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Effective Online Earning Strategies, Tips, and Opportunities

In our modern world as currently defined by digital innovation, the internet has opened up a wide range of income opportunities for anyone s...

Showing posts with label Make money online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Make money online. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Effective Tips for Making Money on Pinterest

Bundles of foreign currency notes.
You need some techniques to be able to make money on any social media platform particularly Pinterest. Aside from the frequent changes on the platform which can be problematic for many marketers, Pinterest still offers good opportunities for marketers to earn a bit of money on the side. The good news for marketers is that the platform offers a huge reach, some say over 300 million users and it continues to grow. That is really one huge market out there on Pinterest.

Granted you already know how to use Pinterest, here are some techniques/tips to help you make money on the platform.

Create a Business Account

This is the first thing you must do if you want to make money on Pinterest. You’ve got to have it before you reach out to others to do business on the platform. By the time you open a business account, you can then reach out to any brands for cooperation, affiliation, partnerships, affiliate links, and such like virtual space business engagements. The good news is that on Pinterest, business accounts are free. Not only that, they give you free access to on-site analytics and some other necessary assistance to help your business.

Create Eye-Catching Pins

The marketing power of Pinterest depends hugely on its visuals.  It is practically a visual marketing tool. Therefore, for the pins you create to be useful as powerful marketing tools, they definitely need to stand out, be eye-catching and to look really professional. If you do not have the requisite skills to create digital images yourself, you can use an online free tool to create high-quality images for your pins. One of such free tools that readily come to mind is Canva which I recommend for you because it is also useful for creating flyers, invites, business cards, etc. etc. Canva is one free tool that is super-easy to use. On Canva, there are lots of free designs which you can edit with your own texts and images and you come out with beautiful eye-catching images for your pins.

Use Tailwind to Schedule Your Pins

Tailwind is a marketing app you can use to schedule your pins on Pinterest. It was created specially to be adapted for use on Pinterest and Instagram. It is however not a free app to use. With a small monthly rental fee of less than $10, Tailwind can help you with analytics and to promote your pins. It does really well at helping you to create a pinning schedule for your pins.

Relate with and Interact with Other Pinners

You can interact and relate well with other pinners if you routinely pin other people’s pins, click their follow links, etc. This is because Pinterest is not just a social media platform, it is also a very powerful Search Engine. Relating with other pinners in reciprocal manner is an overall best practice on Pinterest and it gives the best results. Depending on what your interests are and what you are looking for, you are always at liberty just as in some other social media platforms to “unfollow” any persons you are following if you are not comfortable with the stuff they post that shows up in your feed. That is a clear exercise of your right of freedom of association/interaction which social media guarantees.

Install a Press/Media Kit

Having a press/media kit on your account on Pinterest is one of the easiest and smartest ways to tell other people what you can offer their business. Media kits have an uncanny and very attractive way of telling potential partners key facts and statistics about your blog, business, or Pinterest following. If you choose to use Canva to create your Press/Media kit, be sure it gives out at a glance, a short bio about you and your business, a list of the services you are rendering, number of impressions and/or following on your account and some summary information about your audience. That is what makes the kit a very powerful marketing tool.

Optimize Your Pins to make them Searchable

Like Google, Pinterest is also a very powerful search engine. So, to make your pins easily searchable, you must optimize them with specific keywords relevant to your business niche. It is advisable to always start by looking at the pins that pop up in the top of your feed. They help you to easily get what you want when they start popping up as soon as you start typing in the keywords for a search. What pops up shows you what people are currently searching for on the search engine same way you use other search engines like Google. It easily gives you the information you really want.

Be Transparent and Honest About Your Partnerships

Just like in any other business arrangement, transparency and honesty are very helpful when doing virtual business. On Pinterest, if you are using affiliate links or partnering with brands in any capacity, you have to let your audience know. That is transparency. The platform itself is very finicky when it comes to regulating the activities of its platform users. Read and understand the rules of engagement well to avoid being penalized regularly or even outright ban.

