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If you are in affiliate marketing to earn a second paycheck or passive income, don’t ignore the right strategies that can help you to your g...

Showing posts with label Online business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online business. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

6 Ways to Maximize Cyber Security on Your Online Business

Hooded burgler attempting to break into a home.
Presently online, cyber-attacks occur every second of the day so much so that it’s the new normal to feel like you are being watched and your information is at risk whenever you go online. Right now, hackers are permanently on the prowl with their criminal activities. You can never who or where they’ll be hitting next. Maximum protection is the only effective means to deal with hackers. If you work online like I do, it therefore becomes hugely important to take steps to protect yourself and you data. Specifically, beefing up your cyber security becomes imperative by way of deliberate efforts. Some of such efforts include using secure software and establishing specific cyber security habits. That may sound daunting because of the technicalities involved but, in reality it is quite easy to put in place some viable aspects of cyber security even without knowing much about technology. You don’t have to be an expert on the counterfeit industry or a professional coder to create effective ways to secure your information online. If you are desirous to maximize cyber security for your online business, these here 6 ways can be of help to keep you safe from attacks particularly while using any electronic device or accessing an online service or account.

1. Set a Password on Every Device

These days, many people have multiple ways of accessing information online. Depending on their preferences and convenience, people access info from computers, smartphones and tablets. Through these devices, it is highly possible that valuable information can fall into the wrong hands because of the peculiarities of the devices which hackers know very well. For this reason, it helps to make sure that every device you use is password protected with a unique and different password. That is, if you don’t want unauthorized people gaining access by simply guessing your password if it is weak on one device and then using it elsewhere. You must be extra careful with your passwords whenever you use public Wi-Fi or go online in public cyber cafes. If however it becomes inevitable for you to make purchases or conduct business on an unsecured network, it is strongly advised that you use a virtual private network (VPN) service like Hotspot Shield instead. Doing so will enhance your security since your data will stay safe no matter where you are.

2. Encrypt Sensitive Files and Back them Up

If you want to store valuable and sensitive info/files on your computer, it is best to encrypt them to prevent hackers from even seeing them. If hackers can’t see your data, they can’t steal them either. You can in addition take deliberate steps to back up your data in as many ways as convenient for you. Backing up information allows you to have access to it somewhere else even if some other place has been compromised. It is one very viable way to forestall losing everything when hackers strike. To effectively back up your data, you can take advantage of multiple storage locations. You may even choose to keep backups on computers other than your own or the ones you use often. By doing so, if one system gets compromised, you can always fall back on the backups to access your data.

3. Make Your Passwords Strong and Safe

You may prefer passwords you can easily remember but such passwords are also easy to crack as well. The stronger the password, the more difficult it is for hackers to crack it. For better security, it is not advisable to use a password on multiple sites even if the password is strong. The best passwords are passwords that are strong enough and can’t be guessed easily by hackers or cracked by automated tools. For best security protection online, you must use unique and long passwords with random characters for every site and service you use. If you work on multiple sites, you can consider using a password manager if you have trouble remembering all your passwords. When choosing passwords, always have at the back of your mind, that comfort doesn’t always equate to safety.

4. Install Anti-Virus Software

Yeah, nearly everyone does this, and webmasters always recommend the use of anti-virus software too. Even at that and as basic as it may seem, there are still many people who avoid installing antivirus software for various reasons. Some anti-virus software need frequent upgrading while others may not even be very effective on all threats to your website. Besides, anti-virus programs aren’t just for computers only. There are variants for smartphones and tablets. Expert marketers recommend that the best anti-virus software to use are those that automatically scan your email attachments, documents, media files and web browsing history for viruses. They can then act to clean them up, sometimes even before closing from work. Some of such variants too are also automatically self-updating to newer versions as soon as they come online. They also clean up existing threats without any intervention from you. For best results, do not rely fully on automatic updating. Just make sure you take steps to update your antivirus programs every few weeks with new virus definitions. The extra vigilance is always worth the while because cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated and more daring by the day. As a direct consequence, cyber-attacks are becoming more common. You can never be over-protected. You can only be under-protected to your regrets when you get hit because you were not vigilant enough.

5. Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication before you access a website is becoming more popular these days. It has therefore become a must-have protection for anyone with an online presence in this age and time. Two-factor authentication is simply an extra layer of security you can use on top of your password no matter how strong and safe the password is. What it does is that at the point of signing into any of your websites, you’ll need not only your username and password but also a security code that can be either texted or emailed to you for authentication. What this means is that even if someone gets hold of your password, they still won’t be able to access your account without the two-factor authentication. If you are active online, you must have already noticed that virtually all email and social media platforms now demand two-factor authentication. That is good news though. However, two-factor authentication may seem like a lot of work since you have to go through an additional step every time you login to your accounts through a different device. But, it is definitely a step worth the while because of the huge protection advantage it packs.
6. Keep a Keen Eye on Security Updates

This is absolutely necessary because security updates are released very frequently and sometimes without notice. It is imperative therefore to make sure you have a keen eye on these updates and staying on top of them. You can do this effectively by reading cyber security blogs, listening to cyber security podcasts and following cyber security experts on social media. Doing so is about the most efficient way to increase your overall knowledge about technology and the highly technical world of cyber security. Security software tools like Malwarebytes can also help keep your information safe. If you shop online as nearly everyone does these days, make sure that you use a Credit Card rather than a Debit Card. This is because Credit Cards have better fraud protection than Debit Cards and they don't allow thieves to withdraw money directly from your bank account. If you diligently follow the news about security, it will help enhance your personal decision making on general security not just security online.

Last Line

From the foregoing, it is obvious that you’ll be doing your business a lot of disservice if you neglect to maximize cyber security on it. It is not that difficult to do if you choose to. It merely takes a few deliberate steps, a little money and time to get your information/data protected online. All told, being on top of the cyber security game about your business is a great investment. Once you start applying the foregoing security options to your everyday online transactions and activities, you can stave off most of the common cyber security threats pervasive online.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

6 Useful Tips to Run Your Small Business Profitably Online

Small business owner sign on  green billboard.
Do you run a small business online? Great if you do. The pandemic restrictions have forced many more people to take their businesses online. So, you are not alone. But, are you satisfied with the way things are with the business? Are you running it to your satisfaction? If not, there are some useful tips to help make your business successful if only you’ll pay the right attention. Running your own small business online can be hugely challenging, but it's not impossible. What you really need to do is to put in the necessary time and effort to get the right results. No matter how good your strategy is, make sure to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. You’ve got to be able to stay adaptable to the situation at hand at all times. So, no matter how challenging running your own small business online becomes, you can still get very good results if you pay good attention to these here tips.

