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Showing posts with label TripleClicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TripleClicks. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

How to Use SFI E-Cards

Digital marketing projected from the computer screen of a lone computer.
SFI E-Cards are fun, little digital "greeting cards" designed for sending to friends, family, and co-workers to tell them about SFI and TripleClicks. They are purposely "casual" in nature. Aggressive marketing is not something you want to do with friends and family, and we want you to be comfortable using our E-Cards.

TIP: Commit to "drip marketing." This means do NOT expect recipients of your cards to immediately join SFI. Rather, just "play it cool" and keep "dripping" on them once every 3-8 weeks or so. You don't want to mail to them so often that you become an annoyance, or your recipients will just start deleting your messages without even opening them. Instead, pique their interest slowly but surely by mailing them only occasionally--over a long period of time. Patience is the key. Remember that success in business requires long-term planning and thinking. Trying to get things to happen too fast will be counter-productive for you, so just relax and "drip, drip, drip." Of course, our contacts lists make it very easy to execute perfect drip marketing campaigns. Just create your list and then mail to that list every so many weeks. You can build as many lists as you like and they're very easy to create, maintain, and use.

How to use E-Cards for prospective affiliates:

1. Go to the Marketing Center at: https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/MarketingCenter

2. From the TYPE filter, choose "E-Card."

3. Click the Preview link for the card you want to use.

4. Click the "Send this E-card" link.

5. Choose your template from the available designs by clicking on the one you want to use. The template is the area of the e-mail that will appear around the card you chose in step #3. Note that when you select your template, the other designs will display as gray.

6. Choose the Gateway you want to have linked to from your E-Card. Note that our recommended Gateway is chosen for you by default, but you can choose any of the other gateways listed (if any). Any gateway you choose will contain your SFI ID number so that you are automatically credited with the sign-up (and you will receive a separate notification of this by e-mail). You can also choose "NONE" if you prefer not to have a gateway link for your recipients to use.
Important: There's usually no reason to provide a gateway URL in the message that you'll be composing later. You've already provided the link to use by selecting it here. Don't confuse your recipients by referring them to extra or different links!

7. Create or choose your contacts list and the persons to whom you wish to send this card.

8. Upon clicking the PREVIEW button, you will see a copy of what your recipient(s) will see. To help ensure your recipient(s) open your E-Card, your name will automatically appear in the subject line. To help even more, YOUR PHOTO will appear in the upper right side of the template (which should be visible in the preview panes of most e-mail browsers). 

IMPORTANT! For best results, make sure you've got a nice, clear, close-up photo in place for your account. If you need to change it or upload a different photo, you can do so.

9. Compose your message to accompany your selected E-Card. Enter your message in the box on the left side of the page. As you type, your message will appear over on the right side under your E-Card so that you can see exactly what the finished card will look like. 

TIP: Browse our sample messages (https://www.sfimg.com/PopUp/sampleMessages) and copy, paste, and edit to suit your own tastes. ALSO, you may want to compose your message offline using your word processor so that you can proof and spell check before sending.

10. After you've composed your message and you're satisfied with everything, click the SEND MESSAGE button.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to Share TC products on Social Networks

White top online work station with two computers, a notepad and a bowl of cookies.
Get the word out about a great new product, deal, closeout, or other item at TripleClicks.com quickly and easily. After logging into TripleClicks.com, simply click the Share & Win tab on a product's detail page; then cut and paste the resulting link on Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail...or post it wherever you want.

Your SFI Affiliate ID number is included in any referenced URLs you post, so you get credited with any subsequent sales. Referenced URLs from your referred members will also include your SFI Affiliate ID for crediting when they share via the Share & Win tab.

NOTE: By referring a friend to TripleClicks, you'll automatically qualify for a FREE WAVE3 Membership and enjoy all the benefits that go with it.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Hurray! Bitcoin is Back at TripleClicks

Bitcoin gold coin.
We are very excited to announce that, effective immediately, we're accepting Bitcoin again at TripleClicks.com!