Pay Attention to Regular Changes on the Platform

Pinterest habitually makes changes very often maybe because it is still developing. It has changed a lot since it was launched sometime in year 2010. It is advisable to always pay attention to and to act in accordance with these regular changes particularly as they affect your ability to earn money on the platform.

Strictly Follow Pinterest’s Guidelines/Best Practices

This is a given. If you want to be a good partner to Pinterest, you must play according the rules. Respect the platform by following their Community Guidelines as prescribed and revisable from time to time. Good luck!


How to Make Money on Pinterest

A book, golden cup, notepad and a computer on top of a work table.

It is increasingly becoming clear to social media marketers that just like in some other social media platforms, they can also make money on Pinterest. It is not a complicated process at all. It takes just a bit of discerning to know that what many people are doing for fun on Pinterest, some others are making money with it. Here are some of the things you do on Pinterest to make money.

Monetize your Pinterest Knowledge

Knowledge is a very valuable asset for marketers. If you really understand how Pinterest works, you can leverage on that knowledge to create marketing campaigns for brands and you get paid for your efforts. When you become really good at what you do on Pinterest, you can package that knowledge in form of courses and ebooks for sale. Webinars and Coaching activities can also earn money for you if you are good at using virtual space to your advantage. 

Earn with a Learned-Skill from Pinterest

Many marketers now use Pinterest as a huge learning library. As a marketer, no matter what random stuff you pin on Pinterest, you’ll discover that someone somewhere has pinned something about same stuff. That is what makes Pinterest an inestimable knowledge resource. There is hardly any skill you are interested in which you cannot learn on Pinterest. You can learn such very useful/marketable skills like, hand crafts, knitting, calligraphy, photography, baking and decorating cakes, sign writing, etc, etc, etc. As for learned skills like photography which are in great demand you can hone up the skill professionally, promote your skill on Pinterest then start selling photos to stock photo sites to make money. You can also make money by hiring out your services to do photo shoots at weddings, ceremonies, anniversaries and remembrances. You can studiously collect and organize these several skills then start a podcast with them which you can monetize to earn income. Pinterest is also handy to help you promote and market these several skills successfully to make money.

Earn as Pinterest Virtual Assistant

Yes indeed, Virtual Assistant Services are in very high demand in virtual space. Pinterest Virtual Assistants help Celebrities, Social Media influencers, very busy Executives, Bloggers, and Online Business owners optimize their Pinterest accounts. They help their Pinterest clients to do research work, create pins, sales funnels, opt-ins, automating the pinning process and such sundry other Pinterest services the clients assign to them. Many Pinterest Virtual Assistants can work for several clients at very flexible hours. They perform different kinds of Pinterest management tasks for each one and they get paid handsomely for their efforts.

Grow Your Blog Readership with Pinterest

For bloggers, their main concern in their content marketing business revolves around, traffic, traffic and more traffic. The money you make as a blogger is in direct proportion to the amount of traffic your blog receives. This is why many bloggers have learned to use Pinterest to send traffic to their websites. When a blogger publishes a new article and shares it with his Pinterest community, that article attracts traffic from Pinterest back to the blog. That is good traffic which the blog really needs to grow and be profitable. By bringing traffic to your website from Pinterest, you are directly increasing your ability to make money with affiliate links, display advertising, and selling your own products real good.

Earn as Affiliate Marketer on Pinterest

Affiliate marketing requires that you partner with brands to help them promote their products and/or services and you earn commissions for your efforts. It works well when the brands/product merchants make available to you, special and unique affiliate links which you insert in your posts or pins. Anytime someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you get paid a commission in pre-agreed percentage terms of the value of the purchase. It is easy to set up but you must be careful to find out what your affiliate partners allow you to post elsewhere particularly on Pinterest, otherwise you may fall foul of their affiliate agreements and be penalized. You can easily search online to find credible and reputable affiliate partners through networks like ShareASale, FlexOffers, and more. Once you have settled for affiliates to work with, you then create pins on your Pinterest account imputing the unique affiliate links in the text and boom you’re in affiliate marketing business to make money.

