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10 Proven Strategies to Unlock Your Affiliate Marketing Potential

If you are in affiliate marketing to earn a second paycheck or passive income, don’t ignore the right strategies that can help you to your g...

Showing posts with label Keywords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keywords. Show all posts

Friday, July 08, 2022

Best Online Tools for SEO Analysis

Notepads, color pencils, pens and backlinks doodle on a white board.
For Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to be really effective on a business website, it must be on-page and off-page. You will need to master some on-page and off-page strategies to be able to optimize your website for better rankings in the SERPs of search engines. Both strategies have their unique roles in the search results as well as organic traffic from search engines. Optimizing your website for search engines and letting search engines realize it is highly technical. It takes quite a bit of time too and you need the right online tools to get it right. Here are some of the tools that webmasters recommend very highly to help you with the SEO of your website.

On-Page SEO Tools

1. Google Tools: Prominent among these tools are PageSpeed Insights and Google LightHouse. These are some of the best tools to check website performance. They highlight performance issues and also make suggestions to fix them.

2. Proof Reading Tools: Copyscape tool helps to check the originality of your content. Grammarly tool helps to make corrections on your content for grammar and punctuation while WordCounter tool helps to analyze the keyword density in your content.

3. Google Keyword Planner: This tool is the best online tool for carrying out keyword research and searching for LSI keywords.

4. Ahrefs: This tool helps to analyze the keyword difficulty and search volume of the searched keywords.

5. Yoast SEO: This tool is great for page optimization, providing meta title, description and checking if your content is optimized against your main keyword. It also helps with increasing the readability of the content.

Off-Page SEO Tools

Next are some important tools that are great for off-page strategies.

1. Ahrefs: This tool helps to analyze your competitor’s website and to look for where you can conveniently create backlinks.

2. Social Media Tools: In this category are tools like BuzzSumo, BufferPublish, SproutSocial, Hootsuite, Canva, etc. These are tools that are very handy to market your content on social media.

3. Moz: Moz is an excellent tool that helps to provide a complete report about backlinks to a website.

4. SEMRush: This is another great tool that can help you to create a campaign and add your competitors to it along with your own website. It has capacity to analyze your competitors and suggest off-page and on-page changes.

Last Line

When it comes to effective SEO strategy, smart online tools are indispensable to marketers. These tools help to save time and other resources while delivering highly reliable results as well.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Proven Tips to Boost Your SEO Affiliate Marketing

A lone marketer working on a computer with SEO strategies on the screen, a cup of pencils holder, notepads and a mug of coffee on the table.
Affiliate marketers can create a structurally sound SEO affiliate marketing strategy by deliberate steps. It takes quite a while though and that requires diligence and patience. So, if you have made the efforts to put SEO affiliate marketing strategy in place and results are not forth coming, do not be discouraged. The process is a long-haul journey and results are not immediate. Knowing what to do to construct a successful SEO affiliate marketing strategy is one thing, but knowing how to do it right is something else. Part of knowing how to do it right is to think through what your niche should be, and what keywords can be relevant in your content. That helps you to keep your topic firmly in mind when crafting your content and making sure every word you write is relevant. That is hugely important because if you must have good readership and traffic, you cannot afford to mislead or even misinform your readers.

Following are a few things to keep in mind and do right which can help boost your success rate.

Don’t Bait Your Readers

Baiting your readers is a very cheap content marketing tactic which search engines easily discover. The whole essence of an SEO strategy is simply to increase traffic via keywords usage. You get the best organic traffic that way. However, it is not advisable to use keywords as a way to bait readers. If you do so by way of keywords stuffing, search engines detect it easily. It could lead to your website being penalized by dropping it in ranking or removing it from the SERPs outright. This is in addition to the fact that keywords stuffing could directly increase your bounce rate.

Factor in Mobile Users

These days, many more people are doing business on the go through mobile devices. Google reports indicate that about 60% of website traffic is generated through mobile devices. What that means is that most of the visitors to your website are using such devices to gain access. You cannot afford to ignore such huge chunk of traffic in your SEO strategy. Optimizing your website for mobile devices is one great way to get around it. If you do, your content format will work perfectly on such devices and that helps to boost your traffic. If mobile devices are able to navigate your website easily, your SEO efforts can more readily lure visitors to the website. Without it, most visitors may struggle to find their way around your website. That could discourage them from any worthwhile interaction with the site and many may even not hesitate to simply click away.

Avoid Keywords Stuffing

If you stuff your content with keywords, search engines easily find you out and penalize the content. Strategically using keywords on your content is what gets the best SEO results. If you overuse keywords, you risk reducing the quality of your work. That can negatively affect your rankings and ultimately a drop in your organic traffic. You can least afford such scenario in your affiliate marketing business.

