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Showing posts with label prospects. Show all posts

Thursday, February 09, 2017

How to Promote ECA Program to New Prospects

White calculator on top of dollar bills.
SFI business is basically an online business. Even if there is nothing wrong when you promote your ECA program both on and offline, the business will ultimately be done mostly online. Ensure you make all these facts available to all your prospects when you are promoting your ECA program to them.

It is of no use promoting the business to prospects who have no chance of doing the business online because it is simply not designed for such people. When you explain the enormous global reach of the Internet and the stupendous amount of business that online business guarantees, it is possible to convince your prospects to go online to do the business even if they are currently not doing business online.

Arising from the above, I can conveniently say YES, you should promote the ECA program to businesses that are not online and/or do not currently use the Internet. But, be sure you have all your cards on the table face up if you want to get the desired results.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to Avoid the Biggest Turn-Off of Prospects in SFI Business

Computer screen with countryside vegetation landscape and calculator.
If you concentrate on talking about just SFI as a business, there is hardly any turn-off to talk about unless you do not understand the business very well. For that reason, before you talk about SFI to any prospect, make sure you have gone through the LaunchPad lessons thoroughly and you understand the business and its prospects very well. It is people who do not understand the business very well who are at risk of saying things to prospects which turn them off.

For example, scammers and online business tricksters have given the word MLM a bad name on the internet. Even Search Engines are now very wary of those letters as a business model. If you are ignorant enough to misconstrue SFI business as an MLM business and you talk about it to prospects, you are very likely to turn them off immediately. Reason is, many people have been scammed online with those letters as a business model.

From my over 4 years experience in SFI business, that is about the biggest turn-off which many affiliates out of ignorance have not found a way to navigate around.