1. Update Your Website Regularly

If you are running your own small business online, your website is your business window to the world on the internet. This makes it hugely important for you to keep your website well optimized and up-to-date at all times. To attract more customers, make sure that you're offering new products/services as a matter of routine. Your website attracts leads and eventual customers if people who come to it find solutions to their problems. More and more people will return to your website if they find it informative and easy to navigate. Such people are more likely to do business with you if they always find what they are looking for on your website. The reason your website must always be up to date with information about the products/services you are offering.
2. Use Affiliate Marketing to Boost Income

You can boost your income with affiliate marketing right out of your business website. All you need do is simply to promote affiliate links from other product merchants on your website. Once a sale is made through these links, you earn a commission. Affiliate marketing is thus one of the best ways for small businesses to make extra income online. It is quite simple to set up and implement right out of your business website. All you need do is to try and locate other small businesses whose products/services complement yours and you agree to promote their links on your website. You earn commissions from their sales for referring customers over to their websites.
3. Engage a Virtual Receptionist

To free yourself from mundane and routine tasks like phone calls on your website you need the services of a virtual receptionist. That helps you to cut back on costs and save time for more important tasks of managing your business. You can simply scout around to get a service that acts as virtual receptionists to handle routine tasks for you. A good virtual receptionist is someone who's willing to work on their own time and handle tasks like answering phone calls as if they were your personal receptionist. With this service in place, you can cut down on your expenses and still be able give your customers all the service they deserve in a more efficient manner.

4. Take Marketing Advantage of Social Media

Most digital marketers now realize that social media is one great marketing tool no small business can afford to ignore. On social media, small business owners can interact and hear directly from their customers and learn first-hand what they want. You can share your own content directly with them to meet their needs. This stimulates the much needed interaction with your customers and potential customers to boost your sales. To reach a very wide and easily segmented audience, you need to have accounts on the most popular social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and the likes. These sites have around 2 billion active users and that’s one very huge market out there if you ask me. Small business owners can thus take full advantage of this huge popularity to reach a wider audience, market to and engage more customers and prospective customers effectively on social media.

5. Be Prepared to Make Necessary Sacrifices

If you want to succeed in running a small business online, be ready to put in the work needed and to make the necessary sacrifices to earn success. You must be proactive and be ready to devote the required time and effort to surmount any roadblocks that may stand between your small business and success. You must for instance be ready forgo other activities to have enough time and attention to handle your phone calls, attend to customers, market the business on social media sites, and deliver your products to customers and such suchlike business activities. Even if these activities tend to disrupt your kind of lifestyle, the sacrifice is worth it to grow your business. However, it is important to always have a backup plan in case things don’t pan out according to your plans. This is to avoid frustration which can drive you off the business altogether. The reason you must always be willing to adapt to any situation at hand to keep the business going. If it becomes inevitable that something untoward happens in the business, you can quickly make changes to remain on course.

6. Be Ready to Put in Quality Work

At the outset, you need to really work hard to successfully run your own small business online. That’s when you’ve got to roll up your sleeves, work hard and keep your eyes firmly on your goals. Sometimes, things could really be tough going though. You don’t quit even if that happens. You can simply adapt and keep going forward with your eyes firmly on your end goals. Experience has shown that small business owners that are willing and able to put in the adequate time and efforts needed to succeed in their businesses tend to succeed better in the short and long term.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Tips to Grow Your Online Business with a Blog

A lone blogger working on a blog with a mug of coffee, rulers, and other work materials on the table.
Most online business owners now rely on blogs to grow their businesses and blogs are really proving very useful in growing many of these businesses. Intermediate parties may not be able to promote your products as much as you would prefer, so blogs come in very handy to fill that gap. No matter how competitive the internet appears to be for business owners, a good blog can help make a real difference. Blogs can help to effectively popularize your products on the internet even in today’s highly competitive market. This is why business owners rely on blogs as superb resources for branding and for creating general awareness for their products on the internet. Blogs are a great resource for letting people online know how excellent the products you’re offering are that they would love to use. Below are some great tips on how to use your blog to grow your online business.

Post Only High Quality Content

In online marketing, content is king. A good blog is all about crafting and posting quality blogs regularly to attract readers. Therefore, to attract more visitors to your blog, you need to post quality and compelling content regularly that people find interesting, engaging, and relevant to their needs. The reason they’ll keep coming back to your website for more blog information. If your blog content is well optimized with relevant keywords, it can help you with the digital marketing processes necessary to promote your blog and get it on top of Google SERPs. This is why the better the content you post, the higher your chances of attracting leads/buyers that could transmute to customers if well nurtured.

Build Email List

A credible email list is an excellent digital marketing asset for marketers. It however takes quality time and efforts to build one. Here is what expert marketers recommend to build a good email list. Make sure your blog has a contact form you use to capture the names, location, and email IDs of persons that comment on your blog through this contact form or comments section. To get your website visitors to part with such vital personal information about themselves, you must try to offer something of value to them in exchange for the information. You can for instance offer free newsletter, research information, eBooks, prize winning quizzes as well as promos. Offering such values is quite effective even though many visitors will freely part with their personal information if your content is attractive, has quality, useful, and relevant to their needs. Over time, the list will grow and become a very valuable asset for your email marketing activities. You can segment your email list for effective marketing and also use it to nurture leads to become customers.

Share Your Blog on Social Media

If you have accounts on very popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others, you can easily share information about your new blog posts to your followers. Your followers could in turn share this information to their own followers if they find the information useful. That way, your blog post can easily go viral thereby attracting many more people to share your posts if they find them interesting enough. On social media, you can seize the excellent opportunities the platforms provide to easily interact with potential buyers or others who may be interested in products. From these interactions, you can acquire some leads, prospective customers and even customers provided you are able to handle their queries and suggestions or comments correctly. If you do, your chances of converting some of them to buyers of your products are greatly enhanced.

