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Showing posts with label Online presence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online presence. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2022

A Concise Guide to Internet Marketing

A person marketing from a computer, with flowers and a mug of beverage on the table.
Marketing something on the internet is still a bit strange to most people. It is usually strange to them too when you tell them they can actually do some selling on the internet and make good money. Fact is, anyone can get involved in internet marketing and make money if they are keen on following the rules and learning the ropes as they move along. If you are keen to make money on the internet yourself, these here tips can give you a concise guide on how to go about it.

Have a Reliable Internet Address

Your internet address is another name for your own website. You must have your website to market out of. That is your web office where you first make contact with internet users. If anyone is seeking to do business with you on the internet, your website is where they’ll have to come to find you and your wares. So, you must have a well-designed and well-hosted website that is user-friendly and mobile optimized to do business from. That is the type of website that can adequately serve as your reliable web address on the internet. When internet users search for your type of business using the right keywords on the website, search engines direct them to your website just as similar businesses.

Keep an Eye on Analytics

Analytics is all about capturing and measuring marketing data on the internet. The first in the series of analytics you must pay attention to is Google Analytics. This tool captures data that helps you to understand your website’s critical elements and how visitors are coming over to the website. With the insights you get from analytics data, you will know how and where traffic is coming from and what exactly they are looking for on your website. If you are marketing on social media, most of the popular social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest etc, have their own in-house analytics that can give you the right insights how your marketing is faring on each platform. You need these insights to tweak, redesign or redirect your marketing from time to time.

Invest in Digital Advertising

Aside organic traffic which you get from search engines, you can directly advertise online to get traffic if your marketing budget can accommodate the investment. You must take adequate care to be sure you spend your money doing the right things in the right places online. If not, you end up spending your money without getting good return on your investment. Paid digital advertising you can consider includes resources such as Google Ads, YouTube Ads, and social media advertising. These ads locations can help your marketing succeed if combined with the free organic traffic you get from search engines.
Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Recent Google reports indicate that over 60% of online data is attributable to mobile devices. That and with the fact that almost everyone is now having a smartphone in their hands, optimizing your website for mobile devices is now inevitable if you want to succeed in internet marketing. Since most consumers now do business online with these mobile devices, it is smart therefore to make sure your website is easily accessible by these devices. This you can do by making it mobile-friendly through optimization. Having a mobile-friendly website will make it possible for the users of these devices to easily access your website and do business with you.

Hone Your Designing Skills

To effectively market on the internet, your designing skills are going to come in handy at some point. So, you must learn these skills if you don’t have them or polish them up if you already have the skills. Yes, you may not be a natural artist but with the help of online tools, your designing skills can be easy for you. With these tools, you can design and present your products on your website in such a way as to make them very attractive to consumers. Tools like Photoshop and Canva are particularly very handy to create social media image posts, design beautiful banners and flyers for your internet advertising. These tools can even assist you with the right recommendations that can help boost your digital marketing.

Use Infographics Adequately

Images and photos are always very effective in internet advertising. This is because photos are usually more attractive and help us humans to retain information better. That’s the way the human brain is designed. For advertising purposes, it is not for nothing when marketers say, a picture is worth a thousand words. For this reason, in internet marketing, many people usually prefer to share images which people can easily see and understand than sharing text messages that people may not even bother to read. So if you use infographics adequately on your website, you can pull more traffic to the website as a result.

Be Visible on Social Media

With over 4.55 billion active users worldwide, social media has become one huge market out there on the internet. Therefore, getting your business on as many social media platforms as you can handle is one very smart move for marketing on the internet. Doing so helps to create valuable visibility for your business online. Depending on the products you are marketing and the market you are targeting, social media can help with the differentials exactly where to market to get the best results. Getting your business on social media is very easy through several social media apps out there if you want to pull more traffic and customers to your business. Once you have a reliable internet connection, staying relevant and having a strong social media presence requires real visibility on the platforms.


These tips are by no means exhaustive. If you are just venturing into the world of Internet Marketing, the foregoing tips will suffice for you to get started until you get a real hang on it. Navigating the deep world of the Internet is no tea party but you can get by with these concise tips. Just get started and you’ll learn vital techniques and tactics as you go along. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Potent Tips to Monetize Your Online Presence Through Social Media

Popular social media symbols on display.
Yes indeed! If you are a digital marketer, you can actually monetize your online presence through social media. With presently over 4.6 billion active users worldwide on social media, you can explore the high points of each social media platform to monetize your marketing. All it takes is simply to place affiliate links in your posts, updates, and profiles on the very popular platforms and you are on. But because of the high demand on your time and efforts, you cannot afford to spread yourself too thin in all the platforms. The best and most result-oriented strategy therefore is to focus more on the social channels where your audience hangs out. That’s the trick. In doing so, you must take into account the highs and lows of each platform to get the best out of the platform. Find below the tips you really need to successfully monetize your online presence through the most popular social media platforms.

