up and running, no matter which website the shoppers currently are, they can simply click and proceed with their purchase.

7. Offer a Loyalty Program

Yes, everyone loves rewards. You can always offer a loyalty program out of your eCommerce store that provides incentives to those customers who have been loyal to your brand and you’ve built a long-lasting relationship with them. Many of such customers are always returning customers. As returning customers, you can arrange to reward them with discounts or some other freebies. In return, such rewards will further help to induce more loyalty from the customers. The rewards will ultimately make the customers feel more valued thereby helping you to improve on your customer retention rates. That no doubt can greatly help to grow your eCommerce store.

Monday, May 03, 2021

Why Email Marketing is Important to Your Small Business

Email Marketing graphics envelopes floating out of virtual space over a white computer keyboard. 
To some digital marketers, email marketing now appears “old school” but it still gets some great results. Email marketing is not only convenient, it is also cost-effective particularly for small business owners who are characteristically low on marketing budget most for the time. Crafting effective email campaigns requires some knowledge and skills. Once you get it right, the results are amazing. That is why email marketing is so important to small business owners who operate on low marketing budgets.


No doubt other messaging channels are also very important to business owners depending on their types of businesses. Notwithstanding that, email remains the main channel of communication for small businesses. Business owners effectively use email messages to lead consumers through the whole sales and marketing funnel, converting them to customers in the process. They rely on emails to assist their website visitors to interact with their apps, engage them more, and consequently increase their brand loyalty. Without a doubt, email marketing is one of the most efficient channels for customer retention. Ambitious marketers never lose sight of that fact. There is some credible research report indicating that “a 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profit” Profit motive is what largely drives most small business owners and anything they do that helps them to increase profits, gets done more and better. That is the lot of email marketing.

To create effective email campaigns, marketers must pay special attention to two big areas of crafting email templates and handling email recipients. Experienced marketers can manually build email templates fairly easily. However, to save time and to guarantee efficiency and effectiveness, delegating your database management and sending logic to a dedicated and reputable email marketing service can also be considered.

If you resolve to follow DIY route, please pay attention to the following tips. Before you start creating your email campaigns, decide firmly on the following:
Your objectives/motives
The goals you want to achieve
Your recipient audience
Your type of marketing messages
The role great content will play
How to segment your audience

This information will help you to make the all-important decision on the type of email campaigns your business needs. Your emails even if largely technical must be transactional in messaging to be effective. For as long as they have marketing, branding, and even sales purposes, they’re great to form part of your marketing and product strategies. Meaning? For your emails to be effective for proper branding and sales, they must have well-crafted templates and carefully worded and optimized messages with great aesthetics appeal to boot.