Optimize for Digital Marketing

Every marketer wants his business to be visible online. Getting your business well ranked on search engines like Google is a great way to go about it. That calls for SEO, Search Engine Optimization techniques on your blog content and even your website. If you know how to, you can deftly use keywords relevant to your products on your content to make it visible to search engines. Because SEO is hugely technical, you may choose to hire the services of a good digital marketer to do various digital marketing processes on your blog. If well done, SEO can help your blog to rank in the topmost searches of Google SERPs. That is how your blog can get to attract more attention online and benefit from quality organic traffic.

Blog About Your Industry

Blogging about your industry or business niche is one great way to show expertise which in turn attracts readers. You can through your blog provide news, breakthroughs, research findings, trending issues and views about the latest happenings about your industry. That somehow helps to keep readers and other stakeholders in the industry interested in your blog. This is also one great way to increase your business blog following. Such readers will relate to you as a dependable authority in your industry and that could enhance their loyalty to your brand.
Provide Affiliate Links

Many buyers trust blogs more than online ads when buying products online that matters to them. Bloggers always latch on to that opportunity by providing affiliate links to the products they are selling in the content of their blogs. A click on these links takes buyers directly to where they can find the products. A great blog about your industry with the right affiliate links to your products is always a great idea. Providing affiliate links to your products is like an invitation to your website users to take a look and possibly buy from you. If links provide the real opportunities for you to make sales online, they help your business to grow.

Wrapping Up

A blog is a vital resource marketers rely on to make sales online and to grow their businesses. If your blog is of high quality, informative and educational enough, it serves this purpose very well. If you run a business online and you are not blogging for business yet, the time to start is now. The foregoing tips are very handy. When it comes to marketing online, you will never regret doing so with a good blog.

Monday, August 16, 2021

How to Scale your Online Business for Global Market

Global Marketer working from a computer with a calculator, potted plants, spectacles and a red mug of coffee on the table.
For business expansions and increased revenues, many online businesses are going global. That warrants sudden growths in some instances. These sudden growths come with their own unique challenges. The reason marketers now pay more attention to scalability. Global expansion calls for an appropriate scalable strategy of business development. Such strategy ensures your business can manage a substantial increase in demand without a critical drop in quality of service. If your business is scalable, you can manage exponential growth over time even with sustained quality of service. Good management is key to guaranteeing that. With good management, you can effectively combine a high-demand product/service with solid support and production possibilities by scaling essential elements of the business. Some of these elements may be business-specific but you’ll do nicely if you can first fulfill these here universal requirements.

Make Comprehensive Plans

You must plan long term and comprehensively. That is very essential in global business expansions. Have substantial market research before drawing up a plan. This plan must include how to seamlessly reach and serve your customers anywhere they are in the world. Essentially you must plan for your teams, online ads, delivery systems, resources, including financing, international trade, tariffs, taxes and so on.

Automate all Processes you can Automate

To enter a worldwide online market and be able to make some impact, you need to have quality time and resources at your disposal. Both may not be readily available. That calls for automation. To save time and resources, you need to automate certain aspects of your business. Characteristically, automation allows for more efficient use of time and resources and it contributes to a positive customer experience. You can automate emails and deploy Artificial Intelligence AI, generously in your marketing activities. AI can help in automatic language translations, currency conversions, customer service and many other activities that you would otherwise have needed personnel to handle.

Provide Universal Solutions

One great way to scale your business for global audience is to provide products/services that are universally acceptable. What that means is that you can scale your online business worldwide by offering something that is needed across the world. If the product/service you are offering helps to solve a problem for different people from around the world, you can do profitable global business with it. No matter how effective your marketing campaigns are and how great your business funding is, you cannot successfully scale your business on the global market without a substantial demand for your product/service. Providing solutions with universal appeal helps to address that challenge.

Endeavor to Rank Well on Google SERPs

You can hardly market successfully online to a global audience without the help of search engines particularly a major search engine like Google. Google must like your content and rank it high enough for it to reach a global audience better. That calls for a good SEO on your website. A good SEO will help Google to rank your website well enough to send free organic traffic to it from anywhere around the world where keywords/phrases related to the site are used to make searches on Google.

Partner Reputable Logistics Companies

Unless your product is a virtual or digital product, you must arrange to have it delivered as is to any corner of the globe. That calls for partnerships with reputable logistics companies with global delivery experience. Damaged goods, pilfered goods, lost parcels and delivery delays are very bad for international business reputation. Partnering with reputable business services with extensive shipping, handling and storage capabilities can help with scalable growth for your business no matter the surge in future demands.

Fund your Business Adequately

Sudden and rapid business expansion that global reach may require has to be funded adequately. All sources of funding must be on the table at all times. You can get funded by investors, through bank loans or government funding agencies’ grants or a combination of two or more of them. Whichever you use, be sure it is reliable enough to be stepped up when demand suddenly surges. Doing international business successfully is near impossible without adequate funding and adequate funding helps the scalability of your business.

Take Advantage of Outsourcing

Outsourcing certain components of your business helps to bring down costs without lowering standards or outputs. No matter how efficient your business team is, a global business surge may task it to breakable limits particularly when the surge is sudden. So, outsourcing comes in to help out. Because there is a limit to the tasks your team can efficiently handle, you can consider enhancing human resources or outsourcing tasks that are beyond their field of expertise. If your business experiences sudden growth that overstretches your team, to avoid compromising on quality, you can outsource tasks like customer support for instance and still be doing great. Thus, you can always do well to avoid overburdening your team with any work that can be outsourced as and when needed.

Keep a Keen Eye on your Business Analytics

If you market online, without the benefit of analytics data, it is like marketing in the dark. Whatever marketing results you can measure online by way of analytics data should be carefully measured and analyzed. Your analytics data will give reliable info about inbound traffic, sources of traffic, sales growth, trends, conversions and other key performance metrics. The analysis of such data will allow you to develop predictions, attract investors, plan ahead, react to challenges, and make projections/forecasts. That gives you the much needed business confidence about the future of your global business. A good scalable strategy assumes that with such vital knowledge at your fingertips, you are willing, able and ready to take on any business issues as they arise even if occasioned by sudden business surge.