Drive Traffic to your Ecommerce Site with Pinterest

If you own an online shop and you have products to sell, you can do so on Pinterest just like Bloggers. The aim is to drive traffic to your ecommerce site. You can create pins to promote new products, putting together boards for different styles or themes, doing keyword research, etc. etc, just the exact same way Bloggers do it. With 80-90% of users admitting that Pinterest helps them decide what to buy, marketers can easily leverage on Pinterest’s powerful search engine to drive traffic to their ecommerce sites. Pinterest brings in 33% more traffic to shopping sites than Facebook does inspite of the huge size of Facebook. This may be as a result of the use of special Promoted Pins on Pinterest. These pins can be optimized to meet different goals of your promotional efforts, the reason they are real “traffic magnets.” The more the traffic that comes to your ecommerce shop, the more hits, leads and sales you get.

Earn by Helping People Shop your Look

Some kind of modelling outfit if you ask me! If you are a Celebrity or Social Media Influencer or someone with a huge following on your Pinterest account, you can earn money by promoting products you are literally wearing or using by way of helping people Shop your Look. That is one way of influencing someone to buy a product because they have seen someone they admire or adore wearing or using the product. Once you set up your account as a business account on Pinterest, you can create “shop the look” pins and tag separate items on separate pins. When a click is made on these pins and a purchase is made, you earn a commission.

Earn from Joint Promotions with Popular Brands

To make money on Pinterest through joint promotions, you’ll need a successful account and be able to create really awesome pins to promote. Your chances of making money are greatly enhanced if you elect to work with very popular brands to do joint promotions. The promo can really be awesome and profitable if you give special and particular attention to the concept of your promo pins, the photography, brand placement and the design of the pins.

Curate a Shared Board with a Popular Brand

Curating a shared board with a brand simply means you work with popular brand by creating a board for them on Pinterest. You get paid a negotiated fee for sharing that board. It works really well when you have a large following on Pinterest though. You not only get paid, you end up gaining some followers and views from people who are looking at brands that align with your personal brand and niche. Popular brands make that possible and they help to grow your Pinterest Account as well.

Sunday, May 03, 2020

How to Monetize a Low-Traffic Blog

A female counting dollar bills over her blue jeans folded legs.
With the increasing popularity of blogging as a credible way to make money online, many experienced bloggers tend to over emphasize the real importance of traffic to a blog. Yes, every blog needs traffic, mostly real organic traffic to make money, but you can still make money with your blog even if the inbound traffic is not yet fantastic. If the number of visitors to your blog is still considerably low, do not be discouraged in your blogging efforts, you can still monetize it to make money. To do so, you don’t really need the often recommended monetization strategies like affiliate marketing, paid ads, Google Adsense and a host of others because these methods depend on huge traffic before they make good money for you. Not to worry though! You can still make money from your blog even if it is yet to be hugely popular with a lot of inbound traffic.


Here is what works to make money from a low-traffic blog.

Freelance Blogging

You can make money from blogging by blogging for other sites and brands. By doing so, the money you make will not depend directly on the number of visitors you attract daily. You will make money by cooperating directly with brands, agencies, and corporate bodies who are always in search of skillful bloggers to work with. All you need are relevant skillsets such as WordPress, SEO, Social Media and persuasive skills. You must in addition to these skills be able to really understand the audience of any particular brand. If you understand the audience well enough and what it needs, it becomes easier for you to create relevant content that spurs them into action. To be a successful freelance blogger, you can incorporate in your own blog the option to hire you as a freelance blogger. More like an open invitation though! The most popular option however is by registering as an agency on any major freelancing websites, such as Problogger. Apart from making you look more professional, registering as an agency with a freelancing website helps to position you to be well known as an in-demand freelance blogger and not just an ordinary freelancer who may neither have the requisite skills nor experience in blogging.

