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Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts

Thursday, March 04, 2021

Educational Services Jobs to Make Money Online

Dollars, three notes with five gold and silver coins.
Online jobs are increasingly becoming quite popular. Millions of people now want to make money online. Not only because of the pandemic restrictions, but also because of the huge moneymaking opportunities the internet now offers. Making money online is at your own pace and convenience too. With a computer and an access to the internet, you can be in business and make money online like everyone else. Among the choicest jobs on the internet right now are educational services jobs. These are jobs anyone with the right qualifications, skills and talent, can take on independently right from the comfort of their homes and offices.

Here are some cool Educational Services jobs you can do online to make money.

Teaching: If you want to be a virtual teacher, there are sites like VIPKid where you can teach languages online over video chat or written lessons. English language is probably in the most demand for obvious reasons, but you can find opportunities for any other languages as well. You can offer your language teaching services to any site that teaches the language you are most fluent and proficient in and you get paid for your services.

Educational Videos: You can skillfully make educational videos and sell courses on such sites that render the services. If you have the requisite knowledge and skills, you can package and sell courses in popular niches on these sites such as coding, crafting and entrepreneurial tips and skills. You can earn some good income from your efforts.

Academic Writing: If you are scholarly, you can earn income from academic writing. On sites like Ultius, you can find opportunities to write academic papers. Apart from your inclinations, you may be required to have a minimum academic qualification of a Bachelor’s degree to get academic writing jobs. It is an added advantage for you if you have previous writing experience that you can reference.

Lifestyle Coaching: You can help other people become their best selves through lifestyle coaching. In modern day living, fitness and self-improvement are very popular niches. With the requisite knowledge and skills, writing books, delivering webinars and offering self-improvement videos for a monthly fee is a great way to make money online. The selling point is a firm promise to help people transform their lives or bodies and you'll get good patronage. 

Tutoring: High school and college students routinely search the internet looking for cheap tutoring services to help them prepare privately for landmark examinations. You can offer your expertise in any subject and teach over video or through written lessons. You can look up Chegg and the Knowledge Roundtable for tutoring jobs that pay well.

Music Teacher: If you have the skills to play any musical instruments like the flute, guitar or piano and others, you can teach it online and earn money. Singing and dancing skills are particularly in very high demand as specific niches.

Travel Guide: Yes, people are always on the move around the world for one reason or another. If you have travel experience, you can make videos or do webinars about great destinations and the cheapest routes to get there. You can write about the uniqueness of Airlines, Hotels, Resorts, Foods, Drinks, Security, Safety and General Hospitality. You can make money from sponsorships and running ads for hospitality and travel businesses.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why You Must be Knowledgeable

“Knowledge is power”--- Francis Bacon 

Education is all about knowledge. To educate is “to train or give information on a particular subject.” Knowledge in Mr. Bacon’s time may have been power but not anymore. Knowledge at today’s standards is information and power is what you do with the information. At today’s standards therefore, knowledge at best is POTENTIAL power while APPLIED knowledge is power.  Specialized knowledge is what separates Doctors from Farmers, Lawyers and other Professionals all of which are experts in their chosen fields. It is the use of this knowledge that the world pays a premium for. Those who make it in life never stop acquiring specialized knowledge. They always strive to keep with the trends in their chosen fields. This is why they stand-out from the crowd. Dr. Ben Carson is reputed to be the man who performed near-miraculous child brain surgeries known to Medical Science. He could have forever remained “the little-black-kid from the back-streets of Detroit” if he so decided as many of his peers did. In his book “Gifted Hands”; he is described as “the remarkable man who gives dying children a second chance at life.”  Dr. Carson’s specialized knowledge and expertise at pediatric neurosurgery at some stage made him a much sought-after Medical Personality at Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA and all over the world.