Don’t Ignore Social Media

There are many brand-shaping strategies suited for social media platforms you can adopt for your business. That way, you can leverage the huge popularity of the platforms and ease of sharing info to boost your SEO strategy. Social media users are usually the first to know about breaking news, new hashtags, trending topics, and what is happening in the business world. So, it is beneficial for your business to get involved on social media. If you are always on top of trending news and stay up to date and you know what’s popular in the world, you can use such vital info in your SEO strategy. If you know exactly what people are searching for and what is trending on social media, you can always update your keywords accordingly to boost your SEO.

Offer Exclusivity

Exclusivity makes your content unique and sought after. If through this content you manage to capture the attention of potential customers, it’s crucial that you keep that attention by offering them something they can’t find anywhere else. That’s exclusivity. Even if you are in a very popular niche, you can purposefully take a new angle different from what no one else has thought about on a well-covered topic or you produce something entirely new and uniquely different to stand out. That requires a bit of creativity though if you want your content to spark the right conversation.

Don’t Get too Comfortable

SEO is always work in progress because it works with trends. Even when you have a good optimization in place, you cannot afford to get too comfortable by relaxing further efforts. Whatsoever you have in place needs to be reviewed regularly to ensure it is still relevant, fresh and up-to-date.  That helps you to keep a keen eye on your ranking, while striving continuously to improve it.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

How to Use SEO for Affiliate Marketing

SEO and online marketing signs in virtual space.
In affiliate marketing, affiliates get paid commissions to promote products for product merchants. They can do this effectively if they have in place reliable ways to get good traffic to their websites where there are affiliate links which their website visitors can click and make purchases. As an affiliate marketer, you can get better organic traffic if you bring in SEO which stands for ‘search engine optimization’ into the mix of your marketing techniques. SEO is the technical practice of optimizing website content to boost its ranking for online searches. When done correctly, SEO can help your website to be found more easily thereby significantly increasing its popularity in online searches. That way, SEO helps to boost traffic, get more leads, increase conversions and sales.

If you introduce SEO into affiliate marketing, you have a perfect blend of two marketing strategies that allow marketers to bring more traffic to their websites in a perfectly organic and natural manner. You can thus effectively use SEO for affiliate marketing in the following ways.

Be Original

If you want to optimize your website, make sure you are original. Being original does not only help to keep your business integrity intact, search engines like it. If you are not original, many search engines, Google inclusive, will penalize your content. Search engine algorithms never fail to detect and penalize duplicate content. If they detect that your content is heavily plagiarized, it could be pushed further down the search ranking or even removed from the results page entirely. That cannot be good for your marketing business. To avoid such penalties from search engines, you must always ensure all your website content is completely original and unique to your business.

Focus on Creating High Quality Content

High quality content is what helps to attract readers to your website. If this content is focused on your business niche, so much the better. You must endeavor therefore to avoid random topics in your content. If your content is focused, it directly attracts all the people looking for such information online. That is the kind of content capable of helping to push the products you are marketing online. Such content will most likely attract the right readers who may end up purchasing the product you are marketing. Basing your content on unrelated topics may get you traffic, but such traffic may not be interested in the products you are marketing. It cannot help your sales figures either. 

Carefully Select Your Niche

Before you start creating your optimized content, be sure to have a clear niche to focus your content on. Such niche can be anything you like and are passionate about. Choose a product that fits into this niche for you affiliate marketing, making sure the product has good market. If you have a genuine interest in the niche, it will help your content creation and marketing efforts. The more you know about the topic, the easier it is for you to produce well-rounded, informative and high quality content that sells.

Use the Right Keywords

Keywords are the baits marketers use for search engines. They are the exact words and phrases that people will search for in order to find your business online. This is why it is hugely important to carefully research, select and choose the keywords you use in your website. The best keywords must be relevant to the content on your website. This helps your website to be found by interested readers using the keywords on search engines. If search engines find your website easily, it translates into highly valuable organic traffic for your business.

Choose a Relevant Domain Name

Your domain name is your website identity online. It is a very essential part of your website, so you must choose it carefully and wisely. When choosing a domain name, you must have two very fundamental issues in mind. The first issue is to carefully choose a domain name that will be useful for creating a big, powerful brand, something that really resonates with your customers. On the alternative, you can choose a name that’s short, apt, precise, and perfectly describes exactly what your business offers. Some name that can easily turn up in online search results is what is best.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Resourceful Ways to Market a New Business

Computer, cup of coffee, camera and notebooks on a marketing table.
One of the most important things you will need to do when starting a new business is to market it well. How you carry out this marketing depends on the type of business you have chosen and the resources at your disposal. That plus a bit of research on what sort of marketing works best for the type of business can be really helpful. No solution is perfect though. What helps you to get the best results is always preferable. Find below some marketing options most marketing experts like recommend. 