Virtual Coaching

If your blog has limited traffic and you are keen on finding a credible way to make money from blogging, you can look the way of virtual coaching. No matter what niche your blog is involved in, it will not get the desired effect on readers if it does not affect them in one of or all three ways of business, life or personal. Once your blog manages to help provide solutions to its readers along these three ways, it is bound to be effective. It doesn’t really matter the niche of your blog, once it offers online coaching service to motivated consumers, you can make some money. By giving expert advice on your blog through consistent content, you can sell your expertise as a business, life or personal coach. Even if your blog only gets limited traffic, you can still get your expertise to go viral by way of social media channels to attract real patronage and you make money as a result.

Selling Online Courses

One other profitable strategy to monetize a low-traffic is to create and sell courses online. If your blog niche has to do with exercises and fitness, you can create and sell “how-to” courses to help people benefit from your knowledge in their own private times and chosen places of convenience for them. Just find any popular area of human need you have the knowledge and you can create and sell courses on it to make money, more particularly now that virtual learning is on the rise. Any course you can create which somehow helps to address and solve major human needs/problems, people will buy it from you online if it is well packaged and presented.


Virtual Summit

For many bloggers even those with very low inbound traffic to their blogs, a new way to make money online nowadays is by way of virtual summits. This too is another way of selling expert knowledge online. Because most bloggers already know that Media Influencers usually bring engagement, expansion of reach, and credibility with them, they now use virtual summits to link up with such Influencers with a view building long-lasting relationships. Now, everyone I know always wants to hear directly from the experts. These are people who have made it or are still making it. This is the major selling point of virtual summits. Virtual summits are basically visual contents like short video interviews on any topic of interest with industry experts, celebrities, other bloggers, and business industry experts and so on. Viewers are then given the “opt-in” opportunity to subscribe and watch these videos online over a limited period of time. They need to purchase access pass to view these videos. When the time expires, they will need to purchase more access time to watch more and this costs money which the blogger makes as income. If you choose a good topic of discussion and your experts/influencers are well known, they come along with their own audience which helps you to grow your own audience as well. You can make money by selling your back-end product to this enhanced audience and from the summit subscription fees.

Private Label Rights, PLRs

What really attracts bloggers to selling PLR products is because they save themselves the drudgery and stress of having to create the products/content afresh. Even if your expertise is very limited on any field, you can easily repackage the works of an expert in the field and place under your own label before selling. Basically, PLR products are pre-written content that you can claim as your own without incurring any legal action from plagiarism. It is one clever way to leverage other people’s products and use it to create your own products even if your expert knowledge in the field is severely limited. You can use PLR articles to write a Kindle book related to any important topic of your choosing then sell the book from your blog. On the alternative, if you want to improve the readership and popularity of your blog, you can also use PLR articles to generate content for it. If you want to make money with PLR products, you must take cognizance of these three major attributes. Firstly, they must be published in limited circulation. Secondly, they must be written by a reputable and well known author. Thirdly, they must have been recently developed. It is only PLR products with these attributes that can help you to easily make money online.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How to Make Money Online with Fun

IPAD, potted plant and a glass of beverage on an online work station.
Right now, some people may be having real fun online while some others are doing the same things and making money as well. It just takes some bit of knowledge to know the difference. Many of these things are everyday things millions of people like do around the world 24/7. It is only the people who know that get to make money online while having fun. The icing on the cake is that these activities are very easy to undertake and they cost practically nothing to get involved in.
Here are some of such things people do to earn money online while having fun.

Playing Video Games

Playing video games is one veritable way to make money online for free. As everyone very well knows, video games are really fun to play and millions of people love to play them. While millions are just having fun playing video games online, some marketers now know you can actually earn money playing these games. How? There are some mobile gaming apps which willingly pay you to play games on their apps. What these apps do is to organize video game tournaments and pay monetary rewards as prizes according to the scores of each participant. So, if you have the requisite competitive skills to play video games, you can easily earn money by participating in these tournaments. For persons who have the requisite skills and are habitual video games players, it is recommended they try participating in online video games tournaments to in addition to having real fun, to also earn a few extra bucks.


