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First step in optimizing your e-commerce store is to identify the important metrics and to collect data relevant to the metrics. Once you ha...

Showing posts with label Google Analytics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Analytics. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Proven Marketing Strategies for Conversion Rate Optimization

Lone marketer at work on a marketing strategy with a computer, smartphone and a glass of beverage.
If you run your small business online, conversion rate optimization ensures you get the highest conversion rate possible by marketing effectively and managing your sales process efficiently. This warrants that you focus on all types of conversions to help the steady growth of your sales revenues. This also means a better focus on all marketing actions and activities that lead to conversion rate optimization. Many of these activities revolve around content marketing which greatly underpins conversion rate optimization. Your website content must be of high quality, educational and informative enough to be of any help to the conversion rate optimization of the site.

Here are some tested and proven content marketing strategies helpful for conversion rate optimization.

Leverage Social Media

Presently, social media because of its huge popularity appears to be one of the greatest tools for boosting business conversions available to business owners. You can leverage your marketing activities on this popularity to get good results. First thing is to get your business on social media and build a steady following for it. Next is to share your marketing messages and even promos widely on the platforms. That will help your business to better elicit engagement and interactions with its social media audience. With an engaged social media following, leads, conversions, customers and sales follow in logical sequence from your efforts.

Improve Your Website Content

The most effective marketing window for your business online is your website. By steadily populating your website with high quality content, you increase its ability to attract traffic. You must therefore endeavor to fill your website with the right content that is well aligned with your business niche. This you can do with effective and creative blogging on the site to address your website visitors’ needs for useful information. Blog posts that provide real value to readers are the most helpful as against those that overtly promote products/services which may be boring in the main.

Market with Captivating Videos

Having a captivating explainer or how-to video on the homepage of your website can be very effective to engage and convert customers. You can explore a range of different tactics to ensure that your video content greatly helps your conversions. If for instance, as with explainer videos you are able to provide value to show customers how your products help them to solve problems, it can be great for your conversions. Videos showing customers how to use your products can help to ensure buyer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction helps to increase recommendations and improves reviews in no small measure.

Personalize Your Content

As most online marketers very well know, personalized content is always a very effective content to market with. Therefore, you need to explore all ways to make things personal for your business customers. In this quest, you need reliable data and metrics which you can obtain through Google Analytics and Email marketing automation tools. You can effectively use this data to optimize your content to meet the needs of individual consumers. Doing so can result in higher sales figures for your business.

Improve Your Website Loading Speed

Online surfers are always in notorious haste. The reason smart marketers like to capture their attention as quickly as possible. To do this effectively, aside from improving on the content of your website, you also need to improve the loading speed of the website. Ideally, you should ensure every page on your website loads in just 2-3 seconds since many visitors have little patience with slow loading websites. A fast loading website helps to decrease the bounce rate on the site, while slow loading increases it. A decrease in bounce rate keeps visitors longer on the site and helps conversions better.

Use Strong Calls-To-Action, CTAs

It is not good marketing to leave it to chance that your website visitors know how to convert. Visitors must be “lured” to do something for them to do what is expected when they hit your business website. That is where the right call-to-action, CTA becomes imperative in effective marketing. With the right CTA, marketers can effectively lead buyers where they want them to go and to take the right actions they want them to take. Some of such actions include helping to commit your website visitors to a purchase by showing them exactly what they need to do. When your CTAs are strong and effective, they engender more conversions and sales.

Friday, May 28, 2021

7 Tips to Grow your Small Business with Google Analytics

A lone small business owner working from a computer.
If you are into online marketing, never you ignore your Google Analytics dashboard. It is through the metrics and general marketing information from your analytics dashboard you can get to effectively measure the performance of your online marketing campaigns. The information is hugely reliable for you to grow your small business online if you can interpret it well and use it well. Many expert marketers believe that small businesses can effectively use digital analytics to improve their marketing efforts and grow their businesses. 


Here is how:
1. Understand Analytics Terms to Measure: For your business to benefit from analytics data, you must know what Google can help you to measure in its analytics tool and how you can deploy the information to benefit your business. Through Google analytics information, you can measure the number of visitors to your website, unique visitors, returning visitors, bounce rates, page views, keywords, traffic sources, conversion rate, average time spent on your website and so on. This is the type of information that can give you the correct insights to help you design and shape your marketing campaigns and strategy to grow your small business.

2. Why Analytics is Important: The information you get from your Google Analytics dashboard is the best marketing information/data you can get to help you grow your business. You can rely on the data to design your marketing campaigns and strategy, decide on which communications channels work best for your business and exactly where and how to market your business to get the best results.

3. Use Analytics Info to set up Goals and Targets: Analytics information is the best form of information you can use to effectively appeal to the audience you are marketing to. You may choose to set marketing goals like, getting more traffic, generating more leads, making more sales, educating customers about your products/services and so on. The data you get from analytics must be tied to the goals you want to achieve to make it effective. Not having such data is akin to planning without background info. If for instance your goal is to educate customers about your product/service, you must pay attention to the amount of time customers spend on your website and how many pages they view per visit. This info helps you to know which pages are best suitable to deploy the educational info on your website.
4. Locate Traffic Sources: Knowing the source of your traffic information is especially helpful if you’re advertising online in multiple channels/places. With the benefit of your analytics data, you can see exactly what avenues your visitors are taking to get to your website. Armed with this info, you can best determine which advertising options are the best investments for your marketing campaigns.


