“But first, you must
believe.”-- Peter Pan
Have faith in yourself. Have faith in God. This done, there
is no problem or obstacle known to man which you can’t effectively tackle.
Faith is therefore all about your belief system and it is a mind thing. If you think you can, you can. Remember
that the only limitations you have are those you place on yourself. Having
absolute faith in your abilities is what makes the major difference between
what you can achieve and what you can’t. What people say or think about you in
this wise count for nothing. You can do anything you think you can even if
others think otherwise. What you think is what counts the most hence you must
always have absolute faith in yourself and your abilities. What crowns your
efforts is your faith in God. He is the ultimate station of faith.
In the quest
for human progress and achievement, when everything else fails, people
generally turn to God. This is faith. Belief in God helps to build confidence,
conquers fear, emboldens and fires a person on to achieve. Faith is one of the
most powerful of all positive human emotions. People readily walk to their
deaths on account of faith. The Holy Bible tells us that “faith can move
mountains.” Faith moves people to achieve what ordinarily will appear daunting.
Faith is a state of the mind which gives life, power and impetus to your
thought process.
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