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Friday, May 28, 2021

7 Tips to Grow your Small Business with Google Analytics

A lone small business owner working from a computer.
If you are into online marketing, never you ignore your Google Analytics dashboard. It is through the metrics and general marketing information from your analytics dashboard you can get to effectively measure the performance of your online marketing campaigns. The information is hugely reliable for you to grow your small business online if you can interpret it well and use it well. Many expert marketers believe that small businesses can effectively use digital analytics to improve their marketing efforts and grow their businesses. 


Here is how:
1. Understand Analytics Terms to Measure: For your business to benefit from analytics data, you must know what Google can help you to measure in its analytics tool and how you can deploy the information to benefit your business. Through Google analytics information, you can measure the number of visitors to your website, unique visitors, returning visitors, bounce rates, page views, keywords, traffic sources, conversion rate, average time spent on your website and so on. This is the type of information that can give you the correct insights to help you design and shape your marketing campaigns and strategy to grow your small business.

2. Why Analytics is Important: The information you get from your Google Analytics dashboard is the best marketing information/data you can get to help you grow your business. You can rely on the data to design your marketing campaigns and strategy, decide on which communications channels work best for your business and exactly where and how to market your business to get the best results.

3. Use Analytics Info to set up Goals and Targets: Analytics information is the best form of information you can use to effectively appeal to the audience you are marketing to. You may choose to set marketing goals like, getting more traffic, generating more leads, making more sales, educating customers about your products/services and so on. The data you get from analytics must be tied to the goals you want to achieve to make it effective. Not having such data is akin to planning without background info. If for instance your goal is to educate customers about your product/service, you must pay attention to the amount of time customers spend on your website and how many pages they view per visit. This info helps you to know which pages are best suitable to deploy the educational info on your website.
4. Locate Traffic Sources: Knowing the source of your traffic information is especially helpful if you’re advertising online in multiple channels/places. With the benefit of your analytics data, you can see exactly what avenues your visitors are taking to get to your website. Armed with this info, you can best determine which advertising options are the best investments for your marketing campaigns.


5. Enumerate Page Views and Time on Site: Page views and time on site allow you to see which pages your visitors are staying longer on and viewing on your website. This information is especially helpful if you’re posting different types of content. The info allows you to determine which types of content interests your audience more. You can then craft and tailor your content to fit what they’re looking for from your website. That helps to increase engagement on your website.

6. Determine Your Marketing Horizon: The marketing horizon of your business is dependent on your type of business and your website goals. Do you have your eyes on local patronage, national patronage, international patronage or a combination of all? If for instance you want to grow your business locally, analytics data will help you with the info on how well your local patronage is growing. You can rely on Google analytics data to optimize your website better for local searches and patronage.

7. Targeting Demographics: Google analytics data can help you with accurate demographics data about your audience. You need that information to help you plan your marketing segmentation for promotional activities. With accurate demographic information about your audience, you can ensure you’re hitting your target market rightly. If for instance you’re running ads that aren’t targeted enough by location, analytics data will show you where more of your visitors are coming from. Armed with that info, you can then decide on how to modify your targeting to attract more visitors from that local area.

Last Line

Characteristically, web analytics usually display some trends over time. That necessitates very regular reviews. Experts recommend that you can review your analytics at least once a month to get a handle on it and a better overview of what’s going on. If and when needed, judging from these periodic reviews, you can then make changes as needed. That is what works best for your small business and helps it to grow.

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