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If you are in affiliate marketing to earn a second paycheck or passive income, don’t ignore the right strategies that can help you to your g...

Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Role of Affiliates in SFI Business

SFI grow your business green banner.

In SFI, every affiliate has a very important role to play as an affiliate and that is what makes the business work. To a prospect, you can explain that your most prominent roles in SFI are as follows:

1. You are a Business Owner.
Your SFI business is yours as an individual business person. You can sell what you want to sell and earn your profits as in all businesses.

2. You are a Business Partner.
This way, you can sell any product at TripleClicks stores to earn your commissions. These products may actually be owned by other affiliates who are automatically your business partners.


3. You are an Internet Marketer.
The bulk of SFI business is online. You do your promotions, marketing and actual selling all online. That qualifies you as an internet marketer.

4. You are an Internet Entrepreneur.
This way, you build your own business online at no cost in collaboration with SFI. You make your own profits and also share from SFI’s profits in the Executive pool. That makes you an internet entrepreneur.

5. You are a Business Promoter.
This way, you use all the free tools provided by SFI to promote your business online and the businesses of any other affiliates you like.

6. You are a Team Builder.
This way, you promote your Gateways to recruit PSAs into your downline by way of duplication. These PSAs become your business partners and life customers.

7. You are a Team Leader.
This way, you lead your team by helping them to develop their businesses and guiding them to succeed in the business.

8. You are a Sales Representative.
This way, you not only promote products from fellow affiliates, you help to sell them and earn commissions.

9. You are a Business Motivator.
This way, you lead your team by example. You assist them as best you can. You also communicate regularly with them and encourage/motivate them to build their businesses. 


10. You are a Resource Person.
With the questions and answers you submit in Ask SC forum, you help SFI to build a valuable resource base for the benefit of the whole business and the businesses of all the affiliates.

All these in a nutshell are what all affiliates do in SFI which a prospect will be interested in knowing.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Why You Too Can Make Money

Graphical stacking up of $100 dollar bills.

 “If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates
If you take a very close look at the people who have succeeded to make money, you cannot find any visible reason why they made money. It is clear that sex, age, circumstances of birth, luck, destiny, color, religion and even physical disposition had nothing to do with it. What then is responsible? You may say they were lucky. I will say luck played little or no role in it. You may then say God favored them. I will say God favors us all without discrimination. You may even say it is their destiny. I will say destiny favors those who help themselves. To avoid stretching this endless argument further, let us mutually agree that the only discernible reason why these people made it is because they “chose” to make it. This is the incontrovertible truth. Chief M.K.O Abiola would not have made it if he accepted that he was born to poor parents and that Abeokuta was not destined by God to produce a multi-millionaire. Orprah Winfrey would not have made it in life if she accepted that being born black and a female to boot were setbacks deliberately imposed by God to make her a poor second-class citizen in a country of unlimited opportunities.  Colonel Sanders would have died a poor man if he accepted that at 65 he was already too old to become a successful entrepreneur. Jose Feliciano would have been begging in the back-streets of Puerto Rico if he accepted that once you are blind, it was the end of the road for you.

In the business of money-making, what sometimes appear to be a set-back when properly handled could turn out to be a blessing when appropriate and deliberate choices are made. When Arnold Schwarzenegger who later became the Governor of California immigrated to the United States from his native Austria, he was a body-builder. This was the strength that got him into the movies but his thick Austrian accent almost ruined his chances of succeeding in the movie industry. Many people particularly women and children loved his great body and wanted his movies despite his accent which was at the beginning a glaring weakness. Some clever producers exploited this accent which is stuck with the man into a fad and it became an identifying part of his character. This is how the “Terminator” series of movies was born. Every kid in the neighborhood started acting like the lead star in the “Terminator.” When the movies were released, many children started identifying with Arnold, the star of the movies. Many decided to start dressing, looking as strong, as heavily-built and speaking gruffly as the “Terminator.”  This caught-on in the world and a superstar was born. A glaring weakness well exploited was thus turned into strength and stupendous wealth.

