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Showing posts with label caffeine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caffeine. Show all posts

Friday, June 08, 2018

Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

A glass of ginger tea.
One easy way of obtaining ginger’s advantages is making your own ginger root tea, and it is one of ginger’s most commonly prepared forms. In its simplest sense, ginger tea is made by boiling sliced ginger root in water.

Another method for making ginger tea is using powder or teabags bought online or from your local store. If this is your preferred method, make sure that the product you’re buying uses high-quality ingredients from a reputable company. But if you have the time and resources, I strongly suggest growing your own ginger roots because this approach is healthier and safer.

What is ginger tea good for, anyway? Throughout history, it has been prescribed by healers and herbalists to help their patients alleviate a variety of conditions. Drinking it regularly may help:

Relieve nausea: If you feel nauseous due to whatever reason, drinking ginger tea may help you feel better.
Promote stomach health: Drinking ginger tea may help boost stomach health by reducing the effects of chronic indigestion.
Manage inflammation: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties have been well-known throughout history. Taking it as tea may help you remedy muscle and joint pain after a strenuous workout.
Ease respiratory conditions: Ginger tea may help relieve inflammation related to the respiratory system, such as asthma, allowing you to breathe better.
Boost brain function: In a study conducted among healthy middle-aged women, researchers discovered that ginger may help improve attention and cognitive processing without causing any side effects.
Relieve menstrual discomfort: The muscle-relaxing properties of ginger may help provide relief for women suffering from menstrual cramps, as evidenced in one study.
Strengthen the immune system: The numerous antioxidants found in ginger tea may help boost your immune system, thereby helping reduce your risk of contracting infectious diseases.

Caffeine Content and Other Nutrition Facts of Ginger Tea

Ginger is a caffeine- and sugar-free plant that contains a mixture of vitamins and minerals working together to benefit your health. Furthermore, ginger contains gingerol, a unique compound that may help boost cardiovascular circulation.

Article Source: Dr Mercola at Mercola.com 

Ginger Tea: An Ancient Health Solution

A glass of ginger tea and cut ginger pieces.
Dr Mercola writes: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one the oldest cultivated plants currently in existence. Historians believe that ginger has been grown for more 5,000 years, ever since ancient Indians and Chinese discovered and used it as a tonic root to help treat a variety of ailments

Ginger is a caffeine- and sugar-free plant that contains a mixture of vitamins and minerals working together to benefit your health. Furthermore, when made into tea, ginger releases gingerol and protease, which are compounds that may help boost cardiovascular circulation

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one the oldest cultivated plants currently in existence. Historians believe that ginger has been grown for more 5,000 years, ever since ancient Indians and Chinese discovered and used it as a tonic root to help treat a variety of ailments. The plant was introduced to the Western world when it was exported from India to the Roman Empire.

Back then, ginger was considered to be an incredibly luxurious spice and was difficult to procure. During the 13th and 14th century A.D., however, Arab traders planted ginger roots throughout their voyage in Africa, causing the plant to spread and prices to go down. Today, ginger can be purchased easily almost anywhere compared to hundreds of years ago, where the price for a single pound of it was equivalent to a single live sheep!

Article Source: Dr Mercola at Mercola.com  

Saturday, May 20, 2017

8 Reasons to Start Your Day with Lemon Water

Bright yellow lemon fruits.

Image Credit: cdn.pixabay.com
“When life gives you a lemon, slice it in half, squeeze the juice into a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning.”

If your body says, “Nooo, not before a cuppa joe,” each morning, try this before your caffeine fix: Drink a glass of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (about half a lemon) about 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. If you’re trying this for the first time, begin with a quarter of a lemon and over several days, work your way up to half a lemon. Fresh squeezed lime juice works just as well if that is your preference.

1. It gives you an energy boost.

So much so, you may not even miss your morning coffee. Relying on caffeine has long-term consequences, including taking a toll on your adrenal glands (which are already overworked thanks to stress, late nights, and too many stimulants). Instead, lemon water oxygenates and energizes the body – a great jump start to your day.

2. It promotes good digestion.

According to Dr. Jonn Matsen, ND, lemon water stimulates the stomach to increase its production of digestive juices and improves peristalsis, the muscular contractions that push food through the entire digestive system. Improved digestion means better nutrient absorption and less bloating.