Social Media Marketing

As social media is increasingly becoming more popular and the internet is deepening by the day, many more businesses are now using social media as one of their main forms of digital marketing. If you market on social media and your business is new, it is fairly easy for you to quickly build up recognition and brand identity for your brand by spreading awareness for the products/services you are marketing. Your marketing can become more impactful if you grow your audience well and segment it for marketing messages. You need to have accounts on the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and the likes. You not only need to have accounts on these social media platforms, you must also be sure to make regular posts, interact with your audience, address their concerns and queries through comments and direct messages. If you do, you’ll get better marketing results.

Search Engine Optimization, SEO

SEO is one of the key aspects of digital marketing. A good SEO on your website helps search engines to rank it well. If search engines rank your website high in their SERPs, it benefits from the organic traffic they send its way. A good SEO on your website helps to increase the amount of traffic visiting your website. A good traffic inflow in turn helps to boost the opportunity for leads, sales and even profits. Maintaining your search engine ranking is essential to direct potential customers away from competitor websites and towards your own business’s website. That translates to good business. However, it must be noted that SEO is a bit technical. It involves the careful deployment of specially selected keywords related to your business niche on your website content. If you know how, you can handle SEO yourself, but if not, hiring the services of professional webmasters to do it for you is advisable.
Radio and TV Advertising

Advertising on Radio and TV may be old school but they are still very effective traditional advertising methods. More so if your business is new. Radio and TV ads are still about the best ways to reach a much wider local audience and bring in increased sales. Both methods are great to reach offline audience which may be local in your business environment. When people hear your business ads regularly on the Radio and TV, your business name/brand can quickly become familiar to people who will be more likely to choose it over others who may be your competitors. Most people like to stick with what’s familiar to them. Advertising via the Radio and TV can help your business to quickly become like a household name. However, advertising on Radio and TV comes with huge costs. They should only be undertaken if you have the marketing budget to accommodate them. 


Staging Events

Business owners usually stage and host events to encourage many more people to learn more about their brands and to attract huge media attention. This media attention serves essentially as a free form of advertising for a brand as well as telling the public what the business is all about. By hosting a local derby for kids, charity events, garage sales, health walk, etc. etc., you not only have a great opportunity to raise funds for noble causes, you freely advertise your brand and showcase your business as well.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is quite handy to grow your business and promote your products widely online. It is usually a business arrangement between three parties, Product Merchants, Affiliates and Consumers. What the affiliate simply does is to help product merchants promote their products using unique affiliate links. Once a product is purchased via the affiliate link, the affiliate earns a commission from the sale. By this arrangement, product merchants can partner with social media influences (affiliates) to advertise products and encourage sales from their huge audiences. This arrangement is an incredibly popular and lucrative way of reaching a wider target audience and selling more products/services. It works well and really profitable if the product merchant manages to reach out to very popular influencers who are interested in his business niche. If a business arrangement is fashioned out with such influencers, it helps to quickly grow a brand and boost sales.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Effective Affiliate Marketing Tips for New Bloggers

A lone blogger working on his blog from a computer with a mug of coffee on his left hand.
Blogging has become a hugely effective tool for affiliate marketers to drive purchase-intent traffic to their website and affiliate offerings. The reason most affiliate marketers and actively involved in blogging. Even if you are new to blogging, what you do to get results must be similar to what experienced bloggers do. Even though affiliate marketers are expected to effectively promote different products and get a commission without having to deal with any physical products or even customers, many usually have great difficulties getting purchase-intent traffic to their affiliate offerings. One practical way around that difficulty is blogging. A good blog can help improve traffic and even sales/revenue for most affiliate marketing efforts.

New bloggers are best advised therefore to concentrate on using their blog to attract good traffic. This they can do by improving their domain authority, performing keyword research on purchase-intent keywords, writing reviews on products/services and joining new affiliate programs. Doing these things consistently will enable them to use their blog to effectively increase their chances of making more affiliate sales and increased commissions.
Even though experienced marketers usually volunteer many blogging tips for affiliate marketing, these here tips are particularly suitable for new bloggers who want to maximize their affiliate marketing efforts using their blogs.

Don’t Target Highly Competitive Keywords

If you do so, you’ll be beaten black and blue by more experienced bloggers who are already fully into such keywords. It is an avoidable mistake for new bloggers doing affiliate marketing to target highly competitive keywords early on. Once a keyword is lucrative, chances are always very high that many other bloggers, some very experienced bloggers at that, are already writing blog posts about the keyword. It is usually very difficult if not impossible for new bloggers to make any impact with such keywords. If you start with such competitive keywords immediately, you risk poor ranking. When that happens, it can be quite demoralizing and could even stunt your blogging efforts in totality.

What then is best to do? Just target low difficulty and less competitive keywords! By using such keywords, chances are very high that your blog posts can age and increase rankings over time. As you garner more blogging experience with even some initial traffic, you can then muster more confidence to target more competitive keywords going forward. It is best to aim for higher volume and lower difficulty affiliate keywords. Such keywords give you the best chance of driving more traffic to your website and making more affiliate sales as a consequence. To locate such words, you can do keywords research on online tools like Ahrefs.


