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Showing posts with label management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

How to Manage a Large Active Downline

Affiliate marketing projected out of a computer screen.
Now that you already have a large and active downline (if you do), all I can say is congratulations! What you need to do next is to recognize and build Team Leaders. Management gurus insist that hierarchical management is more effective than centralized management in modern times. For that reason, if as an SFI affiliate you have a large downline, the first thing to do is to recognize persons in your team who also have management potentials then cede powers to them and encourage them to deliver. That way, you will be effectively managing fewer persons but with better results. Specifically, you can do the following. 


1. Recognize 5 persons in your downline who are very active and also have management potentials.

2. Encourage them to do same in their downline.

3. Ensure that decision goes down the line no matter how deep.

4. Deal effectively with these 5 persons directly and encourage same all down the line.

5. Encourage a two-way communication and help solve all teething problems as the top leader.

6. Be sure ALL your Team Leaders recognize that team efforts yield better results than individual efforts.

7. Lead by example always and be sure your Team Leaders do same.

8. Every authority goes with responsibility and be sure your Team Leaders recognize and respect that.

9. Give your Team Leaders all the tools to work and judge them with results.

10. Ensure this idea goes down the line. 


With a large active downline, all you need now is Team Work for better achievement. That should be the guiding spirit in your quest to manage a large downline and be able to have your personal touch and imprimatur all the way down the line.

Best of luck in your management efforts!

Friday, August 05, 2016

How to Economize Your Time

Calculator, notepad, pen and a glass of water in work station.

Here is one credible and practicable way to economize your time. Since the time available to you and all of us is heavily limiting, you can best use it by simple economics the way you use money. Some people choose to call it “time-management” but I choose to call it “time-economics.” The reason is simple. You can manage money because when you run out of money, you can arrange to get more money. You can get more money by going to withdraw from your savings or by borrowing. When you run out of time, it is gone and gone forever. There is no time-lender anywhere in the world where you can go to borrow more time. All you have and are entitled to is only 24 hours a day. The best you can do within the 24 hours therefore is to manage yourself and your affairs within the available time. This is time economics. 

It is safe to assume that you know how to prioritize your activities. That you know how to choose what is urgent and what is important. That said, you may now want to know how you can maximize the use of the limited time available to you for your work. It is also assumed that you do only the things related to your work during working hours. I hope I am right on this assumption because a lot of people use working time to perform many activities not directly related to the work they do. The best way to maximize the use of your working time is to minimize or eliminate time wastage on the things you routinely do at work. Here is how. List all your daily activities and replace “time-wasters” with “time-savers.” Very simple and the results and impact on your productivity can be quite amazing.