Concluding Thoughts

Even if you are experienced in your business, scaling it online should be deliberately systematic with good planning. Expect challenges like disappointing sales, sudden and unexpected growth surges that may induce loss of quality if adequate care is not taken. There are hardly any of these challenges you cannot handle well enough if you planned well. With a scalable development strategy, you can easily make adjustments as you go along. For so long as you have a good idea what you are up against, you can always take the necessary steps as needed to grow your online business reputation and for your global business to prosper in the long term. That no doubt demands from you quality time and efforts.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Online Business Ideas for Enterprising Entrepreneurs

Online work station with a computer, smartphone, notepad and pen.
Because of the peculiarities of the internet, online businesses stand very good chances of taking off and flourishing even amidst present day business restrictions as a result of covid-19 pandemic. The internet now greatly enables everyday business activities such as selling, promoting, marketing, advertising, shopping and such like business activities. Human activities in this vast digital space are by remote participation in the virtual realm. If you want to do business online and you are enterprising and creative, hereunder are business ideas you can start on your own to make money.

Influencer Marketing

Becoming a social media influencer is now a great business opportunity. Once you have been able to build a sizeable following on social media, you can become an influencer and make money. You can help promote all kinds of products through endorsements and recommendations to your social media audience. Particularly on Facebook and Instagram, product merchants can always court your endorsements if your audience is diverse and large. Influencers are some sort of celebrities and the bigger your name becomes on social media, the more promotions and paid sponsorships come your way. That translates to money in the short and long term.

Online Dropshipping Store

Creating a dropshipping store is one of the best hassles-free ways to start a business online. It is fairly straightforward to do.  Business owners who use the services of dropshipping stores tend to sell more products at reduced costs. The reason is simple. Dropshipping cuts out inventory fees or shipping logistic payments. Here is how. The moment a customer places an order on a specific online site, the dropshipping supplier receives the order number from the virtual store and starts preparing it for shipping. Next, the customer’s package arrives from the dropshipping supplier thereby eliminating the need for the seller to handle it directly. That helps cut handling and inventory costs on the part of the supplier. The dropshipping store earns income from the services it renders to products merchants as well as buyers.

Language Translation Services

Many transnational businesses need the services of language translators in many of their day to day activities. For this reason, there is presently a huge need for language translation services around the global world of business. This service can be rendered in form of translating a document from one language to another or in spoken form as part of international business negotiation teams for most corporations. If you are bi-lingual or multi-lingual and you are seeking a new online business, language translation services is one perfect niche you can fill.


Blogging is a very popular form of content marketing online. You can blog for fun or blog for business depending on the niche of your expertise. Among digital marketers, blogging is one great business opportunity because you can blog about almost every issue on planet earth provided you have the expertise. If you have and you are able to create high quality, educational and informative content regularly, you can build a formidable following with time. To do this, you can promote your blog on websites, directories, social media and any other online channels to help grow its following. Once this following becomes big, it can garner attention from some major brands in your niche industry. Through these industries, you can get offers for paid promotions, sponsorships and endorsements on your blog. That translates to money to be made.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Digital Marketing Strategy Best Practices to Improve Your Online Business

A cluster of digital marketing symbols operating out of a smartphone.
If you market online and your digital marketing strategy is not good enough, no matter how awesome the products/services you are marketing, your business cannot grow fast enough. As most marketers very well know, if you can’t market your products/services well, people will not patronize them. An effective marketing strategy helps to resolve this challenge. In digital marketing space, competition is characteristically very stiff.  For marketers to stay on top of their game, they must think outside the box and be innovative enough to stay on top of trends and implement marketing strategies to make their businesses thrive. To do this effectively, marketers need to rely on some best practices for their digital marketing strategies to help reach customers through various digital channels. 

Here under are some of these best practices your online business really needs to thrive well.

Be Genuine and Authentic

Authenticity confers authority and business respect because it is through authenticity your business can strive to be really true to its values and mission. Customers never fail to note and appreciate it. Your transparent authenticity helps customers to build trust in your business. You must therefore project an authentic image in your marketing activities at all times. This you can do by deliberately creating marketing messages and strategies that are authentic and based on the core values, mission and vision of your business.

Continuously Analyze and Evaluate Your Content

In digital marketing, content is king. Creating good content is the real icing on the cake. How do you know if your content is good? It is by continuously evaluating and analyzing it to know how it is performing in the market. For better insights, you can perform a content gap analysis on your content. Through it, you’ll get to know what types of content perform well for your competition and what does not that may require a review or even discarding. You must do your research well to see what people are asking Google using tools like AnswerthePublic and BuzzSumo for content gap analysis.

Embrace Innovation

In online marketing, if you cannot innovate, your business cannot grow fast enough. You can innovate on your products, marketing strategies and processes. If you are creative enough as a marketer, you’ll discover many opportunities for innovation in your marketing activities. Combining new trends with old trends and doing most things everyone else does but doing these same things differently can help to stand your business out. That way, you can manage to capture the attention of your audience much more effectively and stand out from the competitive crowd.

Leverage Different Marketing Channels

From experience, there is no single marketing channel that delivers everything marketers need. Because they deliver very good results, most marketers rely more on social media and SEO as the only ways to get traffic and connect with their audiences. But there are other effective ways as marketing experience reveals.  Therefore, marketers can explore new emerging technologies and channels such as augmented reality and virtual reality that marketers need to know, explore and use in their marketing engagements.

Align Your Goals with Your Strategy

Aligning your goals with your strategy is to avoid time wasting conflicts. You can align your tactics/techniques with the right synergy for a common purpose. That helps to improve your marketing efficiency no matter which tools or channels you are using. It also opens up many opportunities for you to execute your strategy for best results. If your goals, tactics and strategies are well aligned, you’ll benefit from better traffic, leads, customers and more sales.

Research Your Competition

Researching your competition allows you to have the insights to know what they are doing better than you that can help you to make some improvements in your own marketing. If you study their digital marketing strategies, you’ll have great opportunities to improve on yours. You’ll get to know which areas to focus more on if you’ve been neglecting those areas. This focus includes where to better channel your marketing investments, whether it is in paid ads, SEO, content marketing, website versatility, marketing channels and so on.