•    Highs: Highly visual platform. Great for displaying products and services. Very effective for visual marketing through video content such as reels and stories.
•    Lows: The organic reach of feed posts is low.

•    Highs: Great marketing advantage since you can directly share affiliate links in the pins you make. You can thus take very good advantage of the platform to share quality, as well as trend-driven content in your niche.
•    Lows: Pinterest traffic caters only to a very specific audience.

•    Highs: Hugely popular at the moment with almost 3 billion global users. A very huge market if you ask me. Now the largest social media platform available with in-house tools for marketing purposes. The large audience is easily accessible as a large market and sharing unlimited info is easy too.
•    Lows: Not too appealing to a much younger audience. Also not too effective using organic search.

•    Highs: Hugely popular and easy to share unlimited short blogs/marketing messages. Twitter is another very popular social media platform that is great for showing off what you have to offer.
•    Lows: Limited messaging characters of about 280 per post. One huge challenge for effective affiliate marketing.

•    Highs: Great for short videos that do not need to be professional in appearance quite unlike YouTube. It provides more real and genuine experience. Presently, TikTok has become a trend-setting platform and fast increasing in popularity.
•    Lows: Descriptions don’t have clickable links. A real minus for affiliate marketing.

•    Highs: Hugely popular with over 2.3 billion active users worldwide. Excellent for SEO and therefore a real magnet for organic traffic.
•    Lows: Most niches are flooded with competition. This is aside from the fact that you need to invest in professional and high-quality videos to get good results.

•    Highs: Very impressive for organic reach. A leading platform for business minded professionals. Great for group interactions.
•    Lows: Largely aimed at business-to-business audiences. It is used more by much older audiences.

Last line

From the foregoing tips about the highs and lows of some of the most popular social media platforms on the web, it is possible to design your marketing strategy to monetize your online presence and you get good results. No matter the type of product you are selling and despite your marketing experience, you can get good results if you are able to take advantage of what each platform uniquely offers to digital marketers.

Friday, January 14, 2022

How to Manage Your Affiliate Program to Maximize Earnings

Dollar bills arranged in fan shape
If you are in digital marketing, you can create some passive income through affiliate marketing. Once you have a strong online presence, affiliate marketing can become your main source of revenue or simply as supplement to your other revenue streams. This appears to be why so many people are turning to affiliate marketing to make some extra earnings online. If however you are just starting out in affiliate marketing, you must carefully decide which affiliate programs hold the right prospects for you right from the outset. Even with the requisite experience in the business, you still need to re-evaluate your approach from time to time and scout around to determine whether or not you’re really making the most of the options available to you. Expert marketers advise that if you want to maximize your earnings in the business, you must keep a keen eye on the following.

Concentrate on Marketing Products you Know

By concentrating on marketing more of the products/services that you yourself know, believe in, and even have used, it becomes much easier for you to generate valuable content that leads to conversions. That way, you can easily link with retailers within your audience and sphere of interests. That is the kind of crowd that is more likely to be compatible with the existing niche of your blog or social media presence. If you want your audience/followers to take action based upon your advice, they must trust you implicitly. That is the best way to get conversions fairly easily.

Always Compare and Contrast Options

Out there on the Internet, there are always several marketing options available and these options are always evolving and changing. There are always emerging markets too worth having a peep into. Just as some markets fall away, emerging markets usually spring up to take their place each having something unique to offer. That calls for constant comparison and contrasting to determine what’s best for you at any time based on the most lucrative options available.

Don’t Shun High-Dollar Products

Among affiliate marketers, there is usually this misconception that high-dollar items are not worth the bother. This is because such products are characteristically more difficult to promote. Yeah, they may be but the big ticket returns that follow a successful sale cannot be ignored. As a general rule therefore, it is always advisable to include a mixture of products that span the price spectrum in your affiliate strategy. That allows you to take advantage of a wide swathe of the price spectrum. Doing so allows you to cover all bases and keep your earnings optimized at all times.

