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Showing posts with label Mailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mailer. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Why Send Individual Welcome Letters to New PSAs

Dollar bills spilling out from a computer screen.
YES, it is not only worthwhile to send individual welcome letters to new PSAs, it is the very best thing to do. Group mailings through the Mailer always go to everyone down the line in your downline, be they PSAs or CSAs or to the two groups separately depending on who you want to communicate with. You would not want to send a message meant for an individual to so many people. Would you? That is why group mailings can’t serve the purpose of welcoming new PSAs. It may even look ridiculous to keep sending welcome letters to PSAs you have welcomed before.

Individual letters to new PSAs always give the “personal touch” which is very effective in putting new PSAs at ease. One of the biggest cravings of the human species is to be recognized. That is exactly what individual welcome letters manage to do to new PSAs. That is why they are very worthwhile to use and very effective too.

Monday, January 30, 2017

How Best to Ensure Your Team Members are Receiving Your Emails

Big "Network" sign on a blue banner.
In SFI business, a bit of innovations and ingenuity at times come in very handy to get around some knotty issues. Effective communication with your team is one such issue. Experience has shown that you may just be firing regular emails to your team without any evidence that they even see the mails talk less of reading them. That is a very big issue in this business. To make sure your CSAs and PSAs are receiving your email messages, I believe you should do the following. 


1. Communicate with them mostly with CSAs and PSAs Mailer. Mail delivery is guaranteed with the Mailer.
2. Regularly send your team members messages which require some form of responses.
3. Send mails which arouse curiosity in your team members.
4. Challenge your team members to take you up on any issue.
5. Send some mails which require some form of acknowledgement from your team members.
6. Institute some question and answer sessions with your team members promising some rewards for winners.
7. Remember and mark the birthdays/anniversaries of your team members.
8. Demand feedbacks/concerns from your team members how they are making out monthly in the business.
9. Identify those with leadership qualities among your team members and challenge them to teach others.
10. Send only mails which recognize the importance of all members of your team.

Doing all these and more regularly will guarantee that your team members receive your emails.

Wishing you a very happy and most effective communication with your team members!!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to Communicate with Your Team Effectively

Black pen on white notepad, eye glasses on top a newsppaper in a work station.

Because of the high premium SFI places on communication as a very effective tool in business, it provides very many channels and opportunities for affiliates to communicate. SFI even rewards periodic communication with very valuable VersaPoints. The commonest ways available to communicate with your team in SFI are: 


- SFI Mailer.
- Chat room.
- Direct Email.
- Stream posts.
- Forum posts.
- A2A messages.
- Telephone.

These communication ways have their own advantages and drawbacks depending on what the communicator wants to achieve. From my nearly 5 years experience in SFI, I believe SFI Mailer is the most effective way to communicate with your team. Here are my reasons:

1. All mailer messages are delivered without fail.
2. You get rewarded with valuable VersaPoints periodically if you use Mailer messaging.
3. It is FREE to use and therefore cost effective.
4. Mailer messages do not get delivered into spam boxes.
5. It provides the recipients opt-out options thereby respecting their privacy.
6. Even if not yet opened the recipients know the messages are from SFI.
7. One message can get to all your CSAs and PSAs no matter the number instantly.
8. It is a most suitable way to communicate with a very large number of persons.
9. It respects and values the privacy of recipients.
10. It is very convenient and easy to use.
11. You can store all Mailer messages for reference and recall. 


From the above, I can confidently say that SFI Mailer is the most effective way to communicate with your team in this business.

Have a great day!!