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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Showing posts with label Member Listing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Member Listing. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2017

How to Earn AVP Action VersaPoints

A computer with dollar bills floating out of the screen.
From SFI archives, you will learn that one of the reasons why SFI is so successful is because it's so easy to get started. In fact, you can immediately begin earning income from the TripleClicks ExecutivePool just by scoring VersaPoints for doing simple actions that help you become successful in SFI. These actions are called Action Versa Points, AVP. 


Each time you complete an action on your SFI To-Do List, you instantly earn the points attached to that action. Some actions are worth 10 points, some 20 points and some as much as 150 points.

So, your first objective in SFI is to earn as many VersaPoints as you can each month. The more VP you score, the higher your rank and the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Here now are some of the best ways to earn AVP which can be further divided into Daily Action Points, Weekly Action Points, Monthly Action Points and Unlimited Action Points.

1. Daily Action Points.
- 1 VP/day for reviewing each of the red tabs in your home page.
- 1 VP/day for checking out the latest items on TripleClicks.
- 1 VP/entry for each Eager Zebra Game entry.
- 1 VP/song for each TC music.
- 1 VP/listing for each Member Listing.
- 1 VP/bid, Bonus VP per each Pricebenders Auction bid.

2. Weekly Action Points.
- 30 VP/week for sending group support messages via the PSA Mailer, CSA Mailer, or Genealogy Group Mailer.
- 5 VP/week for reviewing your TConnect page.
- 3 VP/week for submitting a Stream post.

3. Monthly Action Points.
- 10 VP/ month for completing the SFI/Sponsor/Co-Sponsor ratings form.
- 5 VP/month for setting your goals by the 10th of the month.

4. Unlimited Action Points.
- 100-300 VP for each rank of Team Leadership Support.
- 5 VP for each affiliate you reassign to a team member.
- 100 VP for setting up an advertising co-op for your team.
- 25-100 VP for submitting most popular/second/third-10th most popular Ask SC answer.
- 25 VP/purchase for reviewing purchases at TripleClicks.


These are some of the very best ways to routinely earn Action Versa Points in SFI.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How Your Downline Can Benefit from the New W3 Program

Downline, Benefit, New W3 Program,

This is Simple enough. In SFI business, all you need do is to just refer your downline with a link to what SFI says about the new W3 program. Specifically, let them know of the following benefits which they stand to get.

1. Exclusive W3 Member badge
2. Free monthly Member Listing
3. Free monthly download of the TC Song of the Month
4. Additional 5% discount on any one day’s Deal-of-the-Day of your choice each month
5. For each TCredit spent by referrals, you’ll earn a free bonus entry in the Daily Crown drawing for that day, for a full year (maximum 5 free bonus entries per day)
6. Earn unlimited MRP Bounties: Earn MRP when referrals buy and win.
7. Win unlimited TCredits! Lifetime 10% Zackpot Matches of any Eager Zebra Zackpot winnings of your PRMs. Qualifications: Personal minimum $20 purchase at TripleClicks (cash purchase, no MPR or TCredits) AND played same game on same day or period as the winning PRM.
8. Additional recognition (e.g. badges/leaderboard for active “wave makers”–those who refer lots of TC members)
9. Free W3 promotional aids (banners for blogs, etc.)