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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Proven Growth Strategies of Successful E-commerce Businesses

Two Gold and silver pens on a white notepad, red rose flowers, computer and a glass of beverage on top of a white work table.
E-commerce business has gradually taken hold in the world of online business. If you are just trying to get some traction in your own eCommerce business, you can do well to emulate what works well for some other businesses that can now be considered as great successes in eCommerce business. Three of such business operators that readily come to mind are, Amazon, eBay and Walmart who many other eCommerce businesses are struggling to catch up with. These businesses have had phenomenal growth over the years largely because of the effective growth strategies their managers have used to drive growth. That could’ve been the lot of your own business too if you learned to use similar strategies.

Successful businesses always like to tell their own stories. It helps if people in similar businesses learn to take note. From what we can decipher from these success stories, it appears below strategies are fairly common to these businesses, even though in varied degrees. These are the strategies that appear to have helped them to maintain relatively high growth rates and continued success.

Effective Marketing Strategies

Online, the competition among eCommerce businesses is excessively fierce. Adopting and executing the right marketing strategies is what makes successful eCommerce businesses stand out among several competitors. When you align the strategic marketing process of a business with its mission and vision, the chances of success are hugely enhanced. E-commerce businesses that adopt the correct and effective marketing approach across digital platforms and social media channels tend to have a bigger audience reach. They easily build brand reputation and exhibit some kind of unique selling proposition. E-commerce businesses that can effectively implement well-planned influencer marketing tactics depend on these tactics to positively grow their businesses.  So, if you choose the right marketing channels well, it is one very effective way to maximize and sustain the growth of your eCommerce business just as those businesses that are succeeding at it eloquently show.

Acquisitions as Growth Stimuli

Every business I know always wants to grow and expand. E-commerce businesses are no exceptions. Business acquisitions tend to better stimulate the growth potentials of many eCommerce businesses. Successful eCommerce businesses tend to rely more on successful acquisitions for their growths and developments than in-house innovations. Innovations are mostly trial and error approaches which make growth a bit slower but with acquisitions, full adaptation and beneficial results are attained faster. Reputable eCommerce businesses rely more on a ready-to-acquire strategy with a rigorous, systematic approach to grow their businesses. Company results show that this approach somehow helps these businesses to accelerate their growth rates faster. Businesses get the best results when their every acquisition initiative is well-thought through, well-targeted and very purposeful. With that, every successful acquisition helps many businesses to successfully drive their business growths.

Right Timing

Launching a business at the right time and at the right place contributes immensely to its success. When many of the current business leaders in eCommerce marketing came on stream, the eCommerce business model fitted perfectly into the changing dynamics of the market, technology, and consumer behavior. The internet was the right place to be to be able to resolve with ease customer-problems at higher urgency with the most effective solution, product, or service. These successful eCommerce businesses deliberately targeted the right audience leveraging the internet and sold to the right customers with access to the right distribution channels. The end result turned out to be phenomenal business success.

Great User Experience

As eCommerce businesses, their major window to the world is through their websites. This is the reason why the leaders in eCommerce business today have about the best, most well designed and user-friendly websites on the internet. Businesses like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart depend greatly for their marketing success highly flexible and user-friendly websites with such practical features that make shopping on their sites a real pleasure instead of a hassle. They are so concerned about this user experience to the extent that it is usual with them to periodically analyze deeply, changing user needs and experience and act accordingly to update their websites to meet the challenges. This allows them to seamlessly keep up with the trends of consumer behavior and shopping habits on the internet. Their findings guide them to re-tweak their websites occasionally to meet these trends. When you combine this with their in-house policies and visions of treating customers like kings, the user experience of customers on their websites turns out to be something very exciting. A very huge number of customers who have the ultimate service experience always like to purchase from the same business over and over again. This also accounts for why these businesses are succeeding the way they are. There is no question about it, the exceptional user experience on the websites of successful eCommerce businesses no doubt helps them to outperform their competitors.


Businesses diversification allows businesses a great deal of flexibility to operate. And, of course, diversification and business performance are always closely connected. When it comes to diversification, the trend that runs through all successful eCommerce businesses is that they all in the main tend to optimally embrace diversification manifesting through expanded products and services, operational divisions, product promotion and delivery, workforce, and geographical regions. Diversification appears to be the major reason why successful eCommerce brands are known worldwide for their products/services and can serve a global customer/client base with ease. Judging from their operational experiences, diversification appears to have greatly helped them to improve efficiency, enhance business growth, and boost market value. See why they are succeeding phenomenally as they appear to be?


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