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Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertising. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Use Communication to Create Robust Duplication

Lone worker in a home business station looking at a computer screen.

Communication is the language of advertising. In SFI business, you have no choice but to communicate effectively if you want to create robust duplication. You just have to communicate very well because it is the best and most effective tool to create duplication in the business. If you have something good going in SFI, you must find a way of telling others about it if you want them to join you. That is communication. For marketing effectiveness, SFI has simplified things for all its affiliates by telling them what works and how they can go about it. Thus, if you want to create a robust duplication, you can use any one of the following practical communication methods or a combination of two or more of them. 


1. Text ads.
2. Banner ads.
3. Blogs.
4. Articles marketing.
5. Radio/TV ads.
6. Brochures.
7. Bulletins.
8. Newspaper ads.
9. Flyers.
10. Bill boards.
11. Words-of-mouth.
12. Notice boards, etc, etc.

If your message is communicated clearly and concisely using the above methods, I believe it will always give you the desired results.

Good luck!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Why SFI Business Can't Run on Autopilot

Home business work station with a computer and a smartphone.

The only business I know which runs on autopilot is piloting a passenger aircraft at 60,000 feet above sea level. Even that is only for some time when you are at cruising level. If you have to change course, weather some turbulence or bring down the aircraft, auto-piloting will be inadequate to guarantee safety. I do not see how you can possibly run a serious business like SFI completely on autopilot. Some aspects of it, YES but for all of SFI business, it is a big NO. 


You may be able to run your Gateways advertising on autopilot. You can automate your bidding in PriceBenders auctions. Auto-responders to some extent can handle customer inquiries and such like activities. That is about all you can run on autopilot in SFI.
When it comes to the following serious SFI activities, your personal attention comes out best all the time. Some of these activities are:

1. Your daily to-do list.
2. Buy and sell decisions.
3. Reading and participating in the forum.
4. Reading and participating in Ask SC.
5. Socializing through a2a.
6. Mentoring Affiliates.
7. Team Leadership activities.
8. Reviewing purchases.
9. Goals setting.
10. Strategizing. etc. etc, etc.

If however you have run your SFI business for quite some time, you have broken even and are making a profit, you may thereafter choose to do less activities or even log in daily. That can’t in anyway qualify as auto-piloting though. It is simply reduced activities while the business still runs smoothly. Nothing beats human efforts any day particularly in SFI activities.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why Hosted Website and Blog are Effective for Advertising SFI

Blog graphics on dark banner.
A regular website and a blog when properly used are very effective channels for advertising SFI business online. This is because both regularly attract online traffic in form of “hits” which every online marketer badly needs to expose the “wares” he/she is marketing online. The higher the traffic, the higher the chances of hits, conversions and sales! Sometimes, you can even combine both by hosting your blog in your website.

However, what really matters here is the volume of traffic either the regular website or the blog attracts. You can use Google Hits Tracking Tools to detect accurately how many unique visitors come to your site hourly/daily. If it is your website or your blog which manages to attract more traffic, that should be preferable to the other. That is the one which can be classified as “most effective” for advertising SFI in line with the demands of your question.

If however you are hosting your blog in your website, it is like using one stone to kill two birds. The regular blog posts on the site can help to keep the contents fresh to the delight of Search Engines. If the Engines rank your site very highly, it helps with higher traffic volume which is very good for your advertising. You can also hyperlink very unique terms and phrases in your content which lead to your SFI Gateways and TripleClicks shop. That is another very effective way to advertise SFI business online.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to Convince New Affiliates about Daily Actions in SFI Business

Affiliates marketing work station with a computer, notepad, flash drive and a wallet.
To convince new affiliates about the importance of logging in at the Affiliate Center every day, tell them your own story. Tell them what logging into the Affiliate Center daily does for you and your own business. Tell them the benefits you derive by logging in daily and that they too can get the same benefits if they do same. Let them know of the following benefits derivable from logging in at the Affiliate Center every day. 


1. You get to know firsthand what is new in SFI through SFI news offering at the center.
2. You get urgent information about your business at the center.
3. You review the tabs therein and earn free VersaPoints.
4. You see the latest products additions at Tripleclicks.
5. You enter for Daily Grand draws at the center.
6. You get notifications/business tips about what you need to do to advance your business.
7. You see how your earnings progress at the scoreboard.
8. You get to see the overall growth of SFI worldwide.
9. You get notifications about how to enter Zebra games and Daily Grand draws.
10. You see your goals and your progress in achieving them.
11. You get to see your a2a friends’ requests and messages from a2a friends.
12. You receive mails from SFI, your upline, downline and ECAs.
13. You get to see how your PSAs and CSAs are making progress in their business.
14. You communicate with your downline from the Affiliate Center.
15. You see how much progress you are making by your VersaPoints stack up.
16. You read up a lot of literature about duplication, promotion, advertising, and your entire business.
17. You see how the medals you are earning stack up.
18. You participate in Ask SC/forums from your Affiliate Center.
19. You can track your advertising at the Affiliate Center.
20. You get to know at the Affiliate Center what auctions are going on and the time others are scheduled. 


These are just a few of the direct benefits you get from logging in at the Affiliate Center daily which can help you convince new affiliates to do same. In fact new affiliates must be made to understand that the engine room for each SFI affiliate is the Affiliate Center. That center also serves as a virtual Business Office where you run your entire business. Not logging in there is akin to not going to your office daily. The importance of logging in at the Affiliate Center everyday can therefore not be over emphasized for any new affiliate who is sufficiently serious about his/her business.