Paid Online Surveys

It is always fun to participate in online surveys initiated mostly by researchers, product merchants, web developers, pollsters, software makers/testers, etc. Because market researcher companies like to collect data based on people’s interests, they get to survey real people from time to time. Thus, you can earn money online by just taking such surveys even though many online surveys don’t pay much and many are totally free.

Social Media

Yes indeed! It is very true you can make money online through social networking sites where hundreds of millions of people around the world are merely networking and having fun. As many online marketers have since found out, it is very possible to make money online using the very popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It is easy to sign up on these platforms then start building a network of followers. That is the key. The more followers you have on each platform, the better it is for you to freely make promotional posts to reach a large audience. If product merchants make sales as a direct result of your promotional posts, you earn a commission. You can also earn money on these platforms by way of sponsored posts, sponsored stories, selling your own products, selling your photos/graphics and artworks, affiliate marketing, influencer promotion products reviews, etc.

SFI Eager Zebra Games

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide play online games daily, making Eager Zebra one of the biggest opportunities for SFI affiliates. Many of the games offer FREE entries for participation and they’re all fun all the way.

Eager Zebra also offers SFI affiliates multiple fun ways to earn valuable prizes every day, while also automatically earning you 10 FREE Rewardicals for every TCredit you spend! Then redeem your Rewardicals whenever you want for unlimited VersaPoints, TCredits, PSAs, and more at Rewardical.com!

SPECIAL BONUS: If you become an Affiliate, you can play any Eager Zebra game daily to earn a free entry in the Daily Crown drawing. The Daily Crown awards 75,000 Rewardicals to 580 lucky winners each day! Get your entry in and start winning! No purchase necessary to win.

SFI platform allows affiliates to redeem the Rewardicals they win with VersaPoints, VP, which SFI converts to Dollars from the Executive Pool monthly.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

4 Surefire Ways to Make Quick Money Online

A wad of $100 dollars bills.
Most significantly the internet has created many and various ways to make quick money online. Many people now make second paychecks from it while some others earn full-time incomes online.  The internet now appears to be a very ideal place to make money online. It is suitable for anyone who has access to the internet, be they young, old, students, employed or even non-employed individuals. Some persons are as at today earning their entire paychecks from working online. If you too are keen on making quick money online, you have practical and legitimate options available for people of all walks, ages and nationalities. You can even decide to make your online money-making venture a part-time or full-time endeavor. It’s all up to you.


These here four options to make quick money online are practical and fairly easy to use.

#1: Start a Blog

If you know something that others will like to read, you can be a blogger. You can write about practically any subject under the sun or on any specific subject that relates to a profitable niche in your chosen market. By the time your blog gets good readership/followership, you can then monetize it by way of Google Adsense to make money from it. Good blogs can be on any hobby, passion or thoughts that incorporate well-presented content. Such blogs can be coupled with paid adverts and affiliate marketing strategies that create steady streams of income for the blogger.

#2: Affiliate Marketing

A good platform for affiliate marketing incorporates three partners, the product merchant, the publisher and the customers. Publishers help product merchants to sell their products to buyers/customers and they earn commissions from their marketing efforts. As blogger, you fit into the publisher leg of the partnership and you get paid commissions depending on what your blogging activities help to market and sell. All you need is to embed affiliate tracking links in your blog. These links are made available by online merchants who also give the necessary marketing support needed to promote their products. The affiliate method of promotion enhances the partnership by helping to build a customer network to follow up and generate more sales. The more the sales generated from such efforts, the more commissions the affiliate earns.

#3: Freelancing Skills

Nearly everyone has some specialized skills which can be marketed online. That is how online freelancing is gradually becoming a mainstream way to make money online.  On the internet, there are many and diverse skills anyone can efficiently market on the various platforms available therein. These days, because of its cost-effectiveness, many companies like to engage temporary or long-term assignments by way of outsourcing their content-driven marketing strategies. This arrangement is fairly easy to set up and does not need formal personnel requirements attendant to full employee engagements.  That is what makes freelancing one of the fastest ways to make money online in this age and time. With some computer skills and access to the internet, boom, you are on to make some money.

