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Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Why You Must Set Smart Goals

Setting smart goals banner.

No doubt you know that setting goals is one very smart way to define direction in anything you set out to do. SMART goal setting brings structure and direction into your goals and objectives. In place of vague resolutions, SMART goal setting creates verifiable trajectories towards a certain objective, with clear milestones and an estimation of how such goals can be achieved. When you set goals, every such goal or objective, from intermediary step to overarching objective, can be made SMART. That helps to bring it closer to reality.

In corporate life, SMART goal setting is one of the most effective and yet least used tools for achieving goals. As soon as you determine the outlines of your project, you know it's time to set specific intermediary goals. With the SMART checklist, you can evaluate your objectives more realistically. SMART goal setting also creates transparency throughout the company. It clarifies the way goals came into existence, and the criteria their realization will conform to.

Many management experts generally agree that the acronym SMART has several slightly different variations, which can be used to provide a more comprehensive definition of goal setting. Below are the most popular adoptions of the variations.

S – Specific.
M – Measurable.
A – Attainable.
R – Realistic.
T – Timely.

Without setting goals or objectives, life becomes a series of chaotic happenings you can’t control. You become the plaything of coincidence. That creates a situation of lack of direction which is extremely wasteful and you can least afford.

Get busy right now because……..!!!

“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”
“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

Thursday, January 05, 2017

5 Credible Ways to Boost Your Small Business Sales

White calculator on top of spread dollar bills.

As a small business owner, there is no doubt you are desirous to increase your sales at all times. The good news is, there are many different paths you can take to increase your business’s sales. Many members of the small business community do have lots of great experience to share when it comes to credible selling techniques. These here 5 tips come in very handy.

01. Simplify Your Content Strategy. Selling online revolves around good content marketing. Making your content simple and straight forward always gets better results. Content marketing can be a great way for you to increase sales for your business. But fancy strategies can sometimes distract readers from the real purpose of your content. The simpler your content is therefore, the better it is for your marketing efforts.

02. Write Captivating Headlines and Titles. Well this is what your readers get to see first. If you want their attention, your content headlines and titles must be easily captivating and attention-arresting. If you’re going to use content marketing or any other type of written copy to market your business and increase sales, you need to be able to write great headlines and titles. It is attention you want and that is what helps you to grab it. Simple!

03. Set Smart Business Goals. As one popular cliché says, “if you don’t know where you are going, you will end up someplace else.” Setting good goals somehow helps to solve that common problem. Anytime you want to increase sales or accomplish other things for your small business, you must start with your goals. Setting smart goals can mean the difference between success and failure.

04. Latch on to the Art of Upselling. When working to increase sales, it’s often preferable to get your customers to buy more or to buy an upgraded version of the product they’re looking to purchase. That’s where upselling comes in. When smartly and intelligently used, you can get much more products sold by way of upselling than any other.

05. Target Holidays and Festivities. For smart business owners, it is no longer news that you can increase sales using holiday marketing tactics. Even when the economy suffers a downturn and people are left with less disposable incomes, holiday seasons traditionally draw many people out to shop. For this reason, holidays can be a great opportunity for you to increase sales. Targeting holidays and festivities therefore is a very smart way to increase sales for your small business.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

You Must Plan and Prepare for 2017

Getting ready is one potent way you can stave off getting left behind in a highly competitive business world. 2017 won’t be any different and if anything, businesses are going to get more competitive. Even if you have no concrete plans, it helps if you draw up a list of intentions for 2017.  This is because intentions are the fluid visions and goals of what we want to happen in our lives. You can draw up a very realistic list of the intentions you have and want to happen in the coming year. That done, you have to prepare yourself, fine tune your execution plan and be ready for things to happen, cause they will if you are strategic, serious and consistent.  

Set, plan, prepare, point and go! 2017 here we come! Hurray, we know we will do well in the year because we realize that:

Change happens
We anticipate change
We will monitor change
We will adapt to change quickly
We will indeed change
We will enjoy change

And we will be ready to change quickly again and again as things shape out all through 2017.
And so shall it be!!!!!

Friday, October 07, 2016

10 Tips to Stay Positive at Work as an Entrepreneur

Calculator and silver pen on top of digital reports sheets.
Being an entrepreneur is all about getting things done in line with your plan to move your chosen business forward. People now know that you do better being an entrepreneur if you somehow find a way to stay positive all the time. These here 10 tips come in very handy in that quest.

01. Make a workable plan. If your plan is good and working, it helps you to stay focused and you achieve more.

02. Always carry your team along. If you work with a team, be sure you are always on the same page with your team members and that you are carrying everyone along.

03. Revisit your goals often. Make sure your goals are written down. Revisiting these goals helps you to know how far and fast you are going. That your goals are being achieved is one sure way to stay positive on the job.

04. Look back at your progress. Looking back at your own business at times can also be a motivating factor. If you’re able to easily see how far you’ve come, it can help change your mindset going forward.

05. Relate often with your mentor. Nearly everyone needs a mentor these days. Having a business mentor who has been through tough times and knows how to get through them can be invaluable during your inevitable business struggles.

06. Create time for fun and games. Regular exercise gives you endorphin, which can help you stay positive at work. Short breaks from work help to relax your eyes and muscles. Even short bursts of exercise a few times a week if you have the time can be quite beneficial.

07. Remember to always show gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is a very good and highly beneficial business policy. You can show that gratitude to others by simply saying “thank you” or writing short thank you notes to them. Remembering and congratulating them on their anniversaries is also a very good way to show gratitude.

08. Keep educating yourself. Reading good business books and listening to motivational tapes can help you to remain positive at work.

09. Regularly reward yourself and your team. When you accomplish some milestones in your business, it is good to reward yourself and members of your team who were outstanding. Giving out some token gifts and even some weekend treats to keep everyone motivated is good.

10. Do more of what makes you happy. No matter how many great habits you build around your business, there are going to be times when you feel a little down. That is one challenge you can never run away from. Whenever you are confronted with such challenges, always recall what you did in the past that made you happy then follow the same route. Remember too that, “tough times never last but tough people do.”