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Showing posts with label Limitations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limitations. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Suitable Languages to Build Your Team With in SFI Business

Internet business working table with notepad and pen, calculator and a glass of water.
Let me say straightaway that SFI business is not a business built with the limitations of language and environment as barriers. It appears the founders recognized these limitations right from the outset that is why they built a business where languages will not be barriers. For that and many other reasons I will come to shortly, I can say with all amounts of confidence that it is better to go beyond your spoken language and environment boundaries to build your team. Here now are some more reasons why it is better. 


1. SFI business is built mostly on the Internet which is not limited by spoken language or environment.

2. It operates 24/7 and never sleeps.

3. SFI business has inbuilt language translation tools.

4. The business of the future is on the Internet which is where SFI is.

5. Online communication is instant and not limited by language or environment.

6. The wider you cast your net, the better for your team building efforts and the Internet provides that wide world.

7. The Internet provides apps today which enable you to communicate with anyone live and real time irrespective of wherever they are in the world.

From the foregoing, I believe you will agree with me that it is not better to build a team within your own spoken language and environment alone. Rather, it is better and more beneficial to go beyond these boundaries when building your SFI team.


Sunday, February 05, 2017

Best Affiliates to Sponsor in SFI Business

Affiliate marketing business work station with a computer, calculator and notepads.
It is best and worthwhile to sponsor any affiliate irrespective of their English language and Computer/Internet limitations. What matters is the seriousness of the affiliate and his/her ability to cope in SFI as a business. Language and Computer/Internet limitations therefore count for very little.

It appears SFI earlier envisaged these limitations hence the incorporation of language translation tools in the business. As for Computer/Internet limitations, all you need is just a working knowledge of both and SFI has taken steps to make everything else simple for all comers. For these reasons, anyone can do the business and make good at it irrespective of whether such persons have English language and Computer/Internet limitations.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Power of Abundant Faith

But first, you must believe.”-- Peter Pan

Have faith in yourself. Have faith in God. This done, there is no problem or obstacle known to man which you can’t effectively tackle. Faith is therefore all about your belief system and it is a mind thing. If you think you can, you can. Remember that the only limitations you have are those you place on yourself. Having absolute faith in your abilities is what makes the major difference between what you can achieve and what you can’t. What people say or think about you in this wise count for nothing. You can do anything you think you can even if others think otherwise. What you think is what counts the most hence you must always have absolute faith in yourself and your abilities. What crowns your efforts is your faith in God. He is the ultimate station of faith. 

In the quest for human progress and achievement, when everything else fails, people generally turn to God. This is faith. Belief in God helps to build confidence, conquers fear, emboldens and fires a person on to achieve. Faith is one of the most powerful of all positive human emotions. People readily walk to their deaths on account of faith. The Holy Bible tells us that “faith can move mountains.” Faith moves people to achieve what ordinarily will appear daunting. Faith is a state of the mind which gives life, power and impetus to your thought process.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why You Must Develop a Positive Self-Esteem

“We are what we believe we are” –Benjamin Cardozo

If you think you can, you can. If however you think you can’t, you certainly can’t. Poor self-image is the primary reason why people are fatalistic in their thinking. They become incurable pessimists who always see the negative side of things. They think negatively thereby inhibiting their abilities even without trying. Your attitude must be sufficiently positive for you to be an achiever. Borrow from nature and be like the Bumblebee. The Bumblebee is by all standards a very big insect. Scientists have studied it and came away with the conclusion that it can’t fly. They believe that its body is too big and its wings too light and small that aerodynamically it should not fly. However, the Bumblebee does not know this and it flies. So it is with us humans. The only limitations we have in life are those we place on ourselves. What you think you can do is what matters not what others think. You can never escape mediocrity or get anywhere in life if you wait for the approval from other people before you commence. Believe in yourself.

You can’t afford to be like the eagle whose egg from which it hatched fell from the eagle’s nest and landed in the chicken’s nest. The egg was incubated by the chicken and hatched along with the chicken’s eggs. It was raised with the chickens with which it was hatched and it believed it was a chicken. It lived its life like a chicken. All through its life, it kept admiring eagles when it saw them soaring and wished it could fly like them. Unknown to it, everything it needed to fly was there but mentally it believed it could not and it never did until it died still believing it was a chicken. You will agree with me that the only limitations this eagle had were those it mentally placed on itself. You as a human being can always avoid this type of mental trap if you choose to. All you need to do is to believe you can and you will. That is positive self-esteem.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

You Must Have a Can-Do Attitude To Sell

“Everybody lives by selling something.” --- Robert Louis Stevenson

This is one indispensable requirement for salesmanship. All Salespersons must be self-motivating. Your “Can-Do Attitude” is what the bulk of this book is all about. You must therefore be already familiar with some of the requirements that can give you a “Can-Do Attitude.” A Salesperson is someone who is always able and willing to sell no matter the limitations. To be a good Salesperson with this attitude therefore, you must posses:

Unlimited enthusiasm
Solid belief in yourself and your abilities
Belief in your merchandise
Definiteness of purpose
Abiding faith
Positive thoughts
Sincerity of purpose

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Limitations of Money

Spread out $100 dollar bills on black background.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” -- Helen Keller

Here now are some of the most important things you can not acquire with money.