Target Recurring Affiliate Sales

Recurring affiliate sales are a dream income stream for many affiliate marketers. New bloggers who have attained some level of domain authority and keyword research can rank competitively for many affiliate keywords. That is when it is best for them to target recurring affiliate sales. For new bloggers, having passive affiliate sales is OK but having recurring monthly affiliate revenue is much better.

Even though the commonest affiliate marketing model with most bloggers is to promote an affiliate product/service and getting a commission after a sale, that income can be passive. But, the recurring traffic you get by ranking well usually ensures you get more sales month in month out going forward. Now, that is great for affiliate income! Recurring affiliate sales are like the icing on the cake and they tend to improve greatly on the passive income model. With recurring affiliate sales, you are paid commissions indefinitely for each new customer you refer. That by all calculations is much better than getting a one-time commission for each sale. Your commissions come in steadily each month a customer you referred pays for a product indefinitely. Targeting affiliate programs like these instead of one-time commissions can skyrocket the affiliate revenue from your blog.

Increase your Domain Authority

Domain authority refers to the authority your blog commands in cyber space. Digital marketers measure domain authority by way of rating on a scale from 0 to 100. It indicates the quality and number of sites that link back to your website. The nearer your rating is to 100, the better your website is ranked in Google SERPs. This is important because backlinks are a ranking factor that Google uses to rank sites. The higher your domain rating therefore, the easier it is for Google to rank it for affiliate keywords. If you are a new blogger, you can improve your domain rating by doing guest posts and getting backlinks to your website among other blogging activities to help your ranking. Technically, this appears to be the most efficient way to increase your domain rating because it helps you get initial backlinks to your website and this can attract more natural backlinks to the site.

When your domain rating is high enough, you can start ranking for some important keywords. This helps to increase the traffic to your website significantly. Thus, if your website has a clean backlink profile and high domain authority, its commercial valuation as a valuable web property increases. This is so because domain authority is one of the main factors that buyers take into consideration in pricing a web property. The higher it is, the more valuable the web property is.

Monday, August 09, 2021

Social Media Content Optimization Best Practices

Social media symbols and logos arranged on a brown cardboard.
Is your business on social media? If it is not, you are missing a lot from the benefits of social media marketing. You’ve got to optimize your content for social media if you want to remain relevant in online business. If you want to supercharge your online engagement, content is key. By taking deliberate steps to adorn your content with the right keywords, tags, titles, links and images, it can help you target the right customers, get leads and even sales. An effectively distributed and optimized content helps create a direct line to customers who are actively searching for products/services using the keywords the content is optimized with. When your content is optimized for social media, it helps to drive engagement and meaningful interactions. After all, social media optimization is all about making everything we post on our social platforms as engaging and as fruitful as possible with conversions as the end result.
These here are some of the best practices your business needs to optimize your social platforms for better results.

Streamline Your Strategy

To market successfully on social media, the strategy you adopt is vital. This strategy must be streamlined well enough to enable you establish a clear, regular and consistent posting schedule. Meaning, as far as your audience is concerned, they can be rest assured that you’ll always be there for them. This translates to reliability and dependability which somehow helps to build trust and guarantees engagement. So, if your posting schedule drives engagement satisfactorily, it is best to stick with it so as not to disappointment your audience who keeps coming back for more of your content.

Optimize Your Accounts

This is a given. Optimized social media accounts leave no one in doubt even with a very brief interaction what your business is all about. For this reason, you must be sure that all your social media accounts/profiles align with your business message, brand image goals and ethos. You can always guarantee and maintain this posture through regular and consistent content audits. When you habitually use consistent visuals, logos, tones of voice and marketing messaging in your social media accounts, your engagement is better enhanced.

Make Your Content Searchable

Unsearchable content cannot be engaging. Because search is a major feature of most social media platforms, making your content searchable helps engagement. Diligent optimization helps that process. Most prospects search on the social platforms themselves and they find products through the right keywords. Even from major search engines like Google, prospects can search for and find social pages themselves. Marketers do take advantage of that by embedding appropriate search-friendly keywords and hashtags (but with utmost caution), in their published social media content. If keywords are excessively used, you could be guilty of keywords stuffing and search engines’ algorithms can penalize your content for that.

Last Line

To compete favorably online, businesses should focus on content optimization. Content is king in online marketing. For this reason, marketers must not just post content for posting sake. Any content worth posting must be high in quality, informative and educating enough to attract engagement. Marketers must therefore ensure they consistently write content in such a way that it engages their target personas. Of course, to engage your target personas, your content has to first reach them. An optimized content serves that purpose better. 