#4: E-commerce Websites

These are websites that habitually look for publishers to help market their products and they pay out commissions to such publishers. A typical e-commerce website is an online store where physical products are displayed for sale. It features a hassle-free way to make money online by way of affiliate relationship. Most affiliates like to take advantage of drop shipping common in most e-commerce ventures. What that entails is that orders are taken from buyers through an e-commerce website and a third-party source is made responsible for manufacturing and shipping the goods so ordered. As soon as a sale is made, appropriate commissions are paid out as per pre-agreed percentages of the sales taken in. One quick way influencers, publishers and bloggers get to earn good money online. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effective Strategies for Making Money Online

A prototype home with a red roof on top of a wad of dollar bills and a calculator.
Making money online started with just experimentation. Right now, more and more people are increasingly depending on the internet not only to make money but to earn a living. Just as the internet changed the way we do business, it has also changed the way we make money which enables us to live better lifestyles. For some persons, the internet now provides a means to make a little extra cash on the side whereas for others, it provides real opportunities for sustainable business and even a career. Having said all that, it is worth mentioning that internet business is not for all comers because it requires specialized skills for success.

If you are desirous to make money online, your options fall into two main categories. First is earning passive income from investing or trading assets. Second is offering services by tutoring or creating media and content for interested persons online. Whichever technical languages marketers use for these activities don’t really matter much. What matters is how best to use the strategies to make money, period!

Here are some easy-to-use strategies to make money online.

01. Start a Blog

Many expert bloggers are making a good living churning out very good content regularly in their content marketing efforts. Starting a good blog and partnering with e-commerce platforms has become a very lucrative way to make money online. First be sure you know something you can write about which other people will be interested in reading. Next is to set up a blog website to market the content you are generating. By the time your blog starts getting good online traffic, you can then take steps to monetize it with Google adsense. You can earn income by selling ad space on your blog website, sell products, a survey or a course. You may decide to market other people's products as an affiliate and earn commissions. Simple!


02. Affiliate Marketing

You can choose affiliate marketing which simply requires that you use your website to refer people to products/services on e-commerce platforms which if they buy as a result of your efforts, you earn a commission. That works by actively partnering with e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Clickbank to help them promote any products/services of your choice which must be related to the niche subject of your blog. You earn commissions based on the products you help sell with your blog site affiliate links.

03. Get Outsourced Job

Working at home somehow helps to guarantee a very convenient and flexible lifestyle. It saves costs and travel inconveniences having to travel around the world to find work. Thanks to the internet, you can now work anywhere and service any business anywhere in the world by way of outsourcing. Many companies now find it cheaper to outsource service jobs to countries with cheaper labour rates. That is the reason remote work has become a very popular option for many employers of labour. Characteristically, remote online work helps to reduce wage costs and other overhead expenses particularly on office space. You can find any full-time job related to your niche interest at FlexJobs if you are keen on such jobs.

04. Selling Photographs Online

If you are a photographer or you are keen on taking good photographs, you can sell such photos online to make money. Alternatively, you can have a working relationship with good photography sites to help them sell photos and earn a commission.

05. Selling Paintings and Arts Products

If you are not an artist, you can have a working relationship with websites selling arts works to help them sell their paintings/arts works and earn a commission. If you are a good artist yourself, social media sites like YouTube and Instagram are good places you can easily display and sell your works to buyers.

06. Offer Paid Services

For most marketers, making money online doesn’t really mean working online. You can earn extra money as a tradesman from jobs sourced online. You can also ply any trade from your website, get invitations and you get the jobs done offline. That arrangement allows you to set your own fees and work schedule as convenient for you. If you are good at skills like fitness exercises, plumbing, gardening and landscaping etc, you can advertise your trade online and make money from the offers coming through from your website. Sites like TaskRabbit are very handy for sourcing tradesmen jobs with good pay.

07. Freelance Marketing

You can make money online by offering freelance services on well-known sites like Fiverr and Upwork. But, you must have marketable skills and be good at them. Such services may include but not limited to freelance writing, programming, language translator services, graphic designing and many others.

