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Monday, May 22, 2017

Making Customers Happy by Creating a Raving Fan Culture

A team of skipping happy customers.

Image Credit: gstatic.com

“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.” - Jim Rohn

Every business is all about making customers happy and satisfied. Any entrepreneur who is able to do this consistently inevitably becomes a successful entrepreneur. In human relations, nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. These days, thanks to Bruce Temkin, some businesses have been able to create a “raving fan” customer culture through the acronym “C-A-R-E-S”. Here is how it can be applied to make unhappy customers happy. Note carefully that each step is very important to the process. Whenever any of your customers shows any signs of unhappiness through a feedback question/reaction, you know it is time to switch to your CARES mode of:

(C), Communication: Clearly communicate the process up front and set proper expectations.

(A), Accountability: Take responsibility for resolving the situation or getting an answer in a satisfactory manner.

(R), Responsiveness: Take initiative; don’t make the customer wait for your communication or a solution.

(E), Empathy: Acknowledge the impact that the situation has on the customer.

(S), Solution: Be results oriented; ensure the question is properly answered and the issue is resolved.

If you manage to build a company that truly CARES about its customers using above steps, you somehow earn their eternal happiness. The happiness of your customers translates to good business for you. Happy customers are happy partners for good business. This you can achieve by caring for them and making “raving fans” out of them in the months and years ahead.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Be Ready to Learn From Experience

“When obstacles arise, change your direction to reach your goal, not the decision to get there.” -- Zig Ziglar

“Experience” they say “is the best teacher.” If you make mistakes, correct them and move on. The more mistakes you make the nearer you are to the solution provided you do not do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Keep good records and refer to them as a guide to avoid previous mistakes. As narrated by Shiv Khera in his book “You can Win”, Fritz Kreisler the great violinist was once asked how he played the violin so well. He replied that it is because of practice and experience. “If I don’t practice for a month, the audience can tell the difference. If I don’t practice for a week, my wife can tell the difference. If I don’t practice for a day, I can tell the difference.”