Thursday, June 03, 2021

How to Increase your Small Business Online Presence with Social Media

Social media marketer working with a smartphone and computer, with flowers and a mug of creamy beverage on the table.
Small business owners deliberately take advantage of social media to increase online presence for their businesses. The vast user bases and sharing capabilities peculiar to social media platforms make them ideal amplification tools to help increase online presence for your business. This is in addition to the fact that a vast majority of consumers rely on social media for product recommendations and actually make purchases based on these recommendations.

Here are five things you can do to increase social media presence for your small business.

1. Be Active on Social Media

This is a given. The more active you are on social media, the easier it is for you to get noticed. To make social media a part of your online presence therefore, the first thing you need to do is to have an active account. That done, you can start publishing high quality posts regularly as well as making well-informed responses to likes and comments on those posts. At the same time, you can reciprocate with liking and commenting on your followers’ posts, answering direct questions/messages, sharing content from other sources, and much more. If you do this consistently, your online presence will increase proportionately.

2. Think more of Audience not just Followers

On social media, your online presence hardly improves with more followers. Rather, it is your following that improves with a stronger online presence. When you think more of your following as a great audience you can market to, you can work to cultivate niche audience of individuals who are interested in what you are offering. That translates into more likes and comments on your posts and more user-generated content to boot. As most marketers very well know, marketing campaigns with user-generated content result in higher conversions rates than campaigns without it. Meaning, user-generated content helps to build your online presence better on social media.

3. Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms you Use

Expert social media marketers always advise marketers to limit the number of social media platforms to only the numbers they can conveniently handle. This is because online presence is all about quality and not quantity. You can settle for the platforms your preferred audience is using, then limit the number you choose based on your bandwidth. If you have just one, two or three accounts with solid engagement, it is much better than having several accounts with weak activity. For most small business owners, the preference is always among the most popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest depending on what products/services they are marketing.

4. Make Posts with Emotion for Shareability

If you want to generate engagement on social media, you must make quality posts regularly. Posts that generate engagement are hugely important if you want social media algorithms to locate and display more of your posts in users’ feeds. In addition, quality posts compel your followers to consume your content more and to share it with others widely. To craft quality posts, you can use emotional words and phrases in your captions, use compelling stats, evocative images/photos/graphics and even add emojis for effects. If the posts are easily relatable and link-free such that your followers can consume quickly, it increases their shareability. The more your posts are shared, the better for your online presence.

5. Have Social Media SEO in Place

Some social media sites are some kind of mini search engines in their own rights while relying on keywords in some cases. For this reason, just like the SEO on your business website, you can also have SEO in your social media posts by including your preferred and popular keywords in your profiles and posts on the platforms. You can use many of the same keywords as you do on your business website. But, you may choose to have a preference towards some idea-oriented and lighter-hearted queries because social media platforms are more of the browsing and interactive type of socializing. It is recommended that both hashtags and keywords be used sparingly in your posts to improve your social media presence. If you use them sparingly and focus more on location-based and niche terms, you can manage to increase your visibility to the right audience in their right locations.

How to Use SEO to Increase Online Presence for your Small Business

A lone blogger working on the SEO of his small business website.
The online presence of your small business website is directly related to the strength and effectiveness of your business. So, to increase the online presence of a small business, owners readily turn to Search Engine Optimization, SEO among other factors. When the SEO of your website is good, it helps to increase the online presence of your business. SEO helps the business with more first-page appearances in the SERPs of search engines. A good SEO doesn’t just mean stronger web presence; it also equates to more traffic to your conversion-optimized site and greater credibility for your business. 


Here is what you can do to have a good SEO.

Deliberately create quality content on the website.

Research and select the relevant keywords to your business niche.

Carefully place these keywords on your website content.

Optimize all the photos and images on the website with these keywords.

Build backlinks from other credible websites to your own website.

Improve your Core Web Vitals to align with the page experience update.

Optimize the website for mobile searches to make it easy for mobile-first indexing.

Use schema markup so that rich snippets can appear below your site title in the SERPs of major search engines particularly Google.

Give priority to local SEO to enable the business take advantage of local searches.

If you write a business blog, target more keywords with it because the core pages of your website can only take a limited number of keywords.

Make sure each post of your business blog is individually optimized for relevant keywords to help it rank for those keywords and to appear in search results for the tons of searches for the keywords.

When you are blogging especially for online presence, it is recommended that you:

Vigorously promote your posts multichannel using social media and emails most especially.

Target question keywords with H2s to increase their chances of showing up in “People also ask.”

Target one keyword/keyword theme per post and include it in your titles, headings, image file names, alt text, and meta-descriptions.

Use numbered and bulleted lists where appropriate to be featured snippet-friendly.

Final Words

If you are able to carry out these activities diligently and consistently on your website content, chances are very high that you’ll have a good SEO in place and your small business online presence will increase appreciably.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

How to Understand Google Analytics Terms

Digital marketers have a lot of analytics terms they use in relation to their businesses. It is imperative to get a hold on these terms and to use them appropriately since analytics tools base their measurements/metrics on these terms. 