Diligently Research Vendor Support

Vendor support is really vital if you want to maximize your affiliate earnings. Fact is, not all affiliate programs are created equal in terms of the support they offer to their affiliates. It therefore follows that vendors that offer the best support, help affiliate marketing the most. Even if this support is by way of a dedicated account manager who is on hand to answer any queries/concerns, or simply a responsive email or phone system, it is important to make sure you have all the support you need. Some vendors even provide marketing materials like brochures, banner ads/links for you to take advantage of. It pays off to research vendors well enough to really know what they offer before you commit. That’s yet another great way to boost your affiliate program and maximize your earnings.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

How to Increase your Small Business Online Presence with Social Media

Social media marketer working with a smartphone and computer, with flowers and a mug of creamy beverage on the table.
Small business owners deliberately take advantage of social media to increase online presence for their businesses. The vast user bases and sharing capabilities peculiar to social media platforms make them ideal amplification tools to help increase online presence for your business. This is in addition to the fact that a vast majority of consumers rely on social media for product recommendations and actually make purchases based on these recommendations.

Here are five things you can do to increase social media presence for your small business.

1. Be Active on Social Media

This is a given. The more active you are on social media, the easier it is for you to get noticed. To make social media a part of your online presence therefore, the first thing you need to do is to have an active account. That done, you can start publishing high quality posts regularly as well as making well-informed responses to likes and comments on those posts. At the same time, you can reciprocate with liking and commenting on your followers’ posts, answering direct questions/messages, sharing content from other sources, and much more. If you do this consistently, your online presence will increase proportionately.

2. Think more of Audience not just Followers

On social media, your online presence hardly improves with more followers. Rather, it is your following that improves with a stronger online presence. When you think more of your following as a great audience you can market to, you can work to cultivate niche audience of individuals who are interested in what you are offering. That translates into more likes and comments on your posts and more user-generated content to boot. As most marketers very well know, marketing campaigns with user-generated content result in higher conversions rates than campaigns without it. Meaning, user-generated content helps to build your online presence better on social media.

3. Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms you Use

Expert social media marketers always advise marketers to limit the number of social media platforms to only the numbers they can conveniently handle. This is because online presence is all about quality and not quantity. You can settle for the platforms your preferred audience is using, then limit the number you choose based on your bandwidth. If you have just one, two or three accounts with solid engagement, it is much better than having several accounts with weak activity. For most small business owners, the preference is always among the most popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest depending on what products/services they are marketing.

4. Make Posts with Emotion for Shareability

If you want to generate engagement on social media, you must make quality posts regularly. Posts that generate engagement are hugely important if you want social media algorithms to locate and display more of your posts in users’ feeds. In addition, quality posts compel your followers to consume your content more and to share it with others widely. To craft quality posts, you can use emotional words and phrases in your captions, use compelling stats, evocative images/photos/graphics and even add emojis for effects. If the posts are easily relatable and link-free such that your followers can consume quickly, it increases their shareability. The more your posts are shared, the better for your online presence.

5. Have Social Media SEO in Place

Some social media sites are some kind of mini search engines in their own rights while relying on keywords in some cases. For this reason, just like the SEO on your business website, you can also have SEO in your social media posts by including your preferred and popular keywords in your profiles and posts on the platforms. You can use many of the same keywords as you do on your business website. But, you may choose to have a preference towards some idea-oriented and lighter-hearted queries because social media platforms are more of the browsing and interactive type of socializing. It is recommended that both hashtags and keywords be used sparingly in your posts to improve your social media presence. If you use them sparingly and focus more on location-based and niche terms, you can manage to increase your visibility to the right audience in their right locations.

How to Use SEO to Increase Online Presence for your Small Business

A lone blogger working on the SEO of his small business website.
The online presence of your small business website is directly related to the strength and effectiveness of your business. So, to increase the online presence of a small business, owners readily turn to Search Engine Optimization, SEO among other factors. When the SEO of your website is good, it helps to increase the online presence of your business. SEO helps the business with more first-page appearances in the SERPs of search engines. A good SEO doesn’t just mean stronger web presence; it also equates to more traffic to your conversion-optimized site and greater credibility for your business. 


Here is what you can do to have a good SEO.

Deliberately create quality content on the website.

Research and select the relevant keywords to your business niche.

Carefully place these keywords on your website content.

Optimize all the photos and images on the website with these keywords.

Build backlinks from other credible websites to your own website.

Improve your Core Web Vitals to align with the page experience update.

Optimize the website for mobile searches to make it easy for mobile-first indexing.

Use schema markup so that rich snippets can appear below your site title in the SERPs of major search engines particularly Google.

