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Showing posts with label EA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EA. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

Why it is Better to Pursue PSAs Instead of CSAs

Team of affiliates around a globe and a computer.
Anytime, any day in SFI business, I believe it is better to pursue PSAs instead of CSAs for the following reasons:

1. As a sponsor, you get higher commissions value (CV) percentage of 45% compared to only 15% from CSAs.
2. That translates to 3 times more residual incomes from PSAs than CSAs.
3. PSAs help to deepen your downline with which you can earn matching VP on 12 levels deep depending on the rank you get to monthly.
4. Every affiliate gets PSAs by conscious and deliberate marketing efforts whereas CSAs are allocated to you by SFI or purchased at auctions.
5. For that reason, any time you do not make EA per month, you lose all your CSAs whereas your PSAs are life-time assets as business partners even if you perpetually remain simply as an affiliate.
6. What matters in a final analysis is “activity.” Active CSAs are better than inactive PSAs for reasons of SFI peculiarities as a business. The bottom line is to earn commissions from both your PSAs and CSAs. Any of them which brings in more commissions should be preferred by any serious business person. On balance however, PSAs are capable of giving you more commissions ontransactions but they must be sufficiently active to do so. That makes PSAs better to pursue than CSAs.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Build a Successful SFI Business Even with Inactive Affiliates

Dollar notes on graphical arrangement.

Yes indeed! You can build a successful SFI business even with inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for your TripleClicks store. This is because “success” in SFI is a relative term. What constitutes success for me may not be what constitutes success for you. Besides, inactive affiliates and doubtful customers may be temporary setbacks which can change with time and experience in the business. 


Having said that, I tend to believe that people at times think like the farmer who blames his farming tools when he experiences poor crop performance. That is about why I strongly recommend that if you have problems of inactive affiliates, you just have to look inwards to yourself first and the way you are running your SFI business second. Try to identify what you are doing right and what you are doing wrongly then make amends. That done, there is no doubt that things are bound to improve in terms of more active affiliates and dutiful customers.

As an affiliate, you are no doubt aware that when people visit any SFI Gateway, what they see is an invitation to join a “very strange” affiliates’ program FREE. Many of these sign-ups may be new to Internet business while others may just be “scammers” looking for how to make tons of money on the Internet. After getting involved with SFI and to start off on the launchpad, many may be disappointed that SFI is a legitimate online business with slow but steady results. That could put off quick-bucks hunters who many of us affiliates do refer to as inactive affiliates. There may also be hundreds of other reasons for their inactivity which your business acumen as their sponsor can help you to get around.

Now consider these questions:
What did you promise new affiliates before they signed up?
How excited and energetic are you in your first contacts with new sign-ups?
How supportive are you when they eventually signed up?
How promptly and honestly do you respond to their fears and concerns?

I believe that if you can answer the above questions very honestly, you may discover that your inactive affiliates and doubtful customers may not take all the blame for the poor performance of your business. Even with the best SFI marketing tools and efforts, you will be lucky if you get up to 5% of your affiliates active. That is why you need just this 3-step plan to succeed in SFI. 


1. Become an Executive Affiliate, EA and remain an EA every month.
2. Recruit 5 Affiliates using every convenient marketing method.
3. Teach your 5 Affiliates to do these same 3 steps.

That’s it! You can earn a full-time income or more with this 3-step plan. To me, that is SUCCESS even with hundreds of other inactive affiliates and doubtful customers in your team.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Best Income-Earning Opportunities to Focus on in SFI Business

Dollar bills floating out of a computer screen.
As an individual business person, I can say right away that what you do is entirely up to you. Like the saying goes, “it is different strokes for different folks.” So it is in SFI business. What is very gratifying in SFI is that it is designed to meet the needs of everyone. What you want and how you intend to go about getting it largely determines what you do in SFI. Can you believe that many affiliates are in SFI just for the fun of it while many others are very busy looking for money? Everything depends on what each affiliate wants. 


Having said that, my advice to my team is that each affiliate should study the income opportunities against their personal capabilities then decide which to settle for among the following opportunities to make money. These are the most common and easiest to follow in the many SFI income opportunities.

1. Sponsoring and Duplication: The more active sign-ups you have as PSAs, the more money you make. You stand to earn up to 45% in sales commissions from the transactions of your PSAs. To benefit from this income opportunity, you must be very good in both Online and Offline advertising.

2. Accumulating VersaPoints: From your daily, weekly and monthly actions in addition to the sales you make, you can accumulate unlimited VersaPoints which earn you money. To benefit from this, you need to be very diligent in your SFI business.

3. TripleClicks sales: If you can generate sales at TripleClicks shop, you earn commissions on every sale you generate. This requires aggressive advertising both Online and Offline.

4. Becoming an E-commerce Associate, ECA: This way, you can display and sell your own goods to make profits in the normal course of business transactions. Very good and convincing advertising is needed here. Are you very good at that?

5. Sponsoring E-Commerce Associates, ECAs: This way, you can earn lifetime commissions from all the sales made in Tripleclicks by all the ECAs you sponsor. Good and very diligent advertising is needed here. Can you do that?

6. Co-sponsoring: If you can make the rank of Executive Affiliate, EA or above every month, SFI will allocate to you a number of Co-sponsored affiliates whose transactions can earn you up to 15% in commissions. Due diligence in your SFI business, keeping to the rules and taking the tips is required here. Do you have what it takes? 


From the above, can you now determine what you can do and do very well? That will help your decision on which income opportunities to settle for.

These are the basic and most common earning windows in SFI which are available to ALL affiliates. Get involved and get kicking. Review your progress from time to time with a view to deciding which if not all of them best suits your requirements.

Best wishes.

Monday, February 06, 2017

How to Increase Your Earnings with SFI

Dollar bills spilling out of a computer screen.
This is about the only question on the lips of very many SFI affiliates. You can increase your earnings in SFI if you follow the rules diligently then advertise and promote your business like hell. You can do so either by earning direct Dollar value or earning more VersaPoints which translate to Dollar value on the long run. Specifically, you need to do the following:

1. Explore all ways to take advantage of the many SFI income generating avenues.
2. Take advantage of SFI training and follow the rules.
3. Work with your sponsors and follow their advice.
4. Read all SFI Basics, Launchpad and Getting Started Articles.
5. Promote and advertise your business vigorously.
6. Take duplication seriously by recruiting PSAs to build your downline.
7. Teach and mentor your PSAs to be active and to maintain the rank of at least EA monthly.
8. Encourage your PSAs to open ECA stores for sales.
9. Submit ASK SC answers and earn more VP.
10. Daily enter the Daily Grand and win more VP.
11. Routinely play the Eager Zebra Trivia Games and win VP.
12. Join WAVE 3 and earn free Tcredits and MRP monthly.
13. Participate and win the WAVE 3 direct Dollar rewards weekly.
14. Regularly bid at the PriceBenders/Tripleclicks auctions and win valuable goods at up to 90% discount.
15. Teach your PSAs the 3-step plan for success in SFI and encourage them to practice it.

There may be more but I think the above will suffice for now. I hope you find this information useful.