Here are some common terms you can measure using Google Analytics.

Keywords: Digital marketing relies on keywords as search terms to aid web users. These users find businesses if they use their keywords to search for products/services. Google analytics helps to identify and provide these keywords. Search engines use these keywords to improve the search engine rankings of websites.

Conversion Rate: Many web users habitually visit many websites. Of this lot, the percentage of visitors who do what you expect them to do on your website is regarded as “converted.” Such activities may include making a purchase or registering to download a free e-book, get a discount coupon, download how-to video or signing up for email newsletter.

Visit: This is any session in which a visitor interacts with your website irrespective of whether they do anything on your website or simply move on to another site.

Unique Visitors: This refers to the number of web users who visit your website within a specified time period. Irrespective of the number of times same person visits the site within that time period, the visitor still counts as one unique visitor.

Average Time on Site: This is the average time measured in seconds or minutes a user spends on your website.

Exit Page: This is the last page of your website that a visitor views before leaving your site. Knowing the last page your visitors visit before leaving your website can give you a lot of marketing insights into what works and what doesn’t on your website.

Traffic Sources:
This refers to places sending the most traffic to your website. It could be referral sites, social media sites, search engines and traffic exchanges.

Referral Sites: These are sites where people come to your site by clicking on your link on the sites. If your website gets a lot of referral site traffic, it is an indication that your online presence is strong on those other sites.

Search Engines Traffic: This is the same thing as organic traffic. It refers to people who visit your site because it showed up in their search results. A measurement of your search engine traffic gives information on how effective your SEO is.

Page Views: Any time a web user views a page of your site, it counts as a page view. One visit may contain many page views depending on how long the visitor spends on your website and how many pages they visit.

New Visitors: This represents web visitors who are coming to your website for the very first time. The information is vital because marketers need different strategies to market to new visitors as against repeat/returning visitors.

Returning Visitors: Returning visitors are visitors who make a comeback to your website for one reason or another. Some of such reasons may include to get more information, make inquiries and even to make a repeat purchase.

Bounce Rate: This refers to the number of users who exit your website after only viewing just one page. The higher the bounce rate, the less the time visitors spend on your website.

Pages per Visit: This refers to how many pages users view on your website per each visit. The more pages they visit, the better your website engagement.

Direct Traffic:
These are people who access your business by typing your URL directly in the address bar of their browsers. Direct traffic is a very good indication of your web authority and customer awareness. It also indicates how effective your marketing ads are.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How to Market Online with Search Engine Optimization, SEO

Online marketing work station with a computer, notepad and pen, a white mug of beverage and a smartphone.
Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is the key to helping your target market find you online. It is what helps search engines to rank your website in their SERPs. Irrespective of whatsoever you are marketing online, be it a tangible good/product or even if you are offering a service, you need a good SEO to get noticed online. SEO simply involves a complex set of algorithms created by various search engines to determine the rank of links that address a user’s query. That is what enables search engines to make the highest quality links appear highest in search results. By doing so, these links get noticed by searchers first and they tend to click on them first in order of priority. That simply translates to higher organic traffic through such high ranked links.


Every search engine may have its own proprietary algorithm but most tend to follow the one developed by Google since Google appears to be the largest search engine at the moment judging from the high percentage of searches attributable to it. Even though the exact components of the Google algorithm and the weighting factors assigned to each component may not be very well known to marketers, SEO experts spend a lot of time and effort conducting experiments to try to determine what these factors are and how they affect the weightings/rankings. What is well known is that links showing up on the first page of the search results on SERPs tend to garner most of the clicks especially those among the top three results. That really counts for something in SEO marketing. Web searchers click on these links first and the beneficiary websites get more organic traffic. Marketers must therefore place more emphasis on SEO with a very keen eye on what SEO experts believe are some of the most impactful factors/activities that determine website ranking. These are:

1. Website security through HTTPS protocols.

2. Gaining backlinks and linking to authoritative online sources, which act as a validation of your content.

3. Mobile-friendliness.

4. Site speed.

5. Providing a positive user experience.

6. Domain age.

7. Social signals, such as clicks from social and other forms of engagement.

8. Producing valuable content on a consistent basis for your website.

Besides these, there are other technical activities which play a role in getting found online. These activities have to do with the choice of and use of specific keywords throughout your website. A key SEO requirement is that the keywords you choose to represent your content must also match closely with user intent as reflected by the words used and the query. These are huge technical matters which may best be handled by SEO experts.