Wrapping Up

Online marketers really need to invest more in digital marketing if they want to rapidly grow their online businesses. The above best practices come in very handy in that quest. Through digital marketing, marketers can easily create very clear and comprehensive plans to reach their target audiences and build a direct relationship with them. The versatility of the internet guarantees that. Therefore, your digital marketing strategies must align with the changes on the internet to give your business more access across multiple devices, platforms and channels. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Simple Strategies to Grow Your Online Business

Marketing strategy graphic on a brown garden table with a marketing notebook, potted plants and assortment of work tools on the table.
It is now a clear sign of the times that online business is thriving. Many more people are taking to online business because the pandemic restriction makes it imperative for them to do so.  With billions of people now active on social media, marketers have since discovered that taking their businesses online is one very smart thing to do. With advancement in internet technology and deepening of digital space, online business has become the right thing for most business owners. In accord with present realities, you can hardly grow your business effectively without getting it online. That is where to be if you want to leverage the internet to put your products/services before a huge audience of prospective customers and customers 24/7.

Here are some of the top strategies your business needs to grow rapidly online.

Think Collaboration Not Competition

One of the most effective ways to grow your online business is through collaboration and community. Out there on the internet, the bigger your community of friends/followers, the better the business you can do online. The reason is simple. This community is looking for something you are giving, so if there is mutual cooperation, everyone gets what they want. If you think competition, this relationship suffers some form of jeopardy. To grow a larger online business therefore, you need more of deliberate and genuine networking to get some online community collaboration. This you can efficiently do through carefully considered giveaways, shared content and feedback communication exchanges. There is no question about it that such collaborations play a crucial role in helping to grow your online business fairly quickly.

Make the Most of One Social Media Platform

Smart marketers can no longer afford to ignore social media in their marketing activities. That said, without a good social media marketing strategy, you can hardly get the best from it. Because it can be extremely difficult to grow your online presence without social media, having a strategy that works for you is always advisable. Expert marketers advise that it is better and more productive to simply pick one social media platform and use it as your primary online space instead of spreading yourself thin all over the numerous social media platforms. However, you must be really good and extremely consistent with that one platform before you think of adding a new platform. Even though all social media platforms can be effective to get leads and convert them into paying customers, by spreading yourself too thin on many platforms, you risk diluting your marketing message and losing out on its effectiveness to convert customers.

Leverage your Niche to Build a Unique Brand

For your business to succeed online, be ready to compete vigorously. Out there on the internet, it is one big and hugely competitive marketing space.  In such marketing environment, your chances of success are brighter if you can identify with your own specific niche and what you are good at that makes your business unique. That done you can then make plans and strategies founded on that niche to develop your brand. Doing so helps to ensure your brand is sufficiently unique to make it stand out and be easily noticed in the market, no matter the competition.
Consistently Deliver Rich Content to Your Audience

If you have an online business and you can craft a highly informative and educational content, never hesitate to do consistently. This is because good content is very essential to the success of any online business. Even if the content is for a blog or for merely describing a product/service, the quality must be high. It is high quality content that attracts readers better. For this reason, you must always strive to craft and deliver high quality content that serves more than just advertising purposes. That is the kind of content that attracts internet users to your business. So, such content must be delivered consistently in a way that keeps people connected to your business. Generally, people love to buy from businesses they know and trust. Consistently serving people good content from your business helps to make that connection and to build the much needed trust.

Friday, March 12, 2021

5 Digital Marketing Tips to Boost Your Online Business

Digital Marketing work table with a computer, mobile phone and a cup of coffee.
Digital marketing is gradually becoming a top choice method to sell products/services online. With the huge depth of the internet, getting noticed out there is always a very tough challenge for marketers. Nevertheless, with a good digital marketing strategy and the right techniques, marketers do get some traction to sell their products/services. Every digital marketer needs the right mindset and skills to do well on the internet. With effective digital marketing, it is much easier and convenient for marketers to sell around the world 24/7.

If you market online, these here, five simple digital marketing tips can help boost your business.

1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Google reports indicate that over 60% of searches are now attributable to mobile devices. Now, that’s a huge chunk of search data which marketers should not neglect to take advantage of. Optimizing your website for mobile devices becomes very essential. With that, your website and ads can load well and look great on mobile devices particularly smart phones. These days fewer people are looking for stuff through computers. Many are browsing with smart phones and doing business on the go. Optimizing your website for mobile devices puts the site in the range for these devices to pick up easily.

2. Promote with the Right Social Media Platforms

Yes, there are quite a lot of social media platforms out there and some are hugely popular. Some new ones are emerging too with each offering something good for marketers but in various degrees. Some now have in-house analytics tools to help marketers build strategies and monitor their ads campaigns. What matters most on these channels is who exactly are you targeting? That is what determines which channels to promote on. For instance, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are very popular platforms with young people. But, you’ll find serious-minded business persons and adults on Twitter and LinkedIn.

3. Construct Your Ideal Buyer Persona

As a marketer, you cannot sell well if you don’t know who you are selling to. No one markets successfully in the dark. The reason you must construct your own buyer persona. You must put down the concise profile of your ideal customer that takes into account age, gender, education, hobbies, interests or any other stuff that stands them out. With this information, you can decide what to post on social media by specially designing ads and promos to suit your ideal buyer persona. You get very good results from such efforts.

4. Focus on Customer Retention

Expert marketers say, it is better and cheaper to retain a customer than to source for a new one. The reason appears rather obvious. Once someone buys your products, the fact that the person is interested in what you are selling is no longer in doubt. A good marketer must latch on to that fact with follow-up emails to entice repeat buying. Sending info about new products, reviewed prices and promos helps to nurture that relationship enabling your customers to buy more products through repeat purchases.

5. Market with Influencers

Now that paid ads appear to be a dozen a dime on the internet, many buyers no longer respond favorably to paid ads. Marketers then need to be more ingenious. That is where influencers come into the mix. Influencers are very popular social media personalities with huge following. Many buyers make their buy decisions because of the recommendations or endorsements of influencers. You can pay influencers commissions as affiliates or you collaborate with them on agreed terms to market directly to their huge following based on their endorsements.