“The educated man is the man who has learned how to get everything he needs without violating the rights of his fellow men. Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.”  However, it should be noted that it is not only what you know that counts. What counts most is what you do with what you know. What you do with what you know is what determines who you are. Those who never apply their knowledge for the benefit of themselves and the society remain mediocre all their lives. This is why the world is full of educated derelicts. Look around you, there may even be one in your neighborhood.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

How to be an Effective Salesperson

“Everybody lives by selling something.” --- Robert Louis Stevenson

To be an effective salesperson, here is what you need in abundance:

Balanced and up-to-date information: Good Salespersons must be well-informed and knowledgeable about their Product and their Customers. You must know your Product in and out and be conversant with all the new trends that affect the Product. You must be able to size-up your Customer to see if he or she is motivated enough to buy, to see if they can afford to buy, to see if they need to buy and finally to find out if they want to buy. If they want to buy and they can’t afford the money, you can work out a favorable credit arrangement to see if that will help them make up their minds. If they are not motivated enough to buy, you can skillfully work on their emotions or you reinforce the reasons why they need to buy from you. If you do not have sufficient knowledge about your product and its market you will experience some handicap trying to persuade anyone to buy from you.  

Empathy: You must be able to show real and genuine empathy to your Customers. Make friends with them. Show concern and care even for their private affairs where and when it is prudent to do so. Always mentally swap places with the Customer to see whether if you were in their shoes how your reaction will be. Take their reluctance to heart and see how you can gradually help them to arrive at favorable decisions. Show genuine concern and willingness to be of help even if you do not make a sale at that material time. 

Are You a Good Salesperson?

“Everybody lives by selling something.” --- Robert Louis Stevenson

“No matter who you are or how much you know, you will not succeed unless you are a salesman. You must sell your services. You must sell your knowledge. You must sell yourself. You must sell your personality.”—Napoleon Hill

Preparing to meet and deal with a Customer is like preparing to meet and deal with a potential employer. Everyone agrees that this is the time you need to look and act your best. This is the stage to put your best foot forward. The Customer is the reason why you are in business. Without him, you are out in the cold broke and courting bankruptcy. You therefore can’t be too careful at courting the Customer. Before you can sell anything to a Customer, you must be able to sell yourself first. You must therefore acquire and nurture some marketing skills and qualities.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

How Valuable Are You?

Prototype red roof house on top of a wad of dollar bills and black calculator.

“If I were you, I would stand for something. I would count.” -- Benjamin E. Mays

Quite an intriguing question! We are told by the scriptures that God created man “in his own image and likeness.” If this does not put a final seal on the immense value of man, I hardly know what else will. If man is this valuable, he obviously must be the ultimate resource. The Brain is man’s most valuable possession. This is what confers superiority on him over and above other creatures. Man has used his Brain to master and dominate all other creatures. Man has mastered the air and harnessed it for travel, power generation and many other uses. He has traveled to the moon and sent missions to other planets. Day in day out, man continues to expand the frontiers of knowledge with the use of his Brain. For the past 100 years alone, man has made more progress at discovering new frontiers than at any other time in human history. The human Brain sure has no limits to its quest for knowledge. A man is what he knows and his Brain is the engine room that drives his knowledge machine. This is what determines his usefulness to society. The day man stops thinking, that is probably the day the world will experience a state of atrophy. Join me in a journey into history and you will get to appreciate more the value of man and his mind.

Within the last century alone, the Wright brothers invented the Airplane which pioneered air travel. This was in 1903. In 1905, a British scientist Sir John Fleming invented the Radio which has made information to travel faster around the world. In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming another Briton invented Penicillin an antibiotic which has saved many human lives. Within the same century also many other inventions like the Computer, Radar, DDT, Polaroid Camera, Solar Battery, Transistor, Laser and several other valuable products were invented as proof of the power of the human mind. The list is simply endless. Man has infinite capabilities. World famous motivational writer Napoleon Hill wrote that “You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe; the mind can achieve.” Look around you; the tall and short buildings you are seeing, the cars on the road, the motorcycles and bicycles you see were all made by man. The original idea for each started from one person’s mind. They acted on their thoughts and you and I are today the ultimate beneficiaries. The Computer, man’s wonder invention in the 20th century though capable of performing many amazing feats is yet to match the power of the human brain. Since all persons are endowed with brains as wonderful gifts from our Maker, is it not puzzling why some are poor and some are rich?