Because of the huge technical challenges in SEO, most business owners/marketers do hire the services of SEO experts to help them out. If however as a business owner you have the education, experience, the right SEO software and the knowhow to do it yourself, all well and good. This option may be less expensive and more effective to meet your business needs. If you do not know how to handle SEO for your website, you are best advised to approach professional agencies or individual SEO experts to help handle it for you. A good SEO on your website is very important and may even be indispensable to the success of your overall online marketing strategy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Effective Content SEO Strategy in Brief

White on green marketing strategy road signs.
Developing a content SEO strategy by marketers is not always a very easy task. Marketers need it for good marketing results though. It is thus inevitable that marketers must have a good content SEO strategy if they want their marketing businesses to survive competition. A good content SEO strategy requires good planning, skillful and deft deployment of carefully selected keywords in your content. Despite the difficulties involved, it is doable and worthwhile. Expert marketers recommend that for a good content SEO strategy, deliberate efforts must be made to properly place and site targeted keywords in your content. Doing so helps to provide the ideal content that appeals to a very broad audience. That is what helps a business website to get valuable organic traffic.

To have an effective content strategy, marketers must first search for and settle for the keywords suitable to their business niche. You can do this by using comprehensive SEO toolset like Ahrefs.com. This tool helps marketers to identify keywords not only based on their search volume, but also with information about how difficult it might be to rank your business within the keywords. Now, that is very valuable insight that smart marketers cannot afford to ignore. With such insights marketers have access to very valuable information to enable them work smarter not harder, by getting the most out of their own individual efforts.

Marketers can also use software that utilizes data and online search results to analyze briefs for search volume, SEO difficulties, and the length of content to help content writers compose very valuable drafts. Automation can help these processes even better to save valuable time and resources, by streamlining the content pipeline to add consistency and stability to it. The bottom line is a good SEO strategy and these efforts come in very handy in that quest.
It is imperative for marketers to attempt to provide at all times, content that Google can insert into its “People Always Ask” results. For organic traffic purposes, this must also be an important element of your content SEO strategy. Marketers now know that these types of Google-featured results aim to predict what else a user might want to know. That is why Google inserts a trustworthy source amongst its search results and even clips out a section of your article source to embed in the page. When marketers work to build outlines on their content pages that are detailed and thorough enough, Google may surface these pages and offer keyword rankings based on the natural value of the information the content serves.

In matters of using links in content SEO strategy, you can hardly have anything as helpful as building links even though experts recommend that links be used very sparingly and intelligently. If not, they could backfire on the marketer through punitive actions from search engines. About four to five internal links per article is ideal and recommended. If a major search engine like Google for instance detects that your backlinks are, stuffed densely and haphazardly into the body of your content, it will reject them and punish your website for it. Additionally, these links must be to credible and verifiable sources. When backlinks cite properly to credible sources, they help to increase your own credibility through offering accurate information.

It is good for your content SEO strategy if you endeavor to streamline your articles with Google requirements. If you write for Articles Directories for instance, it is a requirement that you include an “Author Box” or “Resource Box” on your articles. This box must include the author’s name, photo/Avatar, a bit of information about the author’s background, qualifications, experience and in some cases a link to his website. This works to help the author meet Google’s standards as a source of credible and authoritative information. Google is very particular about providing its users with the highest quality information. If you have built your own online identity/reputation as a trusted source, Google is glad to share your information with its users. That helps your content SEO strategy a great deal.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Top 5 Ways to Develop Attractive Web Content

Man working on a computer with blog symbol on the screen of the white laptop computer, a coffee mug, rulers and bits and pieces of workman's tools on a table.
Digital marketers always want traffic, real organic traffic to help them with leads and sales. Good content is what marketers depend on to attract the much-needed traffic. Most marketers worry about how to develop attractive web content to get traffic. Developing and marketing with an attractive content is what helps marketers to get good traffic and to sell well in global cyberspace.  A good content is always deliberately planned, and developed, for it to be attractive to web users. Here is what to do.

1. Have a Plan

It is not just how your website looks but the content you put in it that helps it to attract traffic. You need a good plan to develop such content, not just about your website. You must expand the content and keep it fresh and relevant at all times. It must always be up-to-date as well to enable it stay in the rankings. For this to happen, your plan must include posting good blogs daily, weekly or at least once a month depending on the business niche you are blogging about. That way, you can easily stay in touch with your readers, educate and provide very useful information to your customers on what they need to know about your business. That helps your website to gain more traffic. 

2. Work with Professionals

No matter how experienced you are as a digital marketer, you may not know everything. You may need assistance from professionals occasionally. No matter how intelligent and educated you are, if you are not trained and experienced enough in writing for the online audience you need to work with professionals. Writing for the online audience requires specialized skills that many marketers do not have. To be attractive and readable, a good web content needs the services of professional web designers, content creators and or graphic artists to help create attractive web pages. With experience, many marketers are able to do most of these services on their own and may not need hiring professionals any more.
3. Adopt Relevant Keywords

For your content to be attractive to search engines and be found online, it must be embedded with relevant keywords/phrases. You must first find out using online tools, which words relate to people searching for your type of business. Use these keywords generously but cleverly on your website and throughout your content. That is what will make the content attractive to search engines. Search engines will in turn send organic traffic to your website. The better your website ranks in terms of keyword density proportions, the better it will score in ranks of search results of SERPs. The better organic traffic it receives.