Friday, March 05, 2021

How to Turn Your Expertise into Lucrative Online Business

Online Business work table with a computer, books, notepads, camera and a blue mug.
If you have valuable knowledge and you get your acts right, the internet can be a pathway to real financial freedom. With it, you can easily transform your side hustle into a lucrative business online, instead of being stuck in a 9-5 job you hate anyways. Fact is, just about everyone is an expert at something. That “something” could be knowledge, a skill or some expertise that can benefit others if you impart it correctly. If you resolve to make a fair amount of money from what you know instead of simply leaving it as a hobby, you can leverage the internet to turn your knowledge/skills into a legitimate source of income. Now, that becomes a business in every sense of the word. Here is what you can do.

Course/Membership Site

You can launch a course or membership site yourself. Through a site like this, you can leverage your knowledge, knowhow or expertise for the benefit of others and you make money. But, you must be ready to provide real value to make your course or membership worth the fees people will be expected to pay for admission. Your paid membership or online course must be able to provide such exclusive content that will be difficult for your course subscribers to find easily anywhere else. Such content must be premium content or such insights that are not readily available to regular site visitors or access to peer-to-peer networking. If your online course is unique and attractive enough, you could set up a series of PPC or social media ads to direct new traffic to your website. With that, you could offer class members a special discount or paid commissions if they refer others to sign-up for same course. That way, it is possible for you to earn passive income from a single piece of content for a long time. That translates into substantial monthly revenue even without any additional input of efforts from you.

Blogging Influencer

What makes an influencer worth its name is the magnitude of following he/she has. Even if the audience builds up from blogging, content marketing, social media, podcasting and YouTube channels, once it becomes substantial, it starts earning revenue. This revenue comes from traffic reselling, paid promotions, sponsorships and affiliate links. As influencers continue to grow their audience, their potential revenue earning capacity grows in tandem. More and better authoritative content from influencers helps to bolster their SEOs by driving more quality traffic to their websites. As a result, the audience grows and the earned revenue grows.

Business Consulting

Expert knowledge and skills matter a lot if you want to make money from business consulting. That is in addition to being able to generate quality results consistently for your clients. If you do, your clients willingly pay you for your efforts. Because business issues may be similar but not exactly the same, your ability to think and apply your knowledge to each unique problem or situation is very vital for success as a consultant. That is what largely determines the magnitude of your earnings. “Here Mister, just help solve this problem and we pay you.” It is as simple as that in business consulting.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Spice Up Your Online Business

Grey-haired digital marketer working with a pencil on a white notepad and a grey computer with black keyboard.
If you market online, you need a good digital marketing strategy to help your business out there in virtual market space. Without this strategy, it will be very difficult for your business to survive the huge competition out there. If you spend your time and other valuable resources on marketing techniques that do not add real value or make good returns on investment in your business, the business cannot grow to your satisfaction. According to expert marketers, a good marketing strategy that takes into account, marketing techniques and marketing channels is what is good for your business. These here, five strategies that have been tested, and proven by expert marketers, can help spice up your online business.


1. High Speed Loading Website Design  

A high-speed loading and mobile optimized website design is best for your business. The website must be simple enough to make it possible to view your products, add to cart and checkout while maintaining high web speed. Webmasters unless specifically directed or instructed otherwise always consider these when designing modern websites. If you are selling products directly off your website, be sure that transactions and checkout procedures are seamless and user-friendly. Because of the huge percentage of searches Google now attributes to mobile devices, it is best for your website if it works well on mobile devices particularly smartphones as well as tablets, laptop and desktop computers. That is what helps in no small measure to spice up your online business.

2. Social Media Marketing
Marketing on social media is like taking your business to where your customers are. Nearly everyone is now on social media. Because of the immense popularity and ease of sharing information on social media, social media marketing can easily spice up your online business. If you run your marketing campaigns on social media, your marketing message can easily go viral reaching millions of people within a relatively short period. By taking advantage of their in-house analytics, you can deliberately target an audience using their demographics. Paid social media ads are very effective for this reason. If well used, social media marketing can help spice up your online business.

3. Search Engine Optimization, SEO  

The best traffic on the web is organic traffic. That is what Search Engine Optimization, SEO helps to get for your online business. A good SEO as part of your digital marketing strategy makes it possible for your business to survive the huge completion in digital space. The ambition of most digital marketers is always to be sure their businesses appear on Google’s SERPs first page. If that happens, such businesses tend to receive more and better organic traffic from Google. That is good for business. To get that valuable service, you must first tactically use keywords and meta tags on your website headings and content, build backlinks as well as implement some other SEO techniques. Doing so makes it easy to search for your business on major search engines particularly Google. If properly done, your SEO techniques can be a one off investment that can attract organic traffic to your website in the long term.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a favorite for most expert marketers. Once a good email list has been built-up over time, passing marketing messages to a huge audience becomes easy, quick and cost-effective. In matters of promos, sales, discounts, new products development, industry news, discounts and the like, email marketing is hugely effective. If you write an authoritative and informative newsletter, getting it out to your readership successfully and periodically, is better done by email.

5. Marketing Automation  

Marketing automation can help spice up your online business, save time and other costs if well used. Online, you can have access to many marketing automation tools. Some are free while others are paid tools depending on the uses and the effectiveness. If you make marketing automation as an integral part of your marketing strategy, you can find online tools to help in traffic flows and sources, conversion tracking, email flows, SMS flows, leads sources, content post timing, emails timing/automation, autoresponders, Artificial Intelligence, AI, etc etc. Marketing automation is like some kind of autopilot that can help spice up your business, reduce costs, acquire more customers, increase your ROI among many other benefits, some intangible but benefits all the same. 

Saturday, July 04, 2020

6 Ways to Improve Your Business’s Online Reputation

Working online from a black keyboard computer with a red pen on a white notepad, a mobile phone and a mug of coffee on top of a brown work table.
In the digital world of the internet, every business is struggling to get noticed. Your own business cannot be the different. The level of success your online business gets is directly proportional to its online reputation. With millions of players out there in the digital marketing world, it is really very important for the success of your business if you can deliberately do some things online to enhance its reputation. These things are not just related to your website alone but also to review sites and directories as well. Online, any site that has some basic information about your business no matter how little has some kind of influence on your online reputation. This is why when it comes to the internet, business details are key to your reputation. Your business cannot afford to have even one bad review or inconsistent/inaccurate directory information which can negatively influence customers’ impression about the business.