Give priority to local SEO to enable the business take advantage of local searches.

If you write a business blog, target more keywords with it because the core pages of your website can only take a limited number of keywords.

Make sure each post of your business blog is individually optimized for relevant keywords to help it rank for those keywords and to appear in search results for the tons of searches for the keywords.

When you are blogging especially for online presence, it is recommended that you:

Vigorously promote your posts multichannel using social media and emails most especially.

Target question keywords with H2s to increase their chances of showing up in “People also ask.”

Target one keyword/keyword theme per post and include it in your titles, headings, image file names, alt text, and meta-descriptions.

Use numbered and bulleted lists where appropriate to be featured snippet-friendly.

Final Words

If you are able to carry out these activities diligently and consistently on your website content, chances are very high that you’ll have a good SEO in place and your small business online presence will increase appreciably.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

How to Increase Online Presence with your Small Business website

A lone worker working online from a computer, a white mug of beverage and some cookies on the table.
Your online presence derives from your small business website. This website is your main contact window on the internet. That is where consumers first make contact with your business. No matter how someone finds out about your business, either through social media, an ad, a listing, direct mail, or through a friend, their first instinct is naturally to check out your website. A considerable percentage of consumers won’t consider doing business online without a credible website. This is because consumers consider it more convenient and appealing to browse for information on a website at their own time and location. Engaging with the business, getting more information and actually making a purchase, is also very convenient through a website. This is more so in times of severe restrictions the world is experiencing at the moment because of Covid-19 pandemic. If your website is well-designed, well-hosted, easy-loading, user-friendly, mobile-friendly and optimized well enough, it helps to increase its online presence.

To enhance that, you must opt for a very modern and attractive website for your business. Because consumer expectations are increasingly getting higher these days, having a good website helps to make your online presence stronger. That is if consumers can easily search for it, interact with it and do business with it. A tidy majority of consumers admit to judging the credibility of a business through its website design. This is further reinforced if they can seamlessly interact with the website and not experience distracting glitches. All these help to increase the online presence of a website, making it the type of website that helps a small business to generate leads, customers and sales.

Search engines are the strongest online agents that help to enhance the online presence of a business website. This is why marketers always strive to make their websites search engine-friendly. This they do by way of Search Engine Optimization, SEO. It is recommended to always perform SEO on your website with the latest updates in mind. That is what helps it with good search engine rankings and a strong online presence eventually. SEO is a free way to get on the first page of major search engines SERPs particularly Google’s. Doing so is the hallmark of a strong online presence. To get SEO right on your website, you must embark on deliberately targeted SEO efforts like link building, content creation, keyword research, selection and deployment on the content of your website. This may take time, considerable efforts and patience but when done right, it becomes a lasting asset that can help to increase online presence for your business over a considerable period of time.

Monday, May 31, 2021

7 Free Tools for Online Presence Management of Your Business

Small business branding work station with a computer, smartphone, Tablet and black cup of beverage.
If you market online, you must the concerned about the online presence management of your business. With so many online channels out there, building and maintaining your online presence is a very huge undertaking. It is always worthwhile though because the returns from the efforts can be very big. That is why it is worth undertaking. Doing it physically is usually very daunting. So, you need online tools and some form of automation to help you out with the online presence management of your business. Below are some free tools which are popular with marketers you can try out yourself to help you with the online presence management of your business. 


1. WordStream Tool

This is an effective GMB, Google-My-Business grader tool you can rely on. WordStream’s free GMB grader helps you to identify what is missing in your profile and exactly what you need to do to improve it. The better your profile is on GMB, the more visible it is and the more clicks it gets. WordStream Tool helps to make your profile look better on GMB.

2. Google and Facebook Ads Graders Tool

Marketers effectively use this free tool to perform a thorough audit of their ads accounts. The tool usually provides a detailed report on optimizations which can be undertaken to increase the visibility of the ads. That way, you can prevent wasted spend, and get more conversions in the process.

3. LOCALiQ Tool
This is a very effective digital marketing health check tool. To use LOCALiQ’s free presence checker, just enter your business name and address and get a report showing which of your business listings are complete, which ones are missing information, and which ones are missing entirely. You can then supply the missing/incomplete information to make your ads more captivating.

4. Google Search Tool

Anytime you Google your business-name yourself, you can easily see what shows up on the SERPs of Google. It is Google search tool that gets out this report. You will see exactly what others see when they search your business name on this tool. If what you see is not satisfactory for your marketing efforts, you can do some tweaking on your listings until you are satisfied with the search results.