08. Sell Professional/Consultancy Services

Online, it is easy to turn specialist professional knowledge which covers a wide range of niches into money by plying your trade in popular Q&A sites like JustAnswer and LivePerson. Some of the niches requiring expert knowledge include but not limited to law, accounting, book keeping, medicine, mechanics, vets/animal care etc.

09. Teach Handy Skills

It is a truism that every person knows at least one thing better than others. Online, you can turn just about any skill/expertise into money if you are good at delivering it. From social media sites or on local classifieds you can advertise skills relating to music, cooking, fitness/exercises, photography, playing musical instruments and even academic exercises preparing students for SATs. You set your fees, get your enrolments, deliver the lessons and make your money. Simple!

10. Online Proof-reader Services

This is one very lucrative online business on demand from writers, authors and researchers. If you have the training and keen eye for details, you can make money online by way of proofreading. Using freelance marketplace sites like UpWork, you can easily take up proof reading jobs by bidding for them.

11. Online Surveys

It is possible to make a few hundred dollars monthly if you get involved in online surveys. You can offer your own website to run surveys for researchers or you join reputable survey sites which can offer you some means of generating a bit of money by helping them to run various surveys.

12. Websites Flipping

Some marketing experts and webmasters make money by flipping websites. What they do is to shop for websites to buy, touch them up a bit and offer them for sale in something akin to buying a run-down home, sprucing it up and selling it at a higher rate the way real estate professionals do. For websites, what you can do is to work on some general improvements on the site after acquiring it. Such improvements will help to enhance the amount of traffic the website receives if they make the design look nicer, more attractive and more responsive. These improvements help to increase the value you can flip it. If you are looking to buy or sell websites online, the best places to look are Website Broker and Flippa.

13. Websites Testing

One very popular platform for websites testing is UserTesting. Many people earn good money per hour helping web developers to test websites for user friendliness. The exact same way aircrafts manufacturers use test pilots to test new aircrafts so also web developers use websites testers to test their websites to see how user-friendly the sites are. Many businesses are always desirous to know how user-friendly their websites are on actual people. The real reason people get paid to try out these sites for user friendliness using beta testing techniques. 


14. Used Goods Garage Sales

Nearly everyone has discarded used goods which are still useful stacked away in stores/car garages in their homes. You can advertise garage sales online and make some good money selling off these used goods. Most people are guilty of hoarding unnecessary but valuable junk around the house in car garages and the attic. Some of such goods are used furniture, old clothes, cutlery, books, kiddie’s toys, golf clubs, hunting/fishing equipment etc. From well-known marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and CraigsList, you can advertise such junk goods for sale and make cool money from your efforts.

15. Selling Artisan Products

Many marketers make good money from advertising and selling handmade items online. Some of such items range from art to furniture, goods people are actively surfing online looking to buy. The commonest place these marketers advertise and sell artisan products are e-commerce platforms like Etsy and eBay. These are amazing platforms through which anyone can sell artwork or artisan handmade items. Selling artisan products online is one great way to turn your hobby into a money-making business. That is, one great way to convert your passion to money-making opportunity.

 16. Sell Guest Posting Services

For online marketers, backlinks are highly valuable commodities. If you are a high value guest blogger, the backlinks from your guest postings alone are very valuable. If you are a reputable content writer, and you’re writing content for high domain authority sites, you can sell that opportunity to generate backlinks to clients just as many SEO agencies do. You earn cool money from such efforts.

17. Teach a Foreign Language Online

These days, many marketers make decent money teaching a foreign language online.  The pay is usually on hourly basis and good online foreign language teachers can make $30-$100 per hour. That is good money. That is the reason why working as a foreign language teacher is a real favorite of “digital nomads” to make money. For instance, many online agencies will allow you to teach English online with no formal requirements other than just being a native speaker. That is one easy way for native English speakers to make money online without any additional hassles.


Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Why You Must Remain Focused on Your SFI Business

British pounds currency notes.
Aside SFI business, many online money-making stories are actually pie-in-the-sky tales and the programs they describe do not deliver on promise. Here are the reasons you should remain focused on your SFI business. SFI is the only business of its kind which offers you the following.

