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Showing posts with label Team Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Mail. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Best Income-Earning Opportunities to Focus on in SFI Business

Dollar bills spilling out from computer screen.
My take on this issue is very simple. Just lead by example. If you have perfected how to duplicate and you are very familiar with and have experienced the awesome benefits of duplication, it is easy to convince your downline to do same. The surest way to get your affiliates to follow your duplication trail is by showing them how you are doing it then encourage them to do same. You can do this best by using your team mail messages to regularly explain to your team members how you are getting on and the awesome benefits you are getting in SFI all because of your duplication efforts.

Mention concrete examples and refer them to the blog in your leadership page where you regularly publish your achievements and milestones. As the saying goes, “seeing is believing.” If your affiliates are able to “see” what you are doing, it becomes very easy to convince them to do same. For that reason, when it comes to matters of duplication, you must at all times do all the things you want your affiliates to also do. If they manage to do as you expect them to, that gives you all the assurances you need that duplication will take place among those you sponsor.

All methods, systems, tips and tricks which work very well for you should be made easily available to your downline. Encourage feedback from your downline and lead with praises, corrections and tips to move them to do much better than they are doing. That to my mind is the best way you can be reassured that duplication happens in those you sponsor.

Good luck!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

How to Use My Movers Tab to Maximize Your SFI Business

Dollar bills floating out of a computer screen.
In SFI business, everyone is in someone else’s Movers list. That is what the Movers Tab shows to your sponsor constantly. Any member of the downline who has not earned a single VP for about 7 days automatically drops off the Movers list. In a nutshell therefore, the Movers list tells every sponsor at a glance which members of her downline, (both PSAs and CSAs) are active in the business at any point in time. 


Having noted the above, it is easy to deduce that you can maximize your SFI business using MY MOVERS Tab in the following ways:

1. The tab at a glance excludes inactive affiliates which you need to work more on to get them active.

2. It lets you know the pace of progress from even the active affiliates listed and you can devise ways to help them move better.

3. It reveals the Team Mail, Email and Chat buttons which you can use to communicate directly with any affiliate you decide on as listed in the tab.

4. In some cases, even the telephone numbers are on display for you to use in communicating with the affiliates.

5. It shows the progress on VP earned daily from each affiliate and how many more VP they need to advance to the next rank. That enables you to know how and when to cheer them on with some vital tips.

6. It shows the ranking of each active affiliate and how much daily progress they are making towards advancing. That tells you how and when to help them.

7. It shows the last time every affiliate listed logged in and if the log-ins are not regular, you can then take steps to advise the affiliate on what to do.

8. At a glance, the tab ranks the affiliates based on the number of VP they earned up to date. The higher an affiliate is ranked on the list, the more it contributes to the VP available to you for matching.

9. The Movers Tab also shows the Class Rank, Country rank and Global rank of each of the listed affiliates in the tab. You can then use the information to help each of the affiliates make a goal of advancing in rank.

10. Being on the Movers list at all is proof positive to tell your sponsor that you are serious in the business. That way, you tend to get more help and assistance from your sponsor.

11. Ultimately, the Movers Tab helps you to identify, assist, encourage or advise team members as a way of building the business for all parties involved.


All the above to my mind and experience are some of the best ways to use MY MOVERS tab to maximize your SFI business.

Monday, February 06, 2017

How to Confirm that Your Team Members are Receiving Your Messages

Internet business work station with a computer, notepad and pen, eye glasses and smartphone.
The level of responses you get from your downline is an indication that your mails are reaching them. You may be aware that the most reliable message source in SFI is Team Mail. If you use that source more than any other, it is fairly certain that your mails are reaching your affiliates.

For more confirmation, you can send mails which request specific information from your affiliates. If you receive no responses at all, it is a confirmation that your mails are not reaching them. To ascertain that your mails are delivered, you may choose to use all sources including “live chat” online for confirmation. I must caution though that many affiliates as a matter of choice never want to be bothered with mails. Factor this fact in too when you are communicating with them.

SFI also provides “opt out” option for mails. It also has a tool to detect the number and rate of opt outs in your downline. You can use the tool to detect how many of your affiliates have opted out and the reason(s) why. That is one other sure way to confirm who is receiving your mails.