5. Google’s Page Speed Insights Tool

If you plug your website into the Page Speed Insights tool of Google, you’ll get a score for both mobile and desktop devices as well as recommendations to improve page speed. You can do some tweaking thereafter until you are satisfied with the results.

6. Google Alerts Tool

You can get periodic reports free of cost from Google alerts depending on the information you want Google to alert you on periodically. These reports could be daily, weekly or monthly depending on your choice. You can set up these alerts to enable Google notify you when new results for any topic of your choice about your business shows up in Google Search. This is one very useful tool you can effectively use to stay on top of trends in your business niche and even to spy on your competition.

7. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool

Google now reports that that over 60% of search results is at times attributable to mobile devices. So, marketers must now optimize their websites to be mobile-friendly to take advantage of this huge search data. For your own website, you can simply Google “mobile friendly test” and enter your website into the search result. The report will show you how mobile-friendly your website is.

Friday, October 02, 2020

Digital Marketing Tips to Create a Strong Online Presence for your Brand

A digital marketer working from a laptop with a cup of brown beverage, smart phone and notepads on the table.
To create a strong online presence for your brand, you need digital marketing. That means getting your business fully online unless you want to miss out from getting valuable potential customers. If you are not already using digital marketing for your business, there is no better time to start than now. That is the quickest way to build a strong online presence for your brand. Now that there is a rising trend of mobile searches coupled with the huge influence of social media, how your business is faring online has become very essential. A good digital marketing strategy can help your brand to command a strong presence online.

As part of that strategy, here are some simple things you can do to create a strong online presence for your brand. 

Market with a User-Friendly Business Website: Your business website serves as your online window to do business in virtual space. That is where you receive and serve customers who are looking for what you are offering. For that reason, your business website must be user-friendly and mobile compliant. It pays to optimize it to make it more user-friendly. The site must be professionally- designed with your marketing message on it very clear, concise, and persuasive enough to attract customers. It must load easily to make it more user-friendly. You can improve its online visibility by using simple SEO techniques to optimize it for improved ranking in Google SERPs.

Make a Digital Marketing Plan: To embark on digital marketing for your business, be sure you have a workable plan. A good digital marketing plan will help you choose the correct approach for your business’ goals. Even if such goals have to do with building your brand, improving customer relationships, and or increasing your website traffic, they should be very clear and your marketing plans must fully focus on them. By setting up proper tracking methods and analytics, you can accurately measure results to determine the ROI in your business. That’s about the only way, you can easily discover what is working according to your plans and what isn’t. These results will enable you to reframe your marketing approach and direction as needed.

Create Valuable Content: Content creation is a veritable marketing method of attracting traffic to your website. As part of your digital marketing strategy, you can create good content by way of informative blog articles, how-to guides, infographics and others. By consistently, and regularly posting relevant and useful content on your website, you can attract interested customers and rank better in search results. For good results, your content must be consistent with your brand and authority, while providing useful information to the customers. You can consistently experiment with different types of content and post more of what works better. That is what helps to get the kind of results to enhance your online presence and visibility.
Advertise on Social Media: Because of the specialized features in social media platforms, you can specifically target your local area with ads. Segmenting ads for better results is also possible with available social media features. With social media ads, you can be very specific about the demographics you are targeting. These include useful segmentation details like age, needs, gender, education, interests, etc to make your marketing message more effective.

Collaborate and Connect Widely: Connecting and networking are good for your online presence. If you try to show up and act up often, people always remember you and endeavor to reach out to you as often as they can. To make your website very visible online, you can conduct live sessions, live streaming, giveaways, and special offers that greatly enhance your online visibility.  This helps you to better connect with your customers and other complementing businesses to enhance your online presence.

Measure Performance with Analytics Tools:  It is difficult to know how well your marketing campaigns are doing if you are unable to measure your performance efforts. Performance measurement is one great way to know what is working and what isn’t. Armed with such information, you can decide on what changes and or adjustments you can make for better performance. Free online tools like Google analytics come in handy here to analyze all the digital marketing efforts you are making in your campaigns. From the results you are getting from the analytics, you can decide either to change your plan or to modify your approach for better results. By using your analytics data as guide, you can always take effective marketing decisions. That way, if you regularly monitor your traffic/leads/conversions, you can have sufficient information to make changes as needed. If you discover something that is not working as expected, you can make changes to implement what works better.

