If you are an affiliate marketer, it is inevitable that you’ll have to market online. That comes with its own dangers because the internet is full of the good, the bad and the ugly as it were. In this age and time, many people are aware that more people are doing business online, particularly affiliate marketing. As a result, scammers have been creating irresistible pitches and websites to lure the uninformed and the gullible into scam businesses. If you are a consumer or business owner, you must be smart enough not to fall for scam businesses online. That said, you can always ask yourself how smart you are in determining scams from legitimate businesses online. If you want to earn legitimate income online, affiliate marketing is a good bet. It is also a legitimate passive income opportunity. This is why scammers deliberately target
affiliate marketing for their nefarious activities online.
Most of these scam businesses are sent through tonnes of emails luring people into businesses that promise people millions of dollars online even without any legitimate work done. What you must always ask yourself is shouldn’t these promoters keep these millions to themselves instead of inviting competition? The simple answer is they won’t because they want to scam you. That is one of the peculiar nuances of the Internet. Yes just like physical businesses, the Internet too is prone to scamming, but scamming is a lot worse on the Internet. Therefore, if you want do successful business online, you must take your own private precautions or else you fall for nothing. The following are three common and suspicious things happening on the Internet you must never fall for.
1. Illegitimate Websites: Yes it is a free world out there on the Internet and anyone can create a website, have it hosted and launched on the Internet without hassles. Depending on your fancy, you can even launch hundreds of such websites and do what you like with them. That “what you like” is inclusive of scam business. That is where the danger is. Whenever you come across a website online without a “contact us” or “about us” page, it proves someone is trying to hide something very vital to successful Internet business. If you come across a website that claims to sell products/services online without a customer support or “contact us” page, just switch on your alarm bells. Something is definitely fishy with a website like that. This is because, a true indication of a legitimate online business is a “contact us” page with a working telephone number together with email address, Skype and social media handles and even a physical address provided. The rule of thumb is, no matter how attractive the products on a website are, if you find not a single way you can make contact with the sellers, do not deal. Without any credible way to ask questions about products/services on display and effectively communicate with sellers online, it is difficult to know if you are dealing with a legitimate business. If a website appears illegitimate, it cannot possibly do legitimate business online. You must be very wary of such businesses whenever you see obvious signs of illegitimacy.
2. Multi-Level Marketing MLM Scams: If you have been in affiliate business for a while, you may have come across hundreds of MLM businesses promoting one benefit or another, most of them sounding too good to be true. As they say in the business, MLM businesses are a dozen a dime on the Internet. But, always have at the back of your mind, if any online business is too good to be true, it probably is. Even though not all MLM businesses are scams, most are. That is the frightening bit. Here is a tip! Anytime you land on a website and the first thing that gets your attention is the computation they have of their humongous earnings, that looks like the first sign of an MLM. That is when you switch on your alarm bells before proceeding to locate what product/service they’re selling if any. Find out if truly these are the products/services that are really selling to warrant the humongous earnings they’re claiming or if they’re merely reeling out figures from referrals. As a marketer, you must know that MLM only works if there is a product/service to sell and it really sells. If not, beware, you may be on the verge of a scam business.
3. Hyped Crappy Products: Online, it is very common to come across websites selling crappy or even rehashed products as affiliate marketing products. The people selling these products could be very smart and very tricky in their trade. You must be extremely cautious when you suspect such products. Your attention may initially be arrested when you see a video or picture about how one Mr. Jones from Dallas, Texas, is earning thousands of Dollars monthly from affiliate marketing. Naturally, the picture will show a big Texan wearing a cute Stetson hat smiling broadly with a huge cigar in his mouth and holding wads of Dollars in his hands and with cute cars, a swimming pool and a huge mansion in the background. Now, that easily gets anyone’s attention. If you scroll through the testimonials, you’ll probably get a link to buy the so-called secrets of the product owner’s success. Even if you find the product expensive, you buy it anyway because you too want to make big bucks like Mr. Jones. When you now access this so-called “big secret” you then realize that it’s just a rehashed version of some free e-book you may have read in the past but this time around, re-tweaked to make phantom and unbelievable claims. It may even be like some crappy and strange looking software from outer space. At this point, you’ve been had already and there’s no question about it. Beware! Not all products/services sold online through affiliate marketing are good products/services. Many are not even products/services properly so called but outright scams.
Last Line
If you do business online, beware lest you easily fall for scam businesses. Scammers are everywhere on the Internet permanently on the prowl looking for anyone who will fall for their scams. Surprisingly, even Scammers online claim to be in business too. So, make sure never to fall too cheaply for their scams. Many people have already fallen victim and are still falling victim daily for one scam or another. Make sure you are not the next victim. Just get smart and you’ll be OK.