4. Market with Influencers

Influencers are a delight to know in cyberspace. Many have some kind of cult-like following online. Their followers rely on their endorsements and even say-so to make their buy decisions. That is what marketers rely on to push their products using influencers. Procuring the services of an influencer to sponsor your products in a few posts has the potential to reach thousands of potential customers particularly on social media where influencers command tremendous following. If you know favorite influencers who can help promote your content, you can approach them through influencer agencies if you are unable to approach them directly.

5. Target Your Locations

You can deliberately create blog posts or you dedicate a web page to each location that your business wishes to service. This may be a bit tricky to do but it gets very attractive results because the wider a spread you have of service areas, the greater the number of people your web content will “arrest.” The more searchers your business attracts, the better it is for your inbound traffic. It is smart marketing therefore to, purposely dedicate a webpage of your blog to a town, city, or region, in order to catch the attention of people actively searching for your product in that area.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

How Keywords Impact Digital Marketing Strategies

Banner ads sign on a black pad, rulers, magnifying glass, cup of coffee and bit and pieces of workman's tools.
In today’s digital marketing world, most marketers crave to have a robust online presence for their businesses. Working out of their business websites in digital space, marketers want to be noticed by people who are actively searching for goods and services online. Digital marketers are aware that a very large percentage of searchers habitually turn to Google for every search query and question. As a very active search engine, Google works with keywords to decide exactly what to serve to people in direct response to their search queries.  When people enter a “keyword or phrase” on the search engine box and hit the search button, Google displays millions of webpages offering similar products/services relating to the keywords or phrases. These keywords and phrases tend to work like connectors, connecting brands to their curious audiences online. What digital marketers really want is organic traffic. It is the clever placement of these keywords and phrases on their content that helps marketers to get this much-needed traffic.

Here are some digital marketing benefits your business stands to gain from the use of keywords.

Conversions and Profits Boosting

A major goal of every marketing campaign is to attract traffic, boost conversions, get leads, drive sales, and increase profits. Keywords play a fundamental role in these efforts particularly in audience targeting and getting leads. When people click on your webpage because of the keywords they searched with, it simply means such people have a genuine interest in what you are offering. Converting them to leads and paying customers commences from there.

Help to Unveil Search Intent

Every search query on Google has an intention. Marketers classify search intent into three categories. These are navigational, transformational, and transactional search intent. Marketers depend on keywords to help them understand user search intent. That is what marketers use to design smart and effective marketing campaigns. Once you understand search intent and how it works, you will find it easier to deploy and display more relevant information to correctly target your audiences. For instance, a searcher with transactional intent will use a brand name or location in the keyword to target a “product categories” page. Such keywords help search engines to direct the searchers towards the product. That helps to save time for searchers by eliminating the hassle of surfing the entire website aimlessly in search of what to buy.

Help to Create Effective Content Strategy

If you use relevant keywords for your brand, you can create an impeccable content strategy around those terms. If for instance you are dealing in cars, you can write blogs and articles about auto industry, cars designs and markets, what is new and trending therein. By doing so, you can in addition to attracting potential customers, place the keywords naturally in context, thereby eliminating the promotional element. That will make your content hugely effective. An effective content strategy can help you gain more digital traction while diverting attention towards your brand. If you already have good blogs and articles out there on your website, you can align them with the right keywords to upgrade them. That helps to get more traffic, leads and sales. 

Identifying Your Target Audience

Keywords are about your target audiences as much they are about products and brands. They manage to create a reliable link between what people search for and the product/services you offer to satisfy their search intent. Therefore, to get the right visitors coming over to your site, you must understand the needs and search intent of your target audiences. If you do, you can design the type of content they are looking for and create your ideal customer’s persona. If you use that as a benchmark, you can increase the likelihood of attracting the right audiences several folds. You can design and launch products that align with your ideal customer’s needs. With a good understanding of your audience’s preferences, you can create personalized and effective marketing campaigns to meet their needs. That helps with better traffic, leads and sales.

Streamlining Your Marketing Efforts

Many digital marketers always grapple with how to get their word out in the digital world and be noticed. Sometimes, it really poses very huge challenges. The right use of keywords helps marketers to navigate around these challenges. Keywords help marketers to communicate very clear messages about what they do and what they offer. That helps to create brand awareness faster and better. Keywords help to streamline your SEO campaigns for better organic traffic. If your keywords match with searcher’s words and phrases, Google will automatically rank your webpage higher in its SERPs. Your business website ranks better in search results consequently. It may ultimately wind up with the top results. That is good for organic traffic, leads and sales.