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Friday, June 07, 2019

4 Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas to Promote Your Business

Digital marketing sign projected from the screen of a black computer.
Periodically, good marketers create marketing plans for their businesses. These plans they incorporate into their overall marketing strategies. Many do roll over and fine tune the strategies they’ve discovered over time really work for them. Even though marketers may all be doing the same things, those who get the best results tend to do many of these things differently. That is the trick. In the ever-changing digital world, it’s more important than ever to update your marketing strategy at least yearly, failing which your competitors can easily take advantage of your laxity. It is that serious. 


Here are some very potent marketing tactics many experts recommend to promote your business.

#1. Be Active on Social Media

Social media now appears to be the most popular marketing platform on the web. It is here with us all and has come to stay. If you want to put your business out there in front of millions of potential customers, just get it on social media. Be sure it is active on some of the most popular platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Being active on social media makes the business more transparent and accessible to people who are most likely to do business with you. People generally like a business that is easily accessible and easy to interact with. Social media guarantees these as well as being a very good platform for advertising the business.

#2. Create Attention Grabbing Business Marketing Tools

Irrespective of whether you are advertising online/offline, it is still very important to use physical marketing tools, such as flyers and brochures designed in such a way as to easily grab attention. Flyers, business cards and brochures can be professionally produced and handed out conveniently in large numbers at gatherings of potential customers. When used online, these materials are best deployed at locations on the sites where they catch attention easily.

#3. Write Quality Blog Content

Do you write a blog? Trite question! There is hardly any marketer who doesn’t write a blog these days. If you do, be sure to write quality content and regularly too! In the blogging world, content remains king. If you aren’t writing blog content for your website yet, I have a bit of bad news for you. You’re way behind your competition. No good marketer likes that. Blog content is what improves your site’s SEO and drives people to your website. That means traffic which translates to sales as bottom line.

#4. Deploy Video Marketing

Video marketing is a way of visual content marketing which is about the most effective traffic-attracting idea currently online. It is becoming increasingly popular and essential for many small businesses online. Many marketers are now choosing video over text more and more because of its effectiveness at capturing people’s attention fairly easily. For best results from visual content marketing, you can put together a webinar for your cyber-audience. In addition, you can create how-to videos for your products/services or you can even choose to open a YouTube channel for your videos.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

4 Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas to Promote Your Business

White velvet top creative marketing work table with purple flowers, a calculator, a notepa and pen, a glass of water and a white cup of coffee.
Expert marketers tell us that visual marketing involves using images, videos, infographics and memes to deliver valuable and relevant information in an engaging visual format. It simply means marketing with visuals/pictures. It is highly effective because visual content usually has a higher impact on people’s minds than written content. The real reason it manages to get more people to visit your website, know your brand better and patronize your business much better than with written content. With the increasing use of social media sites like twitter, facebook Pinterest, Instagram and a host of others, visual content marketing is becoming more and more popular by the day. The real reason smart digital marketers and business owners now use these strategies more profoundly for their visual campaigns. 


Here are 4 main benefits of visual content marketing which your own business can take full advantage of.

#1: Increased Website Traffic

Every online marketer wants traffic, traffic and more traffic. What gets this traffic best is what is best for the business. Visual content is uniquely important at giving a unique touch to any website/blog thereby helping to grab the reader’s attention fairly easily. Even though online marketers like playing with words to show the value of their products and services, making use of visuals in addition to words always manages to have a greater impact on readers. That translates to the much needed traffic every online business needs.

#2: Better Customer Engagement

The more customers’ attention is engaged on a site, the higher the chances of their taking positive action. Characteristically, visual content is more engaging and powerful than written content. A combination of both works well to attract better attention from customers. If you add pictures and graphics to your written content, your marketing campaigns become more interesting. That translates to better traffic.

#3: Increased Conversion Rates

There is research evidence that a brand’s video usually influences over 80% of viewers to buy a product or service from the brand. The real reason it is smart business to use visual content as a marketing strategy to generate leads and increase sales. In practical facts, a very high percentage of people usually get to know about a product faster by simply watching a video. Exactly why smart marketers have come to realize the real importance of visual content marketing strategy as it relates to increase in conversion rates particularly when such visuals are incorporated in the landing pages of websites/blogs.

#4: More Brand Recognition

Experienced marketers now know that many more people learn faster mostly by way of visuals. That most people comprehend better with images, videos, and other visuals than with written words. Therefore, you can easily raise brand awareness among your target audience if you incorporate visual content marketing strategy in your marketing plans. A sustained effort at that usually helps to gradually increase the much needed recognition for your brand. Updating your business website and landing pages with compelling graphics, icons, photos, and videos helps brand recognition much better and faster on the long run.