“Great minds have
purposes, others have wishes.” --Washington
Purposefulness is all about staying focused and determined
to achieve your goals. It builds desire and provides the reason to continue to
strive until some achievement is made. Without a purpose, we all drift through
life and end up as failures. Drifting through life is certainly not one of
God’s intentions for creation. This is why everything in the universe has a
purpose and a place in a meticulously arranged order.
Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book, “Think and Grow Rich” tells the story of
the great Chicago fire which once consumed all the stores in the business
district of the city. A group of Merchants among them Marshall Field assembled
in the streets the morning after watching the smoking ruins of what had been
their stores. Emergency meetings and conferences were hurriedly convened. The
big question was whether to rebuild or to move to safer locations? The
Merchants quickly reached a decision. All except Marshall Field decided to
leave Chicago. Mr. Field pointed a finger at the ruins where his store once
stood and declared, “Gentlemen, on that very spot I will build the world’s
greatest store, no matter how many times it may burn down.” That was many years
ago and today the Field Stores edifice stands as a prominent land-mark in the
skyline of Chicago.