These here 6 ways are highly recommended by expert marketers as potent ways to enhance your business reputation online.

1. Identify and Fix Major Errors

If you’ve been in business for a while, because of human frailties and activities, it is fairly common to have a few changes here and there leading to some information inaccuracies. You can periodically go over your website to fix errors relating to changes in contact addresses, emails, phone numbers or any obvious misspelling of any vital information you provided earlier. This is necessary to avoid hurting your Google Local listing. In addition, you can take a bit of time to check all links to your website with a view to confirming if they’re all functional and directing visitors to the right pages as expected. This is very important because broken or lost links automatically translates to lost traffic, lost opportunities and lost revenue.

2. Periodically Audit Your Online Business Info

Time changes, so are things particularly information relating to your business. Nothing in the digital marketing world remains static for too long. Things change with time and circumstances and your business must be fully prepared for it. To test if your business is visible online, you can on your own search your business name on Google. The results you get can be highly informative for you to know what to rejig, correct, redirect or place better to enhance better search results. From this internal audit, it is easy for you to discern how easily your potential customers can find information about you and your business online. The easier it is to find your business online, the higher its online reputation and visibility.

3. Get Your Business Listed on Directories

Getting your business listed in online business directories is one great way to improve visibility for the business. These directories are very effective ways/places to spread the word and to connect with prospective customers who habitually use these directories to find what they want online. For many customers seeking to do business online, directories are favorite spots where they commence their searches. Having your business listed on these directories helps to confirm your professionalism in online business. That helps your business reputation in no small measure.

4. Create a Unique Digital Brand

A unique digital brand online is not just about your business name, address and contact information. It is much more than that. It involves everything that tends to stand your business out among the whole lot to make it easily recognizable by your customers and potential customers. It takes very deliberate efforts to design your website to make it unique and easily recognizable. With the use of your web designer Style Guide, you can on your own tinker with font sizes, colors, background and general appearance which help its uniqueness. Your business online reputation is greatly enhanced when it manages to stand out uniquely online for easy identification and recognition. Make sure your brand logo and brand colors match your website design and are used consistently anywhere your business is listed or merely mentioned in all industry directories and social media. All ads banners must be carefully selected to match the design and styling of your website with the same branding colors. Any changes you make after this unique design must be well aligned with the design you’ve chosen for the business and this must be done across all boards/platforms where your business information can be found.

5. Encourage Customers’ Online Reviews

Experienced marketers never cease to emphasize the huge importance of customer feedback in online business. Apart from the huge influence of reviews on referrals, they also help to influence search ratings. Online marketers have since discovered that reviews on Google can directly improve your SEO listings. In addition, responding to customers’ reviews help to boost your trust factor and online reputation. Asking for reviews from customers is about the best way to get them. Making it seamlessly easy for customers to provide reviews is one great way to enhance the process.

6. Promote your Business on Social Media

These days, social media is practically where everyone is at 24/7 around the world. Because of the huge popularity of social media, getting your business on the platforms greatly helps its online reputation. It is easy and free to create accounts in the most popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and you start to immediately promote your business to a very huge audience around the world. With the ease of use and sharing of information on social media, important business information can easily go viral. That helps to quickly build brand awareness for your business. It is also one very good and dependable way to drive organic traffic to your business. In fact, anything you manage to get social media to do for your business is a win-win situation for attracting inbound traffic to the business.


Wednesday, July 01, 2020

5 Strategies to Consider When Moving Your Business Online

A computer, sea shells ornaments, straw hat, water mellon slices on a blue dish all on top of white online-work table.
Worldwide, many marketers are increasingly seeing the need to take their businesses online. Doing so really emphasizes the need to have the right operational tools and wherewithal to do any business online. Over time, the internet has greatly changed the way consumers are interacting with businesses online. To stay relevant, it is imperative that businesses must adapt to these changes by adopting the right marketing strategies at all times. If your business fails or neglects to use the right strategies when going online, it runs the risk of getting your consumers disenchanted, confused or even upset by their online experiences with your business. If you know the intricacies of online business, you’ll realize that such scenario can be very bad for business. You must avoid it at all cost.

These here 5 strategies if considered when moving your business online, your digital marketing efforts will be more effectively result-oriented. 

1. Make Your Team Digital-Friendly and Savvy

For best results, be sure to recruit or train your team members to embrace virtual concepts and innovations in your business. This will quickly help you to build a digital culture for the business necessitating high productivity. By getting everyone on your team to embrace a digital mind-set and work lifestyle, smooth team effort will be greatly enhanced. Your marketing and sales efforts will yield better results if your team understands and adapts easily to the use of new and latest digital technologies.

2. Make Your Digital User Experience Effective

If you can find ways to make your consumers online experience memorable, it helps your business. This is where technology and software play a good role. Customers must have a very smooth and easy interaction with your website to induce them to do business on the site. If their experience on your website is good, it makes the site more effective for conversions and sales. Through customer feedback and surveys, you can easily establish what customers need and want to see on your website. Armed with such information, you can then decide what to do to help your business gain some competitive advantage. You can consider how and when to deploy apps or software for Artificial Intelligence like chatbots and other automation apps to help your business. All these help to engender a good customer experience. If your website manages to meet customer expectations, it stands to benefit from favorable online reviews, unsolicited referrals, repeat business, bigger and more sales.

3. Deploy the Right Software

You cannot effectively do business in the digital world without the use of the right software. The type you need depends on your type of business and what services you want from your software. The available choices are many and varied but adequate care must be taken not to deplore software that can engender avoidable glitches in your business. What your business really needs is a platform that allows you to reach peak performance efficiently and consistently. That is what helps to get the desired results fairy easily. You can search for an all-in-one software solution that allows you to streamline your operations without causing any glitches in the operation of your business. Consult experts when in doubt and they can help you to get the very best for your type of business.