Monday, October 17, 2016

8 Unique Features That Can Endear Your Business to Your Customers

Red typewriter in garden background.
If you are running a business as an entrepreneur, I have no doubt that you know why you are in business. In case you can not situate the reasons properly, let me assume that you are in business to create value that others want and are prepared to pay for. The value you create is the reason for your business. The people who patronize your business know what value they want from you. If you are able to provide this value as they want it, they will remain loyal to your business by patronage. They must be able to know your business for what it means to them. It is your duty therefore to decide exactly what you want your own business to be known for. The following eight features are about the best features your business can have to endear it to your customers. If your customers know your business because of one or more of these unique features, it is very likely that you will earn their loyalty for a prolonged period of time. That loyalty is what sustains you in profitable business.

01. High-quality products. Everyone I know always wants value for money. The higher the quality of your products, the better the value they offer for money.

02. The finest service. Customer service is a very important feature of any business. If the quality of your service is the finest around, it is very good for the business. If customers know your business for its fine-quality service, you will earn their sustained patronage.

03. Reliability. If customers can rely on your business to meet their expectations at all times, the business will be well-known and patronized because of that feature.

04. Unparalleled expertise in your field. Unparalleled expertise makes your products very unique. If the products stand out from others, your business could be patronized for that uniqueness alone.

05. Unique guarantees. If you are sure of the quality of your products, you can offer customers many guarantees including unique "money-back" guarantees if and when they are not satisfied with the product.

06. Lowest but competitive prices. Many customers always want high quality products at very low prices. If your business offers low prices for high quality products, that alone can be a feature it is known and patronized for.

07. Customized solutions to customers' problems. If your business is known for finding solutions to customer problems in ways unique to each customer, it can also be a feature your business is known for.

08. Fast service. If your business is known for fast service, it can help it to create the reputation it needs to make plenty of money.

Have you decided yet what unique feature or features you want your business to be known for? If you have, congratulations! You must however factor in that every customer has a compelling reason for buying any product. Every smart entrepreneur must therefore learn to tailor her business to take these reasons into cognizance by recognizing and using these unique features. Failure to do so can lead to customer dissatisfaction which can be very bad for business. Any business run with one or more of these features is bound to attract and retain customers for a long time. That by all accounts is very good for business particularly the bottom-line.

Friday, October 07, 2016

10 Tips to Stay Positive at Work as an Entrepreneur

Calculator and silver pen on top of digital reports sheets.
Being an entrepreneur is all about getting things done in line with your plan to move your chosen business forward. People now know that you do better being an entrepreneur if you somehow find a way to stay positive all the time. These here 10 tips come in very handy in that quest.

01. Make a workable plan. If your plan is good and working, it helps you to stay focused and you achieve more.

02. Always carry your team along. If you work with a team, be sure you are always on the same page with your team members and that you are carrying everyone along.

03. Revisit your goals often. Make sure your goals are written down. Revisiting these goals helps you to know how far and fast you are going. That your goals are being achieved is one sure way to stay positive on the job.

04. Look back at your progress. Looking back at your own business at times can also be a motivating factor. If you’re able to easily see how far you’ve come, it can help change your mindset going forward.

05. Relate often with your mentor. Nearly everyone needs a mentor these days. Having a business mentor who has been through tough times and knows how to get through them can be invaluable during your inevitable business struggles.

06. Create time for fun and games. Regular exercise gives you endorphin, which can help you stay positive at work. Short breaks from work help to relax your eyes and muscles. Even short bursts of exercise a few times a week if you have the time can be quite beneficial.

07. Remember to always show gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is a very good and highly beneficial business policy. You can show that gratitude to others by simply saying “thank you” or writing short thank you notes to them. Remembering and congratulating them on their anniversaries is also a very good way to show gratitude.

08. Keep educating yourself. Reading good business books and listening to motivational tapes can help you to remain positive at work.

09. Regularly reward yourself and your team. When you accomplish some milestones in your business, it is good to reward yourself and members of your team who were outstanding. Giving out some token gifts and even some weekend treats to keep everyone motivated is good.

10. Do more of what makes you happy. No matter how many great habits you build around your business, there are going to be times when you feel a little down. That is one challenge you can never run away from. Whenever you are confronted with such challenges, always recall what you did in the past that made you happy then follow the same route. Remember too that, “tough times never last but tough people do.”