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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Why Content Marketing is more than Content Creation and Distribution

Laptop computer, gold and silver pens on a notepad, pink rose flowers and a glass of beverage.
As expert marketers like to say, content marketing is much more than creating and distributing online content. It involves many techniques and strategies needed to get good content out there on the internet with the primary aim of attracting traffic to your website. The higher the traffic coming to your website, the better your chances of getting leads and sales! This is one of the inbound marketing tactics marketers really depend on to acquire leads. To generate revenue therefore, you need to do more content marketing campaigns than just mere content distribution which does not have that capability. Much more than mere content distribution, for a content marketing campaign to be successful, it must serve as a veritable and effective hub for attracting web visitors. That is the much needed web traffic by all marketers.

With search engine optimization, SEO, content marketing tends to be better placed on the web to attract the attention of search engines. Content distribution without SEO, does not have this advantage. The reason it is not searched and as such does not attract the much needed traffic by marketers. Therefore, optimizing online content with a clear goal in mind is always in the top priority list of any good marketer. Not doing so simply makes your content a merely distributed content without online promotional boost by search engines.

Content marketing directly targets traffic using inbound marketing strategies to attract, engage and delight your audience. Content distribution lacks this capacity because it is deficient of optimization techniques which will get search engines to rank and send traffic its way. This is clearly why content marketing is much more than just creating and distributing online content. To successfully market any content online, every marketer must strongly rely on his strategic and creative thinking skills. With that, you can always look at your content as is being viewed and used, then do things to enhance those goals no matter which marketing channel your audience is using. Content distribution does not require such technicalities, one more reason it is different from content marketing.

In content marketing, marketers know that their web visitors must reach them via their websites by using special keywords and searches to find answers to their web search inquiries. This is why marketers need to use the right keywords/phrases in the product descriptions on their websites. By using such keywords/phrases, you can start by optimizing your campaigns around solutions to search inquiries. Using inbound marketing strategies/tools, it is fairly easy to convert these web visitors to leads and even loyal customers by way of deliberate processes. Content marketing uses these processes to take web visitors through a buyer’s journey to become customers. This is something content distribution doesn’t have to bother about at all. A very clear difference, no doubt.

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