4. Market with Social Media

The increasing popularity and its ease of use for marketing efforts is why you cannot afford not to plan for social media campaigns before taking your business online. To effectively connect with prospective buyers and existing customers, your digital marketing efforts will need to involve social media. The use of social media also depends on your type of business because not all social media websites are ideal for all businesses. Each social media site has its own advantages and nuances. You can easily create free accounts in popular social media platforms like facebook, twitter, Instagram and others which encourage a variety of communications methods and expectations. Your team can develop and operate a social media content calendar which guides you to consistently deploy fresh and valuable content in form of posts, images, and videos. Social media is very effective for building and popularizing your brand through interacting with a very huge user population around the globe 24/7.

5. Use Customer Data Effectively

For planning purposes, every business relies heavily on collection and collation of customers’ data and on consumer behavior. This is why every marketing team must as of necessity have access to tons of business data which it needs for planning and operational purposes. Before taking your business online, you must decide and invest on which software you’ll need to help build up and synthesize your digital data with ease. Doing so will allow you to spot opportunities and patterns you might have otherwise missed and to make some quick adjustments and corrections where necessary. Before you embark on a digital marketing campaign or if you are already involved in one, it is this information you need to tweak up your current campaigns or to design new ones that can produce more reliable and better results.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Why You Must Position Your Website Well

Books, notepad, golden mug and a computer on top of a work desk.
If you run an online business, you must have a website. Most modern day businesses operate largely from websites for very obvious reasons. These businesses use their websites to showcase their brands and their offerings with a view to generating many more customers than they might ordinarily generate using physical stores. In view of present day realities, with more and more consumers shopping online instead of in-store, it is a very smart thing to do to position your website well enough to help build your business for higher profits.

First you must invest in the aesthetics and functionality of your website. If your website is poorly designed and looks scruffy, it is not likely to attract a lot of customers. Many customers may not trust it well enough to decide on spending their money trading on it. Generally, a well-designed website somehow very confidently communicates to customers how serious your business is. It helps your business to build trust and better business as a result. Many vital customer decisions are usually made based on the appearance and layout of your website instead of some other considerations.

If you are a marketer, there is no doubt you are aware that the present marketing trend tilts towards remote working, remote shopping and high-speed deliveries. Working out of a well-designed and responsive website favors this trend. With more and more millions of shoppers looking towards e-commerce sites for their shopping needs, positioning your own website well enough to tap into this huge customer base is good for your business. Therefore, it helps to position your website well enough for it to be able to capture a huge chunk of the growing market share of these consumers who now prefer to shop online.

The digital market world is characteristically ever-changing. For this reason, it pays to always be a step ahead of the curve. If you can anticipate changes in the digital world and change your website to accommodate these changes; that is smart. Doing so somehow helps to position your business as modern, cutting-edge and competitive. It can help to put you one step ahead most of your competitors in the highly competitive digital market space. You must habitually look to the future with a view to identifying new trends on time. That will enable you to quickly make the right changes to your web offerings to reflect your modernization drive with a permanent eye on your competition.

Lastly, never overlook the power of inbound traffic to your website because traffic is another element that can greatly affect the sales your website is capable of attracting. Anything you do on your website to help it attract more and more inbound traffic is good for sales. If for instance your website is able to attract say 100 web users/day and perhaps only about 10% of them actually do business with you, it simply follows then that if you explore ways to attract more traffic, you inevitably increase your sales as well. Simply logical no doubt! If you have the knowhow, you can use SEO techniques in addition to other promotional efforts to attract traffic to your website. Doing so helps to ensure the right consumers are landing on your web pages in good numbers. These are the sort of consumers who have already shown some interest in doing business with you by actively using your keywords to search for products online. The SEO techniques you’ve deployed help to send such consumers directly to your website.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Make Your Lockdown Period Profitable

Dollar notes spilling out of a computer screen.
Well, covid-19 pandemic has forced a lockdown on you and millions of others around the world. Cheer up fellow! You can make the best out of the lockdown. If you can’t think outside the box and decide to simply waste profitable moments at home doing nothing, you’ll barely get nothing in return. Even if you’ve not done it before, have you considered starting an Online Business of your own while locked down at home? That is one business you can conveniently get involved with and make something good out of it even within the lockdown.

While on lockdown, the most profitable and easiest way to start an online business is by way of affiliate marketing. You can get any and every information you need about affiliate marketing business from the internet right inside the confines of your home. You can search the internet thoroughly and do your own due diligence before settling for affiliate networks to work with and even the business models to adopt. 


Even in normal times, most people may want to start an Affiliate Marketing business but many at times aren’t really too sure what to do and how to go about it. Lockdowns may even complicate such vital decisions but you can always find your way around these obstacles if you’re determined enough. If you’re just starting in internet marketing, there are very vital choices you must have to make.  These choices relate to the affiliate products you’ll be marketing, then how and where you’ll be doing your advertising. If you choose to go the popular way, you must consider:

1.Having Your Own Website/Blog: This will allow you to market with content produced by you. When fitted with a Lead Capture Page and maybe auto-responder, it is easy to advertise your product(s), attract buyers and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with your customers. To make sales and earn good commissions, you must have good and consistent organic traffic to your website/blog. Without good traffic, there is no way your affiliate marketing business can make it.  

2.Offering Freebees/Incentives: The average person always likes to have something for efforts made. When offering incentives on your website/blog, you easily arrest the attention of visitors who may become buyers/customers.

3.Marketing Credible Products with High Demand: In affiliate marketing, the commissions you earn are directly dependent on the volume of sales you can generate. Just make sure there is a need for the chosen product and it is in high demand and with good pricing to boot. So, when you choose to market popular products with high demand, there is a tendency to make more sales with a proportionate increase in commission volume.


If you are currently on lockdown, choosing affiliate marketing as a business model is a very profitable thing to do. It is readily one of the easiest and most convenient ways to earn money online. All it entails is to simply find effective ways to make popular any merchant’s products of your choice, generate sales and you earn commissions for your efforts. Because internet users usually go online not only to chat or find information but also to sell or buy specific products, it is easy to market your products online where the buyers can be found. Typically at lockdown, millions of people now rely solely on the internet to do business. This huge audience is what you’ve got to market to from your home via the internet. Your duty as an affiliate is to help popularize a merchant’s products. As the merchant’s products gain more popularity, sales increase in like proportions. For every product sale directly attributable to your marketing efforts, as an affiliate, you get paid commissions. No doubt a smart and profitable business working from home in a forced lockdown!