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Showing posts with label Business partners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business partners. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why Affiliate Relationships Matter in Business

Online marketing tool IPAD and a glass of water.
Affiliate relationships really matter in business because of the great rewards derivable from the team efforts they provide. Every business benefits more from affiliate relationships than from individual efforts. It thus matters a great deal for businesses to find and build strong affiliate partnerships. But, for smart business persons, retaining and maintaining such relationships matters even more. When businesses manage to keep great affiliate relationships, it helps them to send good signals to their customers/consumers and even business partners that they are genuine and trustworthy enough to do business with. If you can fathom how valuable trust is in any business relationship, you’ll get to appreciate this more. With trust, you can get to build more high-value partnerships which benefit your business in very many ways. 


Many businesses now know that authenticity is one of the main reasons why affiliate marketing works so well. With good and reliable affiliates in place who believe in and are closely aligned with your core consumers, the trusted influencer-relationship they provide helps to garner for your business very high conversions from their own audience/followers. Putting your product/service before consumers which reliable affiliates routinely do is one very valuable service your business derives from affiliates.  Such efforts easily help your business to have unlimited access to a whole world of valuable leads and even conversions. So, no matter what it takes, turning each new affiliate into a recurring affiliate is a worthwhile effort for any business.

Like most businesses, if you are desirous to put your product/service in front of your target consumers, you need to work with affiliates. With affiliates, it is by far easier for your business to get that done because affiliates help to make available the person or medium that consumers trust and have opted to like or follow. They help to provide the influencer relationship which many consumers rely on to take their buying decisions. That arrangement provides the highly beneficial relationship which serves as the valuable and dependable bridge between your business and its consumers. For that reason, every business needs to build very strong affiliate relationships with influencers and affiliate managers. If you do in your own business, you’ll be surprised how much your business will come to rely and depend on that relationship for maximum benefits. That is why a vast majority of marketers really value their business relationships with affiliate marketers and they are in no way apologetic about it.

With a proven reputation for boosting conversion rates, strengthening brand awareness and influencing search rankings, affiliate marketing has become inevitable business partnership for many online businesses. This is the real reason many businesses now consciously opt to establish strong and enduring affiliate relationships as solid parts of their marketing strategies. In affiliate marketing programs, the relationship between merchants, affiliates and consumers is so carefully balanced and mutually beneficial to all three parties that it is really worth nurturing and maintaining in the long term. Most smart business persons know this. The reason they do everything feasible to keep such relationships going. They know that if any of the parties loses its real value from the arrangement, the whole is likely to crumble making all the parties losers in the process. Therefore, building on and keeping the partnership relationship strong is what is good for all the parties involved. Business owners with a keen eye on profits should never lose sight of that.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Why it is Better to Pursue PSAs Instead of CSAs

Team of affiliates around a globe and a computer.
Anytime, any day in SFI business, I believe it is better to pursue PSAs instead of CSAs for the following reasons:

1. As a sponsor, you get higher commissions value (CV) percentage of 45% compared to only 15% from CSAs.
2. That translates to 3 times more residual incomes from PSAs than CSAs.
3. PSAs help to deepen your downline with which you can earn matching VP on 12 levels deep depending on the rank you get to monthly.
4. Every affiliate gets PSAs by conscious and deliberate marketing efforts whereas CSAs are allocated to you by SFI or purchased at auctions.
5. For that reason, any time you do not make EA per month, you lose all your CSAs whereas your PSAs are life-time assets as business partners even if you perpetually remain simply as an affiliate.
6. What matters in a final analysis is “activity.” Active CSAs are better than inactive PSAs for reasons of SFI peculiarities as a business. The bottom line is to earn commissions from both your PSAs and CSAs. Any of them which brings in more commissions should be preferred by any serious business person. On balance however, PSAs are capable of giving you more commissions ontransactions but they must be sufficiently active to do so. That makes PSAs better to pursue than CSAs.

Friday, February 17, 2017

How to Manage Your Team through Many Cultures and Time Zones

A marketer's work station with a good view of inner city view. Onsite is a computer, a snack, books and a glass of beverage.
In SFI business, managing a team with many cultures and time zones is where your real leadership qualities come to the fore. Luckily for us, SFI is a 24/7 business online and the available tools do help a great deal to overcome cultural, language and time zone barriers. Taking full advantage of the tools provided, to manage your team successfully, you simply need to do the following.


1. Relate with all your Team Members as business partners and not as employees or dependents.
2. Lead by example always.
3. Respect their individual sensibilities as in culture and language barriers then find acceptable ways around them.
4. Appreciate individual differences and find ways to work with all persons irrespective of these differences.
5. Be open and receptive to all types of ideas and suggestions from your Team Members.
6. Be a reliable source of information and tips for the benefit of your Team Members.
7. Find credible ways to motivate and encourage your Team Members.
8. Communicate regularly with your Team Members in ways acceptable to them but be extremely temperate in your language.
9. Recognize and take time zones into account when making requests/demands from your Team Members.
10. Encourage them and show them how to be Team Leaders themselves irrespective of where they are and what their backgrounds are.
11. Encourage a two-way communication irrespective of language differences by using language translation tools provided.

I believe the foregoing can serve as credible ways to manage your team even with many cultures and time zones to navigate.


Wednesday, February 08, 2017

How Far Sponsors Can Go to Help Their Affiliates

E-marketing graphics.
 No sponsor should ever lose sight of the fact that the affiliates they sponsor are simply their business partners and not their employees or subjects. With this fact in mind, dealing with affiliates at all times becomes a very simple matter because once that relationship is well understood; helping affiliates presents very few well-defined challenges henceforth.

It must be well-stated and understood that affiliates are all individual business persons with their own unique and peculiar characteristics. That is what defines how they do business and relate with other affiliates as well as their sponsors. To take on this matter directly therefore, YES there are certainly limits sponsors should not go beyond in their dealings with affiliates in this business relationship.

SFI clearly defines what sponsors should do and should not do in their “awesome sponsor” page found on this link: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/AwesomeSponsor. That clearly sets the limits for all affiliates and sponsors. Once you keep to the rules, sponsoring affiliates presents no special challenges thereafter. 


Monday, February 06, 2017

How to Support and Motivate Your Team Members

A team of affiliates in work station with computers, smartphones, notepads and pens and sundry work tools.
The best way to do that is to recognize your team members as independent and separate business persons who happen to be your business partners. Show them that you are all in the business for the fun and to make money. Invite them to come along with you for a joyous and profitable ride. To buttress and reaffirm these ideals, I recommend you do the following: 


1. Show decent respect for your team members as your partners and let that reflect in all your dealings with them.
2. Limit your interactions with them to purely advisory roles.
3. Be warm and courteous in all your communications with them.
4. Give them ample and un-crowded space to run their businesses.
5. Lead by example and encourage them to emulate at will if ok with them.
6. Welcome all your new PSAs with warmth and palpable expectations.
7. Direct them to new expectations and discoveries in the business.
8. Regularly send down the line great motivating tips.
9. Give them great business tips as you come across them.
10. Find regular and credible ways to appreciate the efforts of your team members.
11. Put in place a credible reward system to motivate your team members.
12. Find ways always to work with your team members and not on them.
13. Emphasize to them the benefits of continuous and sustained training in SFI business.
14. Encourage honesty and due diligence in working the business.

I believe that if you do the above honestly and consistently, you can support and motivate your team members without demanding too much from them or turning them off.

Good luck!!!