Actively Engage with Your Customers: Your customers are the reason you are in business. Never you forget that.  Engaging them actively online is one great way to enhance your online presence. If you actively engage with your customers, it fosters great relationships with them. That helps you to, better understand your business from your customers’ perspectives. You can engage your customers better by showing real concern about their needs and responding to their reviews faster and more professionally. Even if their reviews are positive or negative, you must take note of the feedback, and respond quickly but very politely. You can actively nurture your customer relationships by sending them regular emails regarding the latest deals, giveaways, or special offers from your business. This is yet another great way to boost your online presence.

List Your Business on Google My Business: Listing your business on Google My Business greatly enhances its online visibility. If you create an account on Google My Business, and you add all the relevant business details like hours of business, business address, telephone numbers, email etc, this info helps searchers to do business with you when they hit on your account. It helps to enhance your online presence a great deal, because when a user searches for a service that your business offers, your business name will appear alongside similar listed services in the Google lists.

Nurture Good Customer Relationships: While actively searching for new customers, make sure you retain old customers. Repeat business is always a better business than new business. Repeat business is what you get from old customers. More so, it is by far easier and cheaper to retain an existing customer than to acquire a new one. This is the reason you must always work actively towards customer retention.  By actively providing excellent customer support and taking customer feedback seriously and professionally, you can build better customer relationships. Building lasting relationships with your customers, nurtured with trust and loyalty, is key to customer retention.

Get Your Business on Social Media: To enhance your online visibility, make sure your business is on popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and others. Your website helps to provide an identity for your business on social media while social media helps to provide the right environment for the business to actively engage with customers. The key to huge visibility on social media is to post good and informative content regularly to keep your page updated. Instead of posting only updates related to your products and your offers, you can post customer-related matters as well, to humanize your brand.  You can post behind-the-scenes matters relating to anniversaries, customer testimonials, birthdays, giveaways, worthy causes your business is part of, and posts that show your brand’s personality and values.  You can also actively engage with your audience by posting a combination of different content formats using photos, images, videos, infographics, etc. All these help your online visibility a great deal.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

6 Absolute Don’ts When Building Your Brand Online

Brand sign on a computer screen, coffee papercup on huge work table.
These days, if you want to be taken seriously in your business, you must find a way to brand it online. Your online presence is so very important that you can not afford to make avoidable mistakes. Here are some vital things which if not done correctly can hamper your business success.

01. Failing to choose a unique brand name. The uniqueness is very important here because your business will be competing with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of other businesses online. It pays to do a thorough market research online to find a brand name that is trendy and unique which will help push your business smoothly online. Check and be sure that a suitable .com domain is available for the unique name you have chosen before you decide. You can not afford to be too careful here.

02. Failing to Google your brand. You can not afford to ignore Google search engine which currently accounts for around 60% of all search results. You can Google your brand name often to see how the results pan out. It is now common knowledge that a majority of people use Google as their primary search engine. People will find your business by simply typing in your brand name then wait for the search results to get information about your business. Your unique brand name will help to get your business on top of the highest search result hits. That way, you could manage to be one step ahead your competitors in search results.

03. Failing to mention what you do. Online surfers always have very limited time to read things through. Be sure that the business you are putting out there tells everyone what you do at a quick glance. It is reckless to assume that everyone knows what your company does, especially if you have a unique name that doesn't explicitly describe the trade or nature of the business. It is important that you let your Website visitors know what it is that you can do for them and how you are different from others. It helps to proudly let people know what makes your business stand out from other similar businesses and how that can benefit them.

04. Failing to back up your data. It is very surprising that in this age and time, many business owners still neglect or fail totally to back up their data online. Apart from losing access to your domain for very many reasons, your files could be corrupted by viruses making them unreadable and or inaccessible. That can cause your business a very huge embarrassment and loss of patronage. Backing up your data online is a very smart thing to do and expert advice helps out there.

05. Failing to go social. Because of the extreme popularity of social media sites, getting your business out in them can help it go viral within a very short while. Sites like LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and many others like them are great places to have accounts and to participate actively. The purpose of social media is to network with others very actively. Through active online conversations, it is possible for you to display how you feel about certain subjects, and to let people get to see your personality and your expertise about certain topics which can benefit your business. 

06. Failing to get expert help. Every business has its own experts. These are people who have been there long before you and who know exactly what to do. Networking with such people can help your business a great deal. For website building and hosting, you need expert help even at a fee. Search Engine Optimization, SEO, also requires some expert help because of the technicalities involved. Paying for these expert services is worth it if the results directly benefit your business.