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Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2017

How to Determine What TripleClicks Products a Person May Be Interested In

Home business work station with a computer, notepad and pen, flowers, bottle of water and a mug of coffee.
There is hardly any hard and fast rule to this but you get better at it with experience. Tripleclicks products are so many and varied that it is at times very difficult (unless you are very experienced at it) to determine what products a person might be interested in. However, you can recommend products to persons using the following criteria. That is, what people who have any of the following in common need or do most?

1. Gender.
2. Age.
3. Educational background.
4. Marital status.
5. Country of residence.
6. Cultural/religious background.
7. Food/drink habits.
8. Languages spoken.
9. Level of affluence.
10. Dressing habits.

I believe that if you are able to group people with the foregoing as criteria, it becomes fairly easy to determine what TripleClicks products persons in each grouping may be interested in.

Good luck!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2016

10 Bad Habits Which Can Affect Your Finances

Scrabble tiles spelling "save" on top of dollar bills.

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

No matter what you do, no matter who you are, you can never make meaningful progress if you are unable to ditch your bad habits. Nearly everyone is guilty of quite a few bad habits here and there. It takes some firm resolution and discipline to break some of these habits. If you do, the feeling is akin to getting of chains which hitherto have been real obstacles to your progress in life. These here 10 bad habits are the most obvious habits you can do without if you want to make progress real quick.

01. Living above your means. This is one bad habit that can leave you perpetually broke and in financial distress all your life. You must avoid it. So many people are in debt because they keep living a life they can’t afford and don’t deserve. They keep living it in terms of expectations, and not reality. That is the real tragedy. It is a very smart thing to live within your means and even to leave something extra as savings for the proverbial “raining day.”

02. Staying in bad relationships. This includes all relationships and not just romantic relationships alone. Any relationships you are in, be they friends, family and professional connections which have a tendency to get abusive should be avoided at all costs. It is easy to identify people in your life that only make it hard for you to move forward. These are people who drain you physically and emotionally. To make progress, you must consciously decide to get them off your life even if such a decision may be painful at first.

03. Being apologetic for your achievements. You should never feel sorry for the great things that are happening for you in your life. No matter what you do, there are always people who are going to get envious of your modest achievements. You don’t owe these people or anyone like them any apologies for what is going great for you provided you are honest enough about your means.

04. Habitual lateness. Apart from the fact that it is a grossly uncivilized thing to do, lateness is rude, selfish, and disrespectful. Nobody takes dealings with you seriously if they know you are a habitual latecomer. Having the discipline to manage your time efficiently is one great way to avoid lateness. If you can, you earn yourself more respect and admiration from other people who you are compelled by circumstances to interact with and even do business with.

05. Procrastination. Putting off what you can do today to some other day is one very potent way to defer your own progress. Today is that day. So, stop putting a part of yourself or a part of your life on hold for that mythical one day when everything will fall together. That time is now, and the person to get things done is you.

06. Poor habit of cash savings. If somehow you find a way to live below your income, there will always be something left for you to put aside for the proverbial “raining day.” That is savings. No doubt, without the requisite discipline, saving can be tough, but you need it to remain above poverty line when things get really tough as they usually are during economic down-turns or even recession. Naturally, as your income grows, so does your expense. You need to learn to work with it and figure out how to set aside some money for future use.

07. Not exercising. A healthy mind in a healthy body ensures that you have unhindered progress in life. Guaranteeing that is by way of regular exercise. Even if you hate it, you need to push yourself to at least do some form of exercise to safeguard your good health. It is by way of exercise that you can guarantee good health without which, you won’t be able to do any of the stuff you want to do in your life.

08. Giving up easily. Don’t let yourself be defeated easily by life’s constants. Truth is, life’s challenges are before everyone not you alone. Your ability to stick with things inspite of all odds is what guarantees your uninterrupted progress in life. Everyone has their own challenges to get over, their own set of heartbreaks and their fair share of disappointments. That’s why those things don’t matter. They are there to prove you have the ability to rise above them and to stay the course.

09. Lying. Interestingly, liars do need more lies to shield their previous lies. Clearly that is an enormous task. The fewer the lies you tell therefore, the easier it is for others to trust you and to rely on you. The habit of not lying at all, easily attracts good people to your life.

10. Uncontrolled temper. Getting angry is temporary madness. Not very many people want to do business with people who are short-tempered. The tighter you keep your temper in check, the better for your progress in life.

Friday, October 07, 2016

10 Tips to Stay Positive at Work as an Entrepreneur

Calculator and silver pen on top of digital reports sheets.
Being an entrepreneur is all about getting things done in line with your plan to move your chosen business forward. People now know that you do better being an entrepreneur if you somehow find a way to stay positive all the time. These here 10 tips come in very handy in that quest.

01. Make a workable plan. If your plan is good and working, it helps you to stay focused and you achieve more.

02. Always carry your team along. If you work with a team, be sure you are always on the same page with your team members and that you are carrying everyone along.

03. Revisit your goals often. Make sure your goals are written down. Revisiting these goals helps you to know how far and fast you are going. That your goals are being achieved is one sure way to stay positive on the job.

04. Look back at your progress. Looking back at your own business at times can also be a motivating factor. If you’re able to easily see how far you’ve come, it can help change your mindset going forward.

05. Relate often with your mentor. Nearly everyone needs a mentor these days. Having a business mentor who has been through tough times and knows how to get through them can be invaluable during your inevitable business struggles.

06. Create time for fun and games. Regular exercise gives you endorphin, which can help you stay positive at work. Short breaks from work help to relax your eyes and muscles. Even short bursts of exercise a few times a week if you have the time can be quite beneficial.

07. Remember to always show gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is a very good and highly beneficial business policy. You can show that gratitude to others by simply saying “thank you” or writing short thank you notes to them. Remembering and congratulating them on their anniversaries is also a very good way to show gratitude.

08. Keep educating yourself. Reading good business books and listening to motivational tapes can help you to remain positive at work.

09. Regularly reward yourself and your team. When you accomplish some milestones in your business, it is good to reward yourself and members of your team who were outstanding. Giving out some token gifts and even some weekend treats to keep everyone motivated is good.

10. Do more of what makes you happy. No matter how many great habits you build around your business, there are going to be times when you feel a little down. That is one challenge you can never run away from. Whenever you are confronted with such challenges, always recall what you did in the past that made you happy then follow the same route. Remember too that, “tough times never last but tough people do.”