- You can participate in SFI free for as long as you want, with no obligation.
- You get your own personalized Website provided free (with free maintenance).
- You get personal mentors provided for free personal support & assistance.
- The Company handles all orders –payment, shipping, customer service for you.
- You can create substantial income giving away free stuff.
- SFI is marketable in every country worldwide (that is you can make money everywhere!).
- You need less than a dollar a day in sales to qualify for upper level income.
- SFI is a member of American Better Business Bureau
- SFI has been in business on the Internet for over 19 years.
- SFI provides extensive free training & resources to help you get started fast.
- You can share in company-wide sales/commissions every month.
- You can earn ongoing, residual income from one-time sales.
- You have the potential to earn $100,000+ annually.
- There is support available 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.
- You can earn unlimited override commissions down 12 levels.
- It is built from ground up for the Internet.
- You have tools provided for easy and free contact with your entire sales team.
- You can market virtually ANY product or service in the world.
- SFI has paid out millions of dollars in commissions.
- It pays out over 60% of revenues back in commissions.
- It provides extensive marketing tools so you can market how you like –online or off.
- SFI has own private-labeled products.
- It has over one million affiliates/distributors worldwide.
- SFI business and income can be willed to a family member.
- You can have your commissions payable monthly in your country’s currency via ATM machines.

Good luck in your SFI business.


Thursday, September 01, 2016

Proven and Dependable Ways to Make Money Online

Make Money Online as in folded dollar bills on work table.
Do you want to earn a part-time income from home or start a full-time Internet business? Great if you want to. Here is some good news for you. There are many ways to make money online today, and thousands of people are earning a substantial income from the comfort of their own homes.  All you need are these here ideas to get on with it.

Expand Your Present Business Online: You may already be running your own business and you can expand it by taking it online. When your business goes online, your reach becomes unlimited and so is the opportunity to grow the business. For effects, you can mention your website address in all your correspondences, in print, television and radio advertising to maximize results.

Promote and sell E-books: Even if you can not write your own e-books, you can promote and sell e-books written by others. It is a very cool way to make money online. Once you decide on some e-books to offer, next is to promote them vigorously. Many newbie internet marketers rely on e-books to learn the business. That group represents a very big market for e-books. 

Promote Online Auctions: Online auctions are a quick way to make money online. If you are not auctioning directly from your own site, you can sell just about anything at eBay and other Internet auction sites. Be sure to choose a product with high demand and good profit margin. 

Start a Niche Business: You can start a small Internet business that reflects who you are or what you enjoy doing. Finding a very popular niche online to tie the business to is one sure way to make it popular fairly quickly. Some popular niche businesses online are, gift shops, flower shops, classic car clubs,  antique shops, magazines, clothing stores, shopping malls, photo stock agencies, shoes stores, etc etc. 

Promote and Sell Products/Services for Others: You can promote and sell your own products/services or find a company that allows you to resell its products and services. For instance, instead of setting up your own servers to become a Web host, you can become a reseller of hosting services and share a part of the profits. With this setup, your primary job is to promote the service while the parent Web Host Company does the rest and you get paid commissions as you make sales.
Offer Services for Others Online: There are many services you can offer online which other web users need. These services include Web hosting, domain name registration, web design, and content writing. If you have the wherewithal to offer these services, just start immediately because there is money to be made there,

Provide Internet Marketing Services: If you are a good internet marketer you can make money by offering your services to others. Whether you sign on with an MLM company or start a business selling your own products and services, you must find a way to be marketing savvy. These services include some dexterity at using the internet, good typing and writing skills, web designs and promotion, printing flyers, and banners and how to promote them online. 

Deploy Your Talents and Skills: You need real practical skills to make it in online business. Once you are good at search engine promotion  and SEO techniques, Web content and optimization for article pages, pay-per-click campaigns, keyword research, press releases, banner and pop-up advertising, e-zine and mailing lists, and link exchanges, you can offer these services to others who can’t in exchange for money.