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Showing posts with label Team Leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Leaders. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why it is Important for Team Members to Take on Leadership Roles

Three persons working in internet business work station with computers.

When you take a critical look at SFI 3-step plan for success, you will get to appreciate more why it is important to have your team members take on leadership roles. Here is the plan:

Take these 3 steps and you will succeed in your SFI business.

1. Become an Executive Affiliate, EA and remain an EA every month.

2. Recruit 5 Affiliates using every convenient marketing method.

3. Teach your 5 Affiliates to do these same 3 steps.

That’s it! You can earn a full-time income or more with this 3-step plan. If by this plan you can get 5 really good leaders who get 5 good leaders, you will have 25 leaders in your 2nd line and 125 in your 3rd line. That is the beginning of a very profitable SFI business. It can go on exponentially like that for up to 12 levels. That is where the really big boys/gals in this business who are Platinum Team Leaders derive their power and status from.

Now you can see that without team members taking on leadership roles, this plan can’t work. That is the singular reason why it is very much important to be a perfect leader by guiding your team members into leadership roles. I do admit that it takes time and a lot of sifting through many affiliates to find the 5 who can effectively step up to the plate. That requires a lot of hard work, dedication, discipline and focus on the part of the team leader. Becoming a great team leader surely takes a lot of efforts. You must find ways to motivate your team members, inspire them, coach them, and lead them by example with a view to making team leaders out of them. That is what is best for you are your business.

From the foregoing, I believe you can see clearly now why it is very important to have team members take on leadership roles. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

How SFI Team Leaders Are Self-Made Leaders

Lone worker in home business work station with a computer, mobile phone and a mug of beverage.
Becoming self-made leaders! That is exactly what all SFI Team Leaders are doing. All SFI Team Leaders are self-made leaders not born leaders. The business is open to all and we all as affiliates have EQUAL opportunities to excel in it. Whichever affiliates who become Team Leaders are actually those affiliates who planned to be Team Leaders, got down to serious work towards their goals and eventually ended up becoming Team Leaders. None of these happens because of some accident of birth.

I am a little bit at a loss who a born leader is particularly as it relates to SFI business. Even if I reluctantly admit that anyone may be a born leader, I am certain that such a person was not born to lead in SFI. Even the founder of SFI himself Mr. Gery Carson, may not readily accept that he is a born leader. Not even with the clear evidence of a fantastic business like SFI he has labored over the years to make extremely easy for hundreds of thousands of affiliates around the world to benefit from.

Arising from the above, I believe very sincerely that anyone who does what is required of him/her in SFI business can be a Team Leader any time, any day. He/she does not necessarily have to be born a leader to be a Team Leader in SFI.

Arise and lead my friend. You too can be a Team Leader if you work hard to. Good luck!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Most Important Goal to Set in SFI Business

Home business projected out of a computer screen.
For me, I have a very ambitious plan to earn my major income in SFI from my duplication efforts. That is what informed the goals I set for myself. The most important of the goals I have set for my SFI business is to have 5 active PSAs in 12 months who will be at least EA2 in rank. 
Here is why:

1. With a plan to recruit 20 PSAs per month that adds up to 240.

2. Of this number, 20 may work the business and be active.

3. From this 20, 5 could make Team Leaders which is very good for my duplication efforts.

4. If the 5 can repeat what I have done myself, my downline may get to 125 active PSAs within the period.

5. When that happens, I believe I will be able to earn passable and attractive passive-income from my efforts within the period.

These are the facts which informed my setting this goal as the most important goal for my SFI business.

Can Your New PSAs Become Team Leaders Too Quickly?

Home business bedroom work scene with a computer, pillows, eye glasses and a white mug of creamy beverage.
This is a very dicey question. It is dicey in the sense that we all have our individual differences as business persons. It could be very tricky to take a firm position simply because it worked for you. What worked for you may not necessarily work for another person. However, it is good to point out the advantages available to affiliates when they become Team Leaders and let them take their own decisions and or precautionary measures.

When you are a Team Leader, you earn Second Home CSAs, T-Credits and VP Matching benefits. As a new PSA, if your downline is not deep enough or you do not yet have a downline, rushing to become a Team Leader may not really benefit you much. In such circumstance, it is advisable to slow down to build your downline deep enough first before you aim to become a Team Leader. If however you are contented with simply earning T-Credits and Second Home CSAs, you can go ahead to become a Team Leader as fast as you can. That is the reason I stated earlier that the question is dicey. An individual choice is all that is required here. After all, we are all individual business persons in SFI even with our close affiliate relationships.