3. It stimulates elimination.

So does coffee, you say? Yes, but coffee acts as a laxative, unnaturally ‘shaking things up’ in your colon to move them out. A simple glass of lemon water stimulates the liver’s production of bile. This, combined with improved peristalsis of the entire digestive system, is a more natural method of waste removal. Lemon water also acts as a mild diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination and gently flushing out toxins from the urinary tract. The result: better waste and waste management. 


4. It gives your immune system a boost.

A squeeze of fresh lemon juice gives you a shot of the antioxidant vitamin C (about 44.5 mg per lemon), but more importantly, it helps the body maintain a balanced pH. Although a lemon tastes acidic, inside the body it is alkaline – and an alkaline body is an important key to good health.

5. It helps detoxify the liver.

With more than 500 functions, the liver is a very busy organ. It’s most important role is to filter blood of waste products, drugs, pesticides, and other poisons. The two-phase process needs bile to carry the neutralized toxins into the intestines for safe removal. Lemon juice is a powerful cholagogue, a substance that stimulates bile production and promotes the flow of bile into the small intestine. A morning glass of lemon water gently detoxifies the liver – and thus, the entire body.

6. It helps you lose weight.

The liver is an important fat-burning organ. It regulates fat metabolism, breaking down fats and shipping them out via the large intestine. A daily glass of lemon water stimulates fat loss and may also help rid your legs and other body parts of stubborn cellulite.

7. Better skin.

The detoxifying action of drinking lemon water will release impurities through every exit point (or detoxification channel), including skin. You may experience a mild bout of acne at first, but that will soon be replaced with healthy glowing skin.

8. Hydration.

Lemon makes water taste better, and if it tastes better, you’re likely to drink more of it. Plus, it’s virtually calorie-free. We recommend starting your day with a glass, but if you enjoy it, drink it throughout the day.

Article Source: Naturally Savvy Digest


Monday, May 15, 2017

Top 5 Ways to Stay Calm under Pressure

White and Brown road signs of RELAXED and STRESSED.

Image Credit: gstatic.com
If you run a business, there is no doubt you must be running into pressure from time to time. Your ability to stay calm even while under pressure counts for much in your productivity index. What that means is that your ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance on the job. Therefore, if you want to stay calm under pressure, learn to do these here 5 things.

01. Staying positive. Staying positive is one great way to avoid being stressed up. Positive thoughts help make stress intermittent by focusing your brain’s attention onto something that is completely stress-free. When things are going well, and your mood is good, it is relatively easy to handle. But when things are going poorly, and your mind is flooded with negative thoughts, this can be a challenge. Your way around such challenges is to have something positive that you're ready to shift your attention to when your thoughts turn negative. That way, you can manage to remain calm even while facing real challenges.

02. More rest and sleep. Credible research has shown that that the stress hormone cortisol is greatly reduced with better rest and sleep. When you sleep well, your brain literally recharges and your body rejuvenates. That way, you can think better and more clear-headed in your thinking. But when you are deprived of sleep and rest, your stress hormone levels go up and that presents a real challenge to your productivity. Getting enough sleep and rest enables you to remain calm even under stressful conditions.

03. Limiting your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a well known stimulant present in common beverages like tea and coffee. Ingesting caffeine somehow helps to trigger the release of adrenaline which is a “fight-or-flight” hormone.  The more caffeine you take, the higher your “fight-or-flight” response, a survival mechanism which defies rational thinking. In such hyper-aroused state induced by caffeine, your emotions somehow manage to overrun your behavior. That is clearly a stressed-up scenario. Ingesting less caffeine therefore, is one sure way to stay calm even under pressure.

04. Engaging more support system. Taking on too many tasks at a time and heaping much more on yourself is stress-inducing. To be calm and productive, you need to recognize your weaknesses/limitations and ask for help when you need it. That is a very smart thing to do anytime you have too much on your plate. One great way out of stress is to tap into your support system when you find yourself in a situation challenging enough for you to feel overwhelmed. Getting a helping hand during such challenges is one way to stay calm and be productive.  Asking for help in times of need helps to mitigate your stress level and strengthens your relationships with the people you regularly rely upon to help out in such scenarios.

05. Routinely disconnecting. Every human being has his own limits of endurance and it varies from person to person. Disconnecting is a way of shifting attention away from the work at hand to focus on other mundane matters which may or may not be directly related to the work at hand. That way you can refocus and somehow get rejuvenated when you turn your attention back to your main work. For example, if you work online, sometimes, forcing yourself offline and taking a short walk, stretching out and grabbing a cup of tea or coffee can help you disconnect somewhat. This is one more very smart way to maintain some measure of calmness even while working under tremendous pressure.