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Thursday, June 03, 2021

How to Use SEO to Increase Online Presence for your Small Business

A lone blogger working on the SEO of his small business website.
The online presence of your small business website is directly related to the strength and effectiveness of your business. So, to increase the online presence of a small business, owners readily turn to Search Engine Optimization, SEO among other factors. When the SEO of your website is good, it helps to increase the online presence of your business. SEO helps the business with more first-page appearances in the SERPs of search engines. A good SEO doesn’t just mean stronger web presence; it also equates to more traffic to your conversion-optimized site and greater credibility for your business. 


Here is what you can do to have a good SEO.

Deliberately create quality content on the website.

Research and select the relevant keywords to your business niche.

Carefully place these keywords on your website content.

Optimize all the photos and images on the website with these keywords.

Build backlinks from other credible websites to your own website.

Improve your Core Web Vitals to align with the page experience update.

Optimize the website for mobile searches to make it easy for mobile-first indexing.

Use schema markup so that rich snippets can appear below your site title in the SERPs of major search engines particularly Google.

Give priority to local SEO to enable the business take advantage of local searches.

If you write a business blog, target more keywords with it because the core pages of your website can only take a limited number of keywords.

Make sure each post of your business blog is individually optimized for relevant keywords to help it rank for those keywords and to appear in search results for the tons of searches for the keywords.

When you are blogging especially for online presence, it is recommended that you:

Vigorously promote your posts multichannel using social media and emails most especially.

Target question keywords with H2s to increase their chances of showing up in “People also ask.”

Target one keyword/keyword theme per post and include it in your titles, headings, image file names, alt text, and meta-descriptions.

Use numbered and bulleted lists where appropriate to be featured snippet-friendly.

Final Words

If you are able to carry out these activities diligently and consistently on your website content, chances are very high that you’ll have a good SEO in place and your small business online presence will increase appreciably.

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