5. Enumerate Page Views and Time on Site: Page views and time on site allow you to see which pages your visitors are staying longer on and viewing on your website. This information is especially helpful if you’re posting different types of content. The info allows you to determine which types of content interests your audience more. You can then craft and tailor your content to fit what they’re looking for from your website. That helps to increase engagement on your website.

6. Determine Your Marketing Horizon: The marketing horizon of your business is dependent on your type of business and your website goals. Do you have your eyes on local patronage, national patronage, international patronage or a combination of all? If for instance you want to grow your business locally, analytics data will help you with the info on how well your local patronage is growing. You can rely on Google analytics data to optimize your website better for local searches and patronage.

7. Targeting Demographics: Google analytics data can help you with accurate demographics data about your audience. You need that information to help you plan your marketing segmentation for promotional activities. With accurate demographic information about your audience, you can ensure you’re hitting your target market rightly. If for instance you’re running ads that aren’t targeted enough by location, analytics data will show you where more of your visitors are coming from. Armed with that info, you can then decide on how to modify your targeting to attract more visitors from that local area.

Last Line

Characteristically, web analytics usually display some trends over time. That necessitates very regular reviews. Experts recommend that you can review your analytics at least once a month to get a handle on it and a better overview of what’s going on. If and when needed, judging from these periodic reviews, you can then make changes as needed. That is what works best for your small business and helps it to grow.

Monday, April 10, 2017

3 Trending Social Media Tactics for Effective Ads

Formatted social media symbols on display.
Online, marketers are literally at war trying to get customers’ attention. Everyone gets to use one tactic or the other particularly on social media to outdo others. We now generally know that social media has become one of the most fascinating developments of our time. Apart from ease of use and accessibility, social media is also cost effective and very efficient at getting ads across to millions of users within a very short space of time. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram need specialized and different ways of use to get good results. That is where tactics come into the picture. Here now are the 3 currently very popular and trending.

01. Consistent posting. No doubt the most important ingredient in establishing a strong brand persona on social media is consistency. Once you have built up a good base of content, you can create an automated posting schedule most likely to garner high-engagement rates. That is because consistent posting leads to stronger brand recall, increased engagement and more opportunities to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

02. Tracking and analyzing results. If you want to keep conversations on your social pages going, you must be able to track your results and analyze them correctly. That is where tools like Google analytics come in very handy. You can use analytics to look at brand mentions and engagement to learn what is working for you, what isn’t and what needs to be improved upon. You can get details on certain factors like what demographics your posts appeal to most or what countries are most engaged with your brand messaging. With this information, you can target your ads correctly for better results.

03. Latching on to trends. Taking the message to customers where they can be found is one great advantage of social media ads. You can use tools like Buzzsumo and Feedly to enable you to learn about the content that is buzzing within your industry, around your brand or about your competitors. That information allows you to target your ads to trends correctly for better results.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cost-Effective Small Business Shipping Trends

A bedroom scene small business work station with a laptop computer, eye glases, pillows and a white mug of creamy beverage.
 Time there was when to ship or not to ship was a big question. Not anymore. In present day business calculations, that isn’t even the question anymore. Your business must ship goods if it has to remain in business. What concerns every small business owner now is how to do shipping in the right way and at the right cost. Big businesses can afford to offer free shipping, discounts for large orders and certain-day delivery services but small businesses can hardly afford to. Because they have to remain in business and they must ship goods, small businesses need to rely on latest shipping trends to remain relevant. Some of these trends include offering customers more shipping options and taking advantage of the latest technological tools to help monitor and understand customer buying habits. Here is what is trending right now which you too can take advantage of.

01. Offering more shipping choices. Most shoppers expect to be given the opportunity to make choices at all times. For that reason, the more the choices you offer them, the better they like your business. These days, most customers crave quick service. You can therefore offer them choices like, allowing them to choose their shippers, which store or warehouse they want to pick up their goods, same-day shipping, rush delivery, same-day delivery or regular delivery.

02. Monitoring customer buying habits. You need high-tech tools to be able to do this. Tools like Google Analytics when properly used can help reduce shipping costs tremendously. This tool enables business owners to monitor and understand their customers’ buying habits. That way, they can target shipping services while saving a lot of time which otherwise would have been wasted. With Google Analytics, it is possible to easily analyze pricing histories, mobile usage, site traffic, shipping time and arrival and other transaction-related information which can help you gain some edge. With such information, you can streamline and control the sales process and eliminate duplicated or wasteful processes thereby saving your customer’s time and money.

03. Simplifying shipping costs. When you see big merchants increasingly simplifying shipping costs it is to boost sales. Many do so mainly to garner a larger share of online customers. Small businesses are increasingly towing that exact same line for same reasons. Here again choices come into the mix. When you simplify shipping costs by way of offering customers choices, they are happier to do business with you at reduced costs to them. They explore their full liberty to pick and choose how they want their goods to be shipped based on what shipping costs they are prepared to bear.

04. Shipment tracking. These days, many small businesses routinely deploy shipment tracking and expected delivery times to check costs. Shipment tracking helps shoppers plan their schedules around the expected delivery times of their goods. Small businesses can do shipment tracking easily because some delivery services do provide package tracking that shows estimated delivery time and route location. Customers generally appreciate if they know when and how they can expect delivery of their goods. With proper tracking, people are able to make promises and keep such promises. Delays and frustrations are largely eliminated. That adds great credibility to many small businesses and customers do respond positively.