Yes, we're excited indeed to join thousands of other forward-thinking businesses already accepting Bitcoin, such as:

* Microsoft
* WordPress
* Overstock.com
* Subway
* Reddit
* Virgin Galatic
* Intuit
* Dish Network
* Whole Foods
* Expedia
* Dell
* Tiger Direct

Yes, like these companies and many more, we believe that there is a major transition underway. The Internet has dramatically changed the world...and digital, decentralized currency like Bitcoin appears to be the next revolution. SFI intends to be an active participant in this revolution (both with Bitcoin and potentially other cryptocurrencies as well)!

Nicholas Cary, CEO of Blockchain.info, describes the power of Bitcoin like this:

"People everyday of their lives use email, they probably have no idea how it works under the covers, but they use it because it's simple, free, easy, and allows them to send messages anywhere in the world for free. It's the same thing with Bitcoin, send money anywhere in the world for free."

And especially for SFI and its million+ affiliates all over the world, Bitcoin has the potential to be a real game-changer. Right now, billions of people around the world cannot get a bank account and cannot make international transactions. Bitcoin changes all this. If you have access to the Internet, you no longer need a bank account, credit card, or other legacy payment method. Indeed, armed with just a basic smart phone and a free Bitcoin wallet app, you've got everything you need to start sending and receiving money right now. And, yes, we'll be looking at paying out commissions in Bitcoin, too--paid instantly to your Bitcoin wallet!

Using Bitcoin at TripleClicks is EASY

To spend your Bitcoin at TripleClicks, when checking out, simply choose Bitcoin as your method of payment and follow the simple directions provided.  That's it!

Don't have any Bitcoin? Learn how to get Bitcoin here:

Note: Using Bitcoin is 100% optional. Just think of it as another payment option offered by TripleClicks to give our customers as many choices as possible.
FREE BONUS TCredits when you use Bitcoin!

Yes, we're pretty excited about making some waves with Bitcoin this year! And that's why we're also introducing today a new BONUS TCredits program for when you use Bitcoin.
Here's how it works:

On any purchase of a TCD (TripleClicks Direct product) paid with Bitcoin, we will automatically deposit FREE BONUS TCredits into your TripleClicks account:

* Receive 10 FREE TCredits ($5.90 value) with any $20 order
* Receive 20 FREE TCredits ($9.80 value) with any $35 order
* Receive 25 FREE TCredits ($12.25 value) with any $50 order
* Receive 40 FREE TCredits ($19.60 value) with any $75 order
* Receive 60 FREE TCredits ($15.20 value) with any $100 order
* Receive 100 FREE TCredits ($32.00 value) with any $150 order

AND for any order of $200 or more, you'll receive 1 FREE TCredit for every dollar spent! Example: Place an order for $262 and you'll receive 262 FREE TCredits ($83.84 value).


The bonus TCredits you receive will be based on the amount of your order paid with Bitcoin. Example: If you pay part of your order with MRP, you will not earn Bonus TCredits on the portion paid with MRP.

At this time, Bitcoin is not eligible as a payment option for Auto-Delivery orders (though we hope to add this in the future).

Again, remember, ONLY orders for TripleClicks Direct products qualify for the Bonus TCredits.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

4 Great Ways to Use Auction Bidding to Build Your SFI Business

One bundle of Dollar notes.
How can you parlay the fun and excitement of Pricebenders auctions into a money-saving way to build your SFI business?


1. Bid on money-saving auctions for PSAs, CSAs, TCredits, custom prestige domains, and TCards for marketing. You can also bid on silver and gold items to build an invaluable portfolio that can become more valuable every year.

But even if you don't win a Pricebenders auction...you STILL win!

2. You get 5 Member Rewards Points (MRP) every time you place a bid--10 MRP per bid on DP (double MRP) auctions. Use these MRP to redeem for any product at TripleClicks!

3. You'll also get 1 VP per bid--up to 1,000 VP a month--a GREAT way to help Team Leaders and aspiring TLs maintain their rank of the accompanying benefits.

4. Build your downline with the free Pricebenders Bid & Build tool. You can win up to one brand new PSA for every 10 bids. PLUS: Each time you win a full PSA, you'll also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional business-building prizes, including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more!

Find out more about Bid & Build HERE => http://www.tripleclicks.com/12177280/pbgw