A home: Money can and has built the most beautiful houses on this planet but certainly not homes. As you walk along the streets every day, you see many houses but among all these are very few homes. Houses are built with physical, visible and aesthetic materials but homes are built with important but intangible things like love, peace and harmony and the spirit of wellbeing. All these money can not buy.

Wisdom: Money can buy all the books in this word. It can hire the best teachers around but it can not buy wisdom. It can pay for the best schools but it can not make you wise. This is the main reason why anybody can make money buy very few can retain and grow it. That a man is rich does not necessarily make him a wise-man. Money has never been known to buy anyone wisdom.

Happiness: Money can pay for entertainment. It can pay for any type of amusement but it can not buy happiness. Happiness is a thing of the mind that can not be touched. It can only be felt. He who feels it knows it. Many rich people live unhappy lives while many poor people live happily within their means.

Sleep: Money can buy a good bed, provide the best ambience in a room but it can not buy sleep. Most of the wealthiest men and women around can not sleep well without drug inducement which damages their health on the long run.

Appetite: Money can buy the best food around but it can not buy appetite. Many intangible but very important things like good health and peace of mind are the primary determinants of good appetite. All these money can not buy.

Health: Money can buy the best medicine, pay the best doctors and pay for the best hospitals but it certainly can not buy health. If it could, no rich man will ever fall sick.
Marriage: Money can buy you a beautiful and expensive wedding ring but not marriage. Love and affection which are the bed-rocks of any successful marriage are things of the mind and they can not be bought with money.

Friends: Money can provide companions, praise-singers and sycophants but not friends. Friendship is a symbiotic relationship and it requires mutual collaboration and self-respect which money can not buy.

Beauty: Money can buy you the best clothes, cosmetics and general fineries but it can not buy you beauty. The good Lord Himself is in charge of beauty factory and every one knows He does not take bribes and He can not be bought. Many people have paid the supreme price trying to alter their looks by cosmetic surgery. The beauty business is today a multi-billion dollar business all over the world, all in vain attempts to alter God’s hand-work. Their success rate is dismal and it is there for all to see.

Time: Money can buy you a clock but not time. God is a God of equity hence the rich and the poor have only 24 hours in a day. No amount of money can buy additional minute for anyone no matter how rich. Time waits for no one whether rich or poor. God credits us with equal amounts on daily basis. This is what it has been and what it will forever be.

Money Myths and Limitations

A stack of $100 dollars notes.

“I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor---and rich is better.” -- Sophie Tucker
“A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles.” –Edgar Watson Howe

Economists will tell you that “money is a medium of exchange and a means of deferred payment.” True, but modern civilization has conferred much more on money. People have virtually elevated money to something else. I have no doubt in my mind that nearly everyone knows what money is, it being a universal commodity. But the notion of its importance may vary from person to person. I do not know of anyone that will choose poverty if they had an opportunity to be rich. Money is good no doubt but it is certainly not everything. This article does not advocate the elevation of money to something else hence the necessity to clearly highlight the limitations of money. Peoples’ belief in the importance of money is not helped much by modern fiction writers and many soap operas on television designed for entertainment.

In my secondary school days, we read a lot of James Hadley Chase who wrote a few titles like: “You are dead without money; A whiff of money,” etc. These fictional presentations left indelible impressions in our young minds about the importance of money. Sadly, in this age and time, a lot of people still believe these things. Money is important no doubt but like everything else invented by man, it has its limitations. It is an irony of life that money which readily commands respect as one of the most important of human inventions abysmally fails when it comes to the most important things in life. There is no human invention which receives so much attention, so sought after and generates so much controversy as money. No doubt, money is important but so are its limitations. It is good to look for money but only by legitimate means. It is therefore not advisable to steal, kill or maim in order to have money. Poverty is not a crime but it is infinitely better not to be poor. Today, this wonderful piece of human invention called “money” is the only item that has succeeded in dividing the entire world into two distinct categories: the “haves” and the “have-nots” or the rich and the poor. “Many people have lots of money but they are very poor. The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched.”

In spite of all the limitations of money, it is immensely better to have it than to lack it. Money is good. It is not evil. It is excessive love of money that is evil. Money is an excellent servant but a bad master. “It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it is good too to occasionally make sure that you haven’t lost the things money can not buy. Personal prosperity means more than wealth.”