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Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leadership. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Most Important Thing You Should be Doing as a New Team Leader

Three persons working from e-commerce work station with notepads and three computers.

On lighter mood, the single most important thing you should be doing as a new Team Leader is LEADING. Ump!!! Well, it is you who asked for “the single most important thing.” There it is, just LEAD, that’s all. Talking seriously, to LEAD requires a lot of responsibilities. First and foremost you must endeavor to be a friend as well as a mentor. All these require a lot of leadership skills.

In this business, it is SFI's job to provide the infrastructure for building your own business. Your own job as a sponsor (or a co-sponsor) to those individuals in your team, is to provide the personal, one-on-one relationships so vital to your home-business success. That is why you must be ready to LEAD.

You lead by making sure every Affiliate in your team has checked out the actions outlined in the To-Do List at their SFI homepage. Assist them as they proceed through these steps. Make sure their questions are answered correctly and promptly. Getting started is the hardest part of the journey. Guide your team members through that journey skillfully and diligently. Your job as a sponsor or a co-sponsor is to be available to your team members. Make sure that you are there to offer friendly guidance and support in a timely manner for all Affiliates in your team to start out and make progress in their SFI business. It takes good leadership skills to be able to do all these.

As a new Team Leader, the single most import thing you should be doing is to provide leadership for your team.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to Handle Prospects and Affiliates Who Expect to Get Rich Quick

Dollar notes spilling of out of the screen of a computer.

In SFI business, handling prospects and affiliates who expect to get rich quick is where your leadership skills come to the fore. These people are human beings who probably have a very wrong notion about what SFI is. Your duty is to let them know what SFI is all about as skillfully as you can. You should be very patient with them while using your leadership skills to educate them to have a change in their mind-set. You must provide leadership while leading by example yourself. If you believe that you too can get rich fast in the business, it is near impossible to teach any other person something different.

Preach patience and skillful diligence to your affiliate team members letting them into your own personal story and experience in the business. If they believe in you and trust you, there are very bright chances that they will act the way you prescribe.

Direct them to study “SFI rules of success” found on this link: https://www.sfimg.com/ROS/ROSBizLikeBiz

Draw their attention specifically to “Rule 20” which preaches patience and perseverance. Emphasize it to them as the rule states that “Building a successful business will require persistence and determination. Though many would like you to believe otherwise, there's simply no such thing as "get rich quick." So it is in SFI business and the founder himself Mr. Gery Carson identifies with that position in no unmistakable terms.


Saturday, February 04, 2017

Effective Strategy for Reassigning Affiliates

Affiliate business meeting of two persons with mobile phones, duffel bag, IPAD, glass of water and mugs of beverage on the table.
 This is a highly technical problem that may confound many affiliates because not many affiliates have ever bothered with reassigning other affiliates. For effective reassigning, I believe taking the following into consideration can yield the best results. 


1. Make a list of your very active PSAs and encourage them to team leadership positions.
2. Identify your weak PSAs and reassign/distribute them to your PSAs who have shown leadership qualities.
3. Put in place a credible reward system to continuously reward your PSAs who meet the mark.
4. Congratulate and reward every major milestone in your downline.
5. Use your reassignment tool sparingly since you can only reassign an affiliate once.
6. Reward affiliates who win in your organized competitions with reassigned PSAs.
7. Encourage team leaders to compete among themselves for more reassigned PSAs.
8. Encourage your reassigned PSAs to rate their new sponsors critically.
9. Let the new sponsors know about the critical ratings expectations from their new CSAs.
10. Be honest, fair, just and very business-like when reassigning affiliates.

I believe with these strategies you can always make the best out